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Thread: Guys, let's make a difference

  1. #21
    pltown610 Guest

    Default The Secret Society Groups...

    Is what it's all about, the "Free Masons", Skull & Bones, Knights Templer, Trilateral Comm, and lets not forget "the Builder Burgers. This very nation was founded on THEIR notions, to control the whole WORLD ECONOMY. Does the term "New World Order" mean anything to you. This knowlege is mostly a secret however, but some people are finding out, there are movies on the subject, literature too. Its all quite Biblical though, and most people aren't aware; which is there greatest strength in that same vein, that you don'tknow til' its too late, they use Bible scripture as a cover-up, thats why Bush is always making Bible quotes, but he fails to say how "The meek shall inherit the earth". Funny thing is..well its not funny really; I talk to people and it plain to see their life long faith IS being shaken to the foundation, they know somethings wrong, so I give them the info. to go the library and read for them selves whats really going on and has been for hundreds of years. These people start wars, shift the economy; hell they are the movers and shakers, doing it to us right under the nations of populations nose because no one ask's question's about these "Inner Circles", its no joke man. 76 of the signatures on the Constitution are leaders who were masons, and one that is not. Do the research for yourself about what thier objective is. then you'll see what all these political strategies are about, economy ofcourse but it's more that that even.

    Hell is empty, all the demons are here.

  2. Default

    Interesting ideas, though I'm sure we all have different personal experiences that shed different light on how things work, and in turn cause us to interpret things differently. Based on my own experiences, the conclusion I've drawn is that the higher up you move inside the government, the more you realize that no one is really in charge of anything. A hyberbolic statement, definitely, but when all the curtains are drawn back, it really is startling how much chaos there is, how little long-term strategic planning is done by nearly any government on this planet, and how no one is orchestrating anything on a grand scale.

  3. #23


    Thank you a1david1a. I keep reading how BAD the US is but can anyone explain why--if it is so bad--people continue to cross the border INTO rather than OUT OF the US? It doesn't make sense. They tore down the Berlin Wall and now everyone over there seems happier. Maybe the "Founding Fathers" screwed up and got us into this (?) mess. We could blame it on the "Free Masons." After all, we gotta blame somebody.
    Maybe we should junk our computers, free press, television, telephones, radios, aircraft, automobiles, ocean liners, etc. and go back to chunking spears at each other while we wear "war" paint. Then we wouldn't have to be bothered with credit card bills, house/rent payments, junk mail, spam, cost of gasoline, natural gas, water bills. Oh but it just occurred to me. It would be a terrible change because our friends who come here to display their hate would have no place to do it. And they wouldn't have modern medicines to stabilize them. Forgive me guys. Maybe we need to thank the old dead men after all for our freedoms and conveniences. LOL Now have fun with this one.

  4. Default

    Oh you "love it or leave it" guys just KILL me! I'd laugh if it weren't so inherently sad. If everyone followed that line of thinking, we'd still have slavery, women wouldn't be able to vote or own property, and you certainly wouldn't have access to sites like this one.

    No one is blaming America here. I, for one, love America. What I hate is the fact that it is currently being held hosttage by corporate greed and religious freaks. Now you can either stick your head in the sand and a flag up your ass and pretend it's not happening, or you can heed the warning and help do something about it before it's too late. We already have the christian Taliban in South Dakota telling women what they can and can't do with their own bodies. Mark my words, it won't be long before they are telling us what we can and can't do with out feet or anything else if we don't speak up

    Tinkbash, I respect your opinion, and from your posts here you seem like a fairly level headed guy. I think you're being short sighted in this case, however. Things are not like they used to be. This cabal of hypocritical politicians has, since the 1980's, plotted to turn our nation into a theocratic corporation, culminating with the presidency of Dick Cheney and Karl Rove pulling the strings for their sock puppet figurehead. When we have a newly appointed Supreme Court justice who writes a thank you note to the American Family Association for helping him get the job, that's' pretty indicative of their motives. They have managed to dupe the whole nation into thinking that they are godly men here to safeguard our national morals, when they are actually the greedy, self serving despots we tried to leave back in Europe two centuries ago!

    We are now so far removed from the vision of the Founding Fathers that I'm sure they are spinning in their graves. This is not at all what they had in mind when they created a land where people were free to live as they choose without molestation from the government. They would be appalled to see the erosion of the Bill Of Rights in favor of one religion's agenda. They would be appalled to hear the recent words of Antonin Scalia when he said that our Constitution was not a living document. You're right, those old dead white guys had some pretty good ideas a couple hundred years ago. I think it's time we started putting them back into place.

    No, I don't hate America or blame America. I love America, I greive for its current state of affairs, and damn it, I want it back from Enron, Halliburton, and the christian Taliban that are trying to steal it from me!

  5. #25


    May friend pltown610 we'll probably both be blasted for posting non-foot stuff here. LOL You seem to have missed the lessons of history somewhere along the way. Europeans migrated to "America" for freedom. Not for a better garden from which to eat; although freedom can be thought of as a better kitchen. People migrate for various reasons. When one group settles, builds a workable environment with "extras" after satisfying the basic needs then quite naturally others are going to want to move in. Recall the children's story of THE LITTLE RED HEN. A classic to illustrate the issue. We do spend billions on shooting rockets into the sky. But we also produce a lot of surplus food and other goods that we send to the hungry and needy around the planet.
    There will always be those who want to sit on their butts while others work and make good things. Then when it's "dinnertime"--they all get in line to get their "fair share." FAIR share????? I call them freeloaders. I think it is high time the Mexican government (just to mention one) started looking into its own resources, etc. to make some positive changes that will make its citizens want to stay home and establish a better living there. ***The insurgents are getting ready to blast us for posting this stuff. ITYS
    ~~~~~Everyone have a great Spring and Summer. "Tinkberbelle"

  6. #26
    pltown610 Guest


    Well you've missed YOUR history they WERE being starved & such babe... those who wanted to eat at someone else's cost, THATS what ALSO built Amer., you didn't forget that I know; or did you, hell its still going. Lets face it, are you and I going to pick the bounty? hell no! we're not suckers, thats Amer., isn't? at someone else's cost, with this current idea on the political table, we're really taking about yet ANOTHER form of SLAVERY now aren't we, there not talking about citizenship, just like with slavery I'm well versed in history as you are, its just different points of veiw.

    Nostradomis refered to those crossing the pond as "The hungary ones'... boy was he ever right on that, they still need to feed at someone else's cost. :roll:

    But for insecurity, your getting caught up in who's right or wrong here, which is fucked up! its about whats happening Tink. It's about whats closing in on ALL of us, thats why we're asked and urged to take action, we can learn alot from each other being that we're all different thank the CREATOR, different info. and such :lol:

    Didn't Texas as well as Cali. belong to Mexico at one time? thought so, well you know the rest speaking of getting something or standing in line, your going to have to thinking as a HUMAN BEING and not just a white Amer., but you'll fail that I know. These people already out number white Amer., and they know it. It wouldn't surprise me if like the slaves at one point in Amer., once they out numbered their owners; they started lopping of there heads children and all... you can imagime the rest,... here you go babe, "MS13'?... tens of thousand of them here now as we speak, frankly, I know what I'd do if I were them, I don't hate you or anything, it's a waste of energy, but my god, it's going to be hard for some of you to switch gears and think of yourselves as "Minorities", a generation from now? I guess thats why they want to leave earth behind and build liveable stations elsewhere "they in the know" want to escape the encroaching masses, I gotta laugh at that, because they created they're own mess and losing control each and every minute as we speak. :wink:

  7. #27


  8. #28
    pltown610 Guest

    Default 1814-16

    Tink, I need to start playing lotto, I was just telling you about why the Euro's came here and it was just on the History channel!. It's called "The little iceage', ofcourse I knew that already, the a valcano in Indonesia blew (1814) it cause the famine in Europe and the tens of thousands came to New England and experienced the "Year without a summer' so they pushed further west. :roll:

    P.S. I still dig ya Babe :lol:

  9. #29


    Thanks pltown610. And jaxjazzguy420 I like your ideas too. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. --even within the nation. Like you, I love the USA and am not pleased with some of the things going on. But we do have freedom to peck out our opinions on this site. Kinda nice. The second sentence in your first paragraph emphasizes why we have it pretty good here. In the Middle East they still seem to have a primitive lifestyle compared with ours. But their teenagers throwing rocks in the streets don't look like some of the overinflated balloon kids we have here who stuff their faces with junk food. I do believe the old dead white guys had some pretty good ideas even if some find fault with them and their membership in Free Masons. Recall even Moses had his detractors. So did the famous historical Jewish carpenter from Nazareth. And while in that area of thought I'm not convinced that "organized religion" is following the "blueprint" it's supposed to adher to that was written down about two thousand years ago. On that subject I think it best for each to "read the book" himself rather than follow others' opinions of what's written. I firmly believe the author of those writings had a good plan and chose to not impose on the reader without the reader's consent. Just my opinions and everyone has his own. It's a good country and it's up to us to preserve our freedoms to enjoy such as this site. The Founding Fathers had little idea what we have to put up with now but the blueprint they gave us (The US Constitution) sets the rules by which we carry on. Hopefully we can maintain the full brightness of the legacy and torch they passed to us. [Or we won't be able to have fun like we do here. ] Again thanks pltown and jaxjazz. You're great guys. Love ya.

  10. Default

    Man, you are just the coolest! Thank you!

    And I must say that this is really the most pleasant political discussion, not to mention the most intelligent one, of all the many in which I participate. Just goes to show what we know already...foot guys ROCK!

    Have a great day!

    PS - Thanks, Webmaster, for keeping us mindful of the world around us. We too often tend to take freedom like this for granted.

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