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01-31-2009, 12:51 PM
Do you guys find that you can be totally sexually attracted to a guy but not necessarily to his feet? I really only ever want to worship the feet of straight acting jockish guys, not so much guys that are even a little bit on the feminine side.

UGH all i can think about is feet, rubbing my feet on a guy's hairy chest, getting a footjob, smelling a hot guy's sweaty toes...

02-01-2009, 02:12 PM
...the only thing is, for me, I could be attracted to a guy sexually, but I'm not so sure it would be TOTAL, since that would include his feet. And I wasn't turned on by his feet, I wouldn't be completely attracted to him -- as a sexual being.
On the other hand, I could be highly attracted to him for being tender and loving and sweet and enjoy making love to him. Having a foot fetish, though, it would be like asking a straight guy who only loves big-breasted women if he could ever be COMPLETELY attracted to a woman with small breasts. I'm sure he could, but it would be based on Love, not sexuality, I'm thinking. I know one guy I would've jumped off the roof for (not literally), and he had okay feet, but they wouldn't normally float my boat. What was interesting though, was that I got to smell them -- 13 years later -- and they smelled so great that I could've overlooked the visuals just for the way they smelled! So, I guess I just reversed myself, although with this guy, I was head-over-heels (no pun intended) crrrrazzzzzy for him the first time I saw him. And that was BEFORE I ever saw his feet.

I think being younger, that happens more easily than when one is older, because our infatuations are based more on our stimuli than when one is older, and the brain indtrudes to say things like, hmmmm, he wasn't very nice to the waiter, and he hasn't asked me anything about myself and he's not very open. When I was younger, that wouldn't be the first thing that made my heart react like something out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon: BOING!!!!!!
So, sure that could happen. I would say, though, if you only like masculine guys (as far as sniffing toes, kissing them, etc.), being TOTALLY attracted to a guy with a bit of a feminine affect to him seems, based on what you're saying, unlikely. What would you like about a feminine guy?

02-01-2009, 02:20 PM
Well I can still be attracted to feminine-acting guys, they can still have great bodes, hot faces, etc--and I'd still enjoy having sex with them. But I really only want to submit to a guy's feet if he's 100% masculine, otherwise I feel a little bit ridiculous.