This thread is in extremely poor taste and down-right disturbing due to the sheer fact it exploits dead people's bodies. "Consent" is the operative idea behind what defines ethical sexual practices...dead people cannot consent. Their bodies should not be disrespected and gawked at. Respect for the dead is a strong cultural taboo that we should not ignore. That is someone's son, husband or father lying there unable to give their consent to be put on display. This site is not dedicated to Necrophilia. I was very surprised to see this on Footbuddies. Say what you will, but if you do away with "CONSENT" when it comes to sex then it is no longer about sex it is about violation and exploitation. Really people you have to turn to DEAD people and violate the last bastion of their dignity by viewing their remains to get your rocks off?? Not cool, at all. I really don't care what people have to say in defense of these images because there is nothing one can say to justify exploitation or explain away the need for consent in the context of sexual activities.