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View Full Version : Where's Tink?

02-05-2009, 02:00 PM
Since the board has upgraded, we haven't been hearing at all from Tinkbash.

I'm concerned that he may have had problems getting back into the new board.

02-05-2009, 05:17 PM
He posted a few times on the new board and seemed to be very upset that his screen name was "TinkBash" instead of "tinkbash" and that he was labeled as a "Junior Member"! That appeared to take the wind out of his sails.

Either that or Tink was devastated by the change in politics, since he was an outspoken right-winger who insisted that Obama was not born in the US and was therefore not eligible to be president.

02-05-2009, 08:10 PM
...Tink... was an outspoken right-winger who insisted that Obama was not born in the US...
All right... enough of that.

Some things were lost in the move from the old message boards to these, one of which were several member's accounts. Tink was the most high-profile of those. The management was able to recover his account, but was not able to recover his status, which is now based solely on the number of posts a member has made.

If I am reinstated as admin here (I lost that privilege in the move), then I would see if it were possible to restore old user names and post counts to those who lost theirs during the transition.