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Thread: My heart is heavy today...

  1. Default My heart is heavy today...

    Sorry to bring this about but it is healing for my soul to do so. My little kitty companion for the past 16 years passed away today. He had been ill for a while and very difficulty breathing. I took him to the vet to find that it was feline lukemia. I didn't have him put down just because I couldn't bare to do it. But on the drive home, I think the stress finished him off.
    I have allot to celebrate his life for because as many of you know that have pets, they are our babies. For Christ's sake, if he was a real boy I would have been buying a car by now, and be much more gray headed! Hehehe.
    But, I have many, many, many good memories to cherish, and I hold on to the fact that death is so much more merciful than suffering.
    I share this because I feel as though many of you are my online brothers.
    Since my computer is the calmest place for me to be right now, I will probably be doing some uploades for you guys and letting my mind be at places that I enjoy.

    I really enjoying comming here to FB's and enjoy the comeradery we have together here.
    I hope this will never end.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2


    I have a tomcat, for almost 6 years now, too. So my warmest condolences go out to you. Nothing more to say!

  3. #3


    My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know how that is...they become a part of our family and we love them. Remember the good times!

  4. #4

    Red face May you kitty rest in peace!

    Awww this is very touching!

    They do become like family - actually they are family.

    16 years is a long run and I am glad you had a lot of good memories with your cat.

    I lost my dog overnight but she was sick as well. I thought she was going to make it because we had medications for her but she didnt. The only thing I was glad is she wasnt suffering anymore.

    When the time comes and you feel its right perhaps you could welcome a new member in your family I know I did and he is the love of my life! Sometimes I see her inside his puppy eyes....eurgh I know im crazy lol

  5. #5


    I wish our dogs and cats had the same lifespan as humans

  6. Default

    I've lost my fair share of "pets" (I hate that word because they're more like family) I always cry like a baby. But things do get better.

    I'm so sorry for your loss

  7. #7


    Hey Rodney! Nothing can fill the broken heart of a person who has just lost one of his little companions. This year I lost two of my furry little friends, a dog and a cat, and I know how overwhelming it can be. I keep their pictures in the car and when I go for a drive I think of them. I don''t even say any words when I think about them, but it seems as though while I'm thinking of them where they are now in God's 8th day, they're remembering me back from where they are forever, and they're sending me all their love. I hope you will feel that too.

  8. #8

    Default kitty

    Sometimes I think pets are even more closer to us than family. They spend way more time with us, their presence, companionship. They have such character. They're such a huge part of our life, I feel for ya and totally understand. It can be hard adjusting to the little cat just not walking by below anymore and just being there. It's huge when they pass. Sounds like your cat was lucky to have a great home and life with you, and will be missed.

    cute pic!

  9. #9

    Default My condolences.

    I grieve with you, Rodney. Pets are definitely "man's best friend".
    S. ''Boots'' McGraw
    FootBuddies message boards moderator webmaster
    BootsMcGraw a.t zoho d.o.t c.o.m (Bite my ass, address harvesters!)

  10. #10


    He's sweet and what a beautiful cat! My deepest sympathy. I completely feel for you because I lost my little Chihuahua of 13 years not too long ago. Hang in there, it gets easier each day as time heals all wounds but you NEVER forget.

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