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View Full Version : Am i Gay-?? Just into Mens Feet- Primarily (Soles)

03-20-2011, 11:32 AM
This was posted i believe last week- which really hit home with me- Am i Gay-?? All my life i have admired and jerked off to Just into Mens Feet- Primarily (Soles), the top of the feet do nothing for me. Also- oral- and anal sex just doesn't do much if at all for me.. I was marrried to a woman for 17 years- have a son been out for over 15 years- i am 54 yo- gl Italian- so you might believe by this time i would have some identity. I also have a fetish for mens hands- especially wide and hairy... so if anyone out there can help me with this i really appreciate it



03-20-2011, 03:58 PM
Are you still sexually attracted to your wife or women in general?

03-20-2011, 06:34 PM
not attracted to woman- mens feet....

03-20-2011, 07:38 PM
I hope I don't come across the wrong way...

but would you consider yourself asexual?

03-20-2011, 08:54 PM
Well, Weather8 obviously isn't asexual since he is aroused by and climaxes over male feet. I can merely speculate, but my guess would be that Weather8 allowed his strong sexual attraction for male foot soles and hands full play during his adult years, but, owing to his being married to a lady and his apparent "icks" about accepting his sexual attraction to men's feet and hands, he did not existentially 'permit himself' to develop his primary attraction to other men in the usual customary way that we guys do. Now he's suffering anxiety over his "sexual orientation" and has got himself mired down--by fears mostly.

03-20-2011, 10:36 PM
I am the same way. I love mens feet and hands. I could very easily masturbate with a mans foot on my face or his hand. I could really care less what his cock is doing. I think that has a lot to do with diseases regarding cock. I was married for 8 years, and still fantasized about mens feet and hands. I just go with what feels good, and not worry about the labeling attached to it (gay, straight, bi, A-sexual). Makes no difference to me

03-21-2011, 06:00 AM
Thank-You so much at least i don't feel alone anymore ...

03-21-2011, 06:34 AM
your were never alone, you just had the gutts to get the conversation going, thank you. it a challenge for a lots of us at many levels, ok, or at least it is for me.

03-21-2011, 09:01 AM
I can relate. I've totally always been very turned on by mens soles. I love sniffing under the toes and jerking off. Other than that, I'm not into men. For fucking, I'm very turned on by fucking women, but not men. I'm 46 yrs old and have been much the same since early teens as far as turn ons. Never married, but fucked lots of women. I have a long term male partner I live with, but he knows the deal and we have just always had foot sex only. It satisfies us both. I guess I'm bi, but labels are kind of limiting to me at this point in my life.

03-21-2011, 03:10 PM
Have you ever had sex with a guy? Or have you ever kissed a guy? If you feel something different than you do when you kiss your wife then yes my friend you are. If you dont no you are not. It's as simple as that. Stop worrying about it. You cant find out if you dont try. :)

03-21-2011, 08:56 PM
Have you ever had sex with a guy? Or have you ever kissed a guy? If you feel something different than you do when you kiss your wife then yes my friend you are. If you dont no you are not. It's as simple as that. Stop worrying about it. You cant find out if you dont try. :)

Be careful with that though. Especially if you are married, 'trying a guy' may not be the best idea. just be you and dont try to label yourself.

03-21-2011, 10:31 PM
I really don't understand why it is that men seem to think they have to "sign up" for membership in some group in order to have sexual desires.

Let's take sodas, like Coca-Cola. Even as a child, I really didn't like soda very much, although I did like what we called an "egg cream" in New York City, which was a kind of soft drink made of milk, syrup, and seltzer water.

So "what does that make me?" Am I a "soda-man?" or am I a "soda-hater?" Isn't it a bit silly for me to try to LABEL myself as a member of one or two or three groups of men, depending on whether they do or don't like soda? I have the tastes I have: If you offer me a Pepsi, I don't really want it, and would much prefer some nice, refreshing, good-quality water, or milk, or juice. But if you suggest that I have an old-fashioned egg-cream, I might like to have one, if I'm in the mood.

Why do I need a specific LABEL for that? Why do I need to find out what group of men that lands me in?

So many men seem to spend so much time worrying about how to boil down the complex subject of what they do and don't find arousing and gratifying, sexually--into a single word! Why bother finding such over-simplifications of what we really are like?

03-21-2011, 11:30 PM
Very helpful commentary, Drummer. Appreciate your participation here in this string. I've never understood the apparent 'wild desire for a label' that so many guys seem to evidence. I never felt that urge or need and so I've never labeled myself. I'm not a label, I'm an individual person. And I have always regarded other guys the same way, as a unique individual person. Moreover, I learned from experience very early in my post-pubescent life that not getting into "the labels game" enabled me to enjoy some really great sexual experiences with guys, especially men older and more mature than I was then, that would never have likely occurred if I had marched around with a (defiant) label "sewn to my sleeve". Maybe it's a misplaced "tribal need" or something.....

03-22-2011, 12:34 AM
Lots of guys "label" themselves not to be defiant, but because they both like and feel comfortable about what and who they are. Also as I said before, labels are words, and words give us information and inform others. I don't "wear it on my sleeve" but I am not ashamed of who I am either.

And yes, some of us actually do like the feeling of being a part of/member of a group too.

I say just do what you like and what pleases you out there as long as you are not sneaking around someone's back. Unless of course it would be ok for them to do the same thing. Right?

03-22-2011, 04:16 AM
Have you ever had sex with a guy? Or have you ever kissed a guy? If you feel something different than you do when you kiss your wife then yes my friend you are. If you dont no you are not. It's as simple as that. Stop worrying about it. You cant find out if you dont try. :)

Nothing is 'as simple as that'. I have kissed both and have had sex with both (males and females) yet I still prefer to self stimulate myself with a guys foot on my face. The definition of a-sexual is the lack of desire for sex. I don't desire sex with either males or females, but is masturbation considered sex in the classic definition? Again labels............

03-22-2011, 05:48 AM
Yes- I have had sex with a guy- many times- usually the sex is not very satisfying unless i am at the guys foot jerking off

03-22-2011, 07:44 AM
Yes i have had sex with a guy, but NEVER was enjoyable unless Feet (soles) are involved in a big way....

Thank You Guys for your Awsome input


03-22-2011, 08:00 PM
I guess the key the living a good life is to just do what's healthy
and right for yourself, and to have an understanding partner, if you
choose to have one at all.

Personally, I'm single, and I enjoy men's feet(especially the soles and toes)
and get most of my primary sexual gratification from the web, mostly through
foot related sites like this one, and I throughly enjoy it.

I think about having a relationship with someone(male or female) from time to time, but
frankly, I don't think it's worth the hassle, because I'm just too much of a private
person for it.

I say, if you're an consenting adult and your lifestyle works for you.....
then just live it, and be happy, because life is just too damn short
to be spend it being miserable and unhappy- and so many people are!

03-24-2011, 02:04 PM
As Ropie has pointed out, labels are words that describe. If they help, use them. If they don't, don't.

As Ropie also pointed out, many of us use labels as arrows to point us in the right direction. We develop a sense of community with others who choose to share the same label.

It works something like this. Suppose you are aware that you have a lovely, sensual tingling all over when you think of male feet. You have urges to suck on a guy's toes and sniff his feet. You want to share this with someone. Where do you think you should go?

a. Mother Gooch's Waffle House

b. Beppo's Pizza Parlor

c. Anushka's Karate School for Lesbians

d. Footbuddies FREE Website and Picture Palace

If you chose d, then you do understand how useful labels can be. Labels and descriptive words showed you how to get here.

Where else could we have all these wonderful conversations? Thanks again to the site, the moderator and the happy posters! You're the best!