Hello, every one great news I have the official tklfest fats and hotel news!

DATES Oct (15)16-18th
ok so your prolly thinking why is the 15th in parenthesizes well quite a few ppl have expressed interest in coming on thursday, and have done so in the past! so I will continue that tradition. But if you cant make it on thursday the 15th no pressure

the official dates are OCT 16th (friday) 17th (Saturday) and 18th (Sunday)

PLACE:Lemon Tree Hotel Kitchen Suites
1600 East Lincoln ave
Anaheim, CA 92805
(714) 772-0200_ or 866-311-5595
this a beautiful hotel that gave us a great deal! I encourgae you to check out the website!
the rates are

$59 for single bed rooms
$79 for double-bed rooms
(Will be renting the the largest suite to conduct out activities in)

to make reservations you need to call this number 866-311-5595
also when you make reservation to get the group rate[u] [b]you need to make the reservation under the name Tau Kappa Lambda. Also you need to make the reservation by OCT1! or you will lose the good deal!

Lastly registration fee is $25! also I will be setting up a web site just for the fest! I will continue to update it here as well!

Expect a tklfest09 myspace page up soon as well!
Please do not ask me fest related question on my personal myspace page or face book page please

I need to know who is thinking of attending very soon so I can give the hotel a ball park figure soon!
More detail to follow!
P.s I will continue to post more info here and on tklfat.com and feet.tv!