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View Full Version : I'm only sexually turned on by feet. What does this mean?

03-13-2011, 11:52 PM
I'm trying to discover my sexuality. Ever since I can remember, I've masturbated only to feet. Male feet.

Not anal, oral, or regular sex. Just feet (whether it's me doing stuff to another's feet or someone worshiping my feet).

So, what does this make me? Am I gay, bi-curious, etc?

03-14-2011, 09:22 AM
That's a good question, Wolf, and I think everybody asks himself that question sooner or later. But I never allow anyone else to answer it for me.

Who am I? What am I? What do I like? How do I make myself happy? How do I make others around me happy as well and put meaning and love into all our lives?

Those are my questions, too. But I allow only myself to put a label on myself. Am I gay? Absolutely! Am I into feet? Why, yes, it would seem so! I accept it and love it.

These are my questions and my answers.

03-14-2011, 07:33 PM
Well, the short answer is that it means just that--that you are only sexually turned on by feet. Agree with ftl--only you can decide whether you are gay, bi, etc. If it is a problem for you, that is, if you have trouble with relationships, etc., then you should talk to someone about it, maybe a professional counselor. when I was younger, my interests were more restricted, but they have expanded somewhat with age.

03-15-2011, 12:05 AM
Well it sounds like you have at least a kink for men's feet. Can you only get off if a guys feet are present (i.e. you can't get off until you see their feet?). If so, you have a male foot fetish. As for your sexual orientation, that's up to you to decide. It's also up to you to decide what you want to describe yourself as.

03-15-2011, 06:02 AM
I can totally relate to what you are saying. I too am only aroused by feet, but I am also keenly aware that it is only male feet that stimulate me sexually so I consider myself gay.
The reason I know that I am gay is because other male features complete the picture for me as I love expressions of masculinity in all of their forms. I love a deep voice, a hairy chest, and strong arms. I also love the masculine character that is unique to men.
All of these things make my heart melt and make me feel warm and fuzzy all over. Although the part of the male body that actually stimulates me to arousal is below the ankles, and genitalia or asses do nothing for me, my fetish would not be complete without the whole expression of maleness that comes from loving another man.
Our orientations as gay or straight I think run deeper than just the particular body parts that one is aroused by to the point of erection. It is very much a primal instinct and also a matter of what one's heart wants in a partner or mate that matters when it comes to determining whether one is gay, straight or bi.
Although women also have feet, I am not aroused by them because they lack the other features that I desire. Woman both bodily and most of the time psychologically embody the essence of the feminine, which is the opposite of what I am physically and romantically attracted to. To give you an example of what I'm talking about when I look into a man's eyes that I desire and he warmly places his hand on my shoulder or playfully throws his arm around me I feel a sense of warmth and fireworks definitely are set off in my brain even though he is fully clothed and wearing shoes whether I am physically aroused to the point of erection or not.
The only real difference between me and most other gay men is that when the clothes come off it's his feet that send shock waves through my brain rather than his dick or ass and there is nothing wrong with this. It only becomes a problem if you become a selfish lover and aren't willing to work something out so that your partners needs don't go unmet. The worst thing you can do though is force yourself to go beyond the limits of what you are really willing to do to please someone else if you are turned off or grossed out by other forms of sex, that's why compromise and communication are so important.
If you find that you are uncomfortable performing "normal" sexual acts to please a partner you may just have to find yourself a partner who like yourself is limited to foot sex as far as what turns them on.
The search for other guys like this can be challenging but not impossible as there are other guys out there like us. Feet.Tv taught me this lesson.
Have heart friend, and listen to your instincts and desires honestly. They will let you know what you want whether it be a man, woman or both.

03-16-2011, 01:26 AM
FEET are our foundations and connection to this earth and all the nerve endings are in the feet. They are very powerful because they are signify our foundation and keep us connected to the earth. Male feet are very powerful in this way...and when see male feet...it triggers a sexual response to become connected to that power in that foundational part of the male body. It literally turn us on! :) We as humans love to be connected to power! :) It's naturally! :)

03-17-2011, 02:12 PM
I'm trying to discover my sexuality. Ever since I can remember, I've masturbated only to feet. Male feet. . . . So, what does this make me? Am I gay, bi-curious, etc?

I really don't understand why you're searching around for a category or label. You began by saying you were trying to discover your sexuality: how does it help you to know and explore what pleases you, aesthetically, romantically, sexually, etc., to categorize yourself? If you look through the posts and images on this forum alone, which is hardly a representative sample of all men, you'll see that there's a huge amount of variety to the tastes here.

If you really wish to "discover your sexuality," then don't begin by trying to boil down all of your feelings and interests into a single word or phrase. That isn't discovery; it's limitation.

03-17-2011, 05:41 PM
To further confuse things :) although it is commonly called a fetish, it is really a form of partialism. Strictly speaking, the term fetish refers to an inanimate object. Some guys are turned on by breasts or ass, what's so strange about feet? Maybe it's less common, but so what?

03-17-2011, 06:43 PM
I used to wonder the same thing -- to the point of which I just flat out give up.

What's the use worrying about what makes one what -- it's just feet for pete's sake. I had one guy tell me the same thing... Well, what are you? You don't dig girls, and you only like guys for their feet -- so what are you? Without feeling shallow, I couldn't give him a straight answer to save my life.

I guess it's a means of expressing ourselves without all the frills. Feet does bring pleasure (in my own opinion), power, humiliation and in some cases it's the most hidden of body parts (I think).

Sometimes we hide our true selves for fear of reprisals. Guys get weirded out because it's not something that involves the whole person. When you enjoy something be it feet or something out of the ordinary, you get called upon. I too don't care for labels. So what if I get off on guy's feet, why the labels?

My two cents.

03-17-2011, 06:47 PM
To further confuse things :) although it is commonly called a fetish, it is really a form of partialism. Strictly speaking, the term fetish refers to an inanimate object. Some guys are turned on by breasts or ass, what's so strange about feet? Maybe it's less common, but so what?

It is partial. That's something out of the ordinary, or something not talked about at length.

03-17-2011, 07:41 PM
If it feels good do it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Life is short and it is way later than you think.

03-17-2011, 07:45 PM
I agree, ropedfeet. Screw what other's think.

03-18-2011, 08:56 AM
That's what I love about this site. Nobody tells us what we should like or shouldn't like. We can choose one from column A and two from column B. Or Nothing from column A and three from column C. Others may have different combinatiions (male or female, or male and female, or feet and cock or feet and ass or just plain feet) and it's all OK.

Whatever our choice is, it's ours and we can come here and know we're not alone. Thanks a heap to the site and to the moderator and to the posters who keep it lively. We know we're legitimate human beings, a flourishing community, and all you have to do is say the magic words ""I love feet!" and you know we will clasp you to our ample bosom!

It's here that people like Wolf and you and me can talk about our intimate feelings and know we're among friends.

03-18-2011, 10:33 AM
I think all this talk about "partialism" is just nonsense. Just because you are attracted to a different body part as the the focal point of your sense of arousal doesn't mean that you aren't attracted to the whole person.
Everyone whether they are a vanilla gay man or a straight man experiences what could be called "partialism" in varying degrees. Straight men although attracted to the "whole" person naturally zero in on the specific body parts that typically arouse them as the focus of sexual pleasure, the pussy or tits most of the time. Vanilla gay men do the same thing, the dick or the ass. Just because the focus of their desires for sex happen to be these particular body parts does that mean that they suffer from partialism? I think not. Does it mean that they don't enjoy soft eyes, a baby face or a masculine or feminine tone to their voice and that their desire to make love is somehow impersonal or "partial" because their sexuality is focused more on tits ass or genitalia rather than ears or elbows? I think not.
Just because someone has a fetish doesn't mean that they are in some way sexually and romantically disassociated from the person they are making love to. The only difference is that for many of us feet are not a mere kink but ARE the genitalia of a person so to speak.
It is different than mere eroticism. Anything can merely be erotic and most people find a lot of varying things erotic including myself, but when it actually comes time to "get busy" so to speak I want a hot foot in my face and on my crotch. This is no different than how a straight person may find varying things erotic but when it actually comes down to making love they want to stick their dick in a woman's genitalia or ass.
I hate to put it in such a crude or simplistic way but most people just don't get it, it seems. I also get tired of these same clinical, inaccurate descriptions of what fetishism is. I also resent the implication that because I desire feet rather than a dick or a bunghole as my primary source of arousal that I am somehow not into the whole person. Would you make the same claim about a vanilla gay man who is not into feet or other body parts but prefers only dick or ass?

03-18-2011, 11:19 AM
Another thing that I don't understand is what's wrong with labels?
Labels help us understand ourselves and the world around us. Labels are the essence of language and communication and without them we'd all be running around in circles in a confused uninformed circle most of the time. Labels are generally descriptors of truth or what is, otherwise they wouldn't be commonly accepted as labels in the first place and generally aren't too confusing when it comes to figuring things including yourself out. It's simply a matter of common sense and deductive reasoning most of the time, skills which sadly are falling out of fashion with every passing day. Am I aroused by only men ?= gay....Am I aroused only by women ? = straight...Am I aroused by both in varying degrees ? = bi. Am I aroused by any of the above but only their feet ? = gay, straight or bi foot fetishist.
All that is really required for a label to be accurate is honesty and a true understanding of the situation being described, and if a label ceases to be accurate because of new information, just change the label, not limiting at all.
"Truth needs to shape our morality, rather than morality shape our truth"

03-18-2011, 11:54 AM
Cheesehead, I am substantially in agreement with your points in yourpenultimate posting, but the last one about labeling I don't personally agree with. A label is manifestly a generalization and a descriptor at best of a generalized substance or quality describing what other observers see (or think they see) in a person's behavior, social or otherwise. However, a generalization--while socially utilitarian in a sense to some degree that varies from person to person--is exactly that, a generalization. It is not necessarily an exact description (or prediction) or valid in stating what an individual's chosen behavior in all situations is or will be. Thus, a generic label necessarily either ignores or simply isn't an accurate descriptive prediction of individual behavior. At best, it is a shorthand term that's applicable in very few actual individual applications.

03-18-2011, 11:59 AM
The taken-for-granted behaviorally descriptive dichotomy between "straight" and "gay" when applied to human males is essentially humbug, the terms "heterosexual" and "homosexual" being coined and put into use by the emerging "science" of human psychology and psychologists of the late 19th century, the outstanding intellectual feature of which century having been the eager and happy labeling of everything under the sun, irrespective of the still-primitive stage of development at that time of the new field of human psychology.

03-18-2011, 12:05 PM
The new dichotomous terminology was comforting and reassuring to people who thought of themselves as heterosexual since it implied that "they" would never have to worry about being anything else other than "straight". Oddly enough, the term "homosexual" proved eventually to be comforting to many individuals who thought of themselves as being "homosexual", primarily because of course the term was held to be mutually exclusive in conjunction with "heterosexual", which they interpreted to mean: "It's not my fault--I was born this way!" Human sexuality is far, far more complex than is popularly imagined or understood, either by laymen or "scientists", but I myself take the view that every human male has a potential to choose, pursue or enjoy sex with another male, if the circumstances and the other willing male exist for him to make that choice.

03-18-2011, 12:14 PM
Most individual humans are most comfortable sticking to the same-old-same-old "tried and true"--but by no means are all humans that way. I don't know and cannot compare your personal sexual encounters and experiencies to date with my own; however, so far to date I have enjoyed numerous encounters, mini-affairs, and a fair number of longer-lasting affairs with a wide variety of other men, and the majority of those guys have been "happily married men with children" and/or a putatively "happy marriage" going. Are such men, therefore, in fact "secret homosexuals"? No, of course not. They're simply human males, all of whom have a far greater and wider sexual potential for enjoying person-to-person sex with either a female or another male than "society", heterosexuals, or homosexuals can accept as reality or individually and collectively believe is "possible".

03-18-2011, 01:24 PM
I tend to agree with cheesehead about labels.

If the label is applied by the person himself it gives me tons of instant info about how that person sees himself and his sexuality.

Sometimes labels are very good things. They cut to the chase and I don't have to do a lot of guesswork.

I like information I can process and form an opinion on quickly. I tend to lose interest quickly with ambiguous situations where I am expected to draw out information.

Even if a guy tells me he is " questioning" at least that tells me whats in his mind, and I can then decide whether I choose to proceed with anything. One thing for certain is that I do not like dealing with complicated situations. I am not a sex therapist.

Just let me know where you stand please. Sometimes labels are a very good thing.

03-18-2011, 01:45 PM
Franz I don't think the problem is with labels per say but if and when it is comfortable and convenient to use them.The problem is not whether or not labels are accurately able to describe something but what the "consequences" or benefits of telling the truth about one's self or a particular label might be.
Politics unfortunately have a huge influence in regards to how a person identifies one's self, and rational self interest always comes into play here no matter how much we as a society claim to value honesty.
Sexual orientation,...point blank is either a "choice", as the fundamentalist right wing opponents of our freedoms proclaim or it is not. One can change orientation as they claim with "therapy" or it is innate
These are the truths we have to deal with and they are pretty black and white concepts. The ability to change one's orientation with the right stimuli could have drastic political consequences for our freedoms, and our desire to be treated with dignity requires us for the sake of rational self interest to sometimes muddle the question in our minds.
From my own personal experience I believe in Alfred Kinsey's studies.Sexuality is on a scale and most people are capable at varying times in their lives to experience arousal for either gender, but everyone has a fixed orientation that does not deviate away from what their preference really is. The only people who "desire" sex with both genders enough to act on these desires except under coercion are bisexuals.
We need to be able to tell the truth about ourselves and our desires if we are ever going to gain any respect or credibility from those around us. It's not that the "labels" are inaccurate or overly simplistic. It's that people's lives and the consequences for telling the truth are complicated.
Gay, Straight and Bi are pretty simplistic terms as far as their definitions go but labels no matter how accurate they may be can cause societal problems as well as cognitive dissonance, so it's easier to muddle the definitions of these simplistic labels for our own benefit.
According to Kinsey a straight man who occasionally gets aroused by the same sex is still straight, provided it is not his natural state, the same applies to us as gay men. Someone who is bisexual regularly in varying degrees finds himself stimulated by both sexes. Orientation is semi fluid in most people but not enough to change who one really is under any circumstances and the "straight men" or down low men who would claim otherwise are really just lying out of convenience, to themselves and to everyone else making the issue more complicated than it really is.
Most if not all truly straight men may experiment a few times but cognitive dissonance and an over all feeling "knowing" that it isn't right for them prevent them under normal circumstances, except maybe a prison environment from repeating the incident.
However an otherwise "straight" man who is truly confused about who they are or regularly has sex with other men but makes justifications for their actions is almost certainly bi sexual but can't admit it to themselves due to the societal consequences.
The problem isn't with labels but if we are truly honest in how we utilize them.

03-18-2011, 01:59 PM
The last part of cheesehead's last post is something I was thinking too.

Exactly. I think many "straight" guys who regularly or even infrequently have sexual fun with other men just can't bring themselves to apply the label "gay" or "bisexual" to themselves because of the "stigma" of such terms in their Own Minds. For many its a safe place to not have to address certain Realities.

As if there is anything wrong with being either of those.

Which there is not.

03-19-2011, 11:20 AM
Who cares about labels?

I have my own kinks and like TheWolf9 I’m not interested in anal or oral. Which causes me some trouble. When I was younger and “tried to discover my sexuality” I simply thought that Mr. Right hadn’t shown up, he was still sleeping with prince Charming. It took me quite a while to realize that there was nothing wrong with guys, it’s me who was not interested in what people called sex. Guys who knew me remotely knew that I was “different” and hard to get. I didn’t care to explain the details. And I have always considered myself gay as long as labels go.

I don’t date because my previous attempts were awkward and I am really tired of that bullshit. I do enjoy innocent flirt but I find it difficult to proceed. When a handsome guy shows his interest I wish I had a more “normal” sexuality. And it’s not the label that causes “challenges”. In a very few occasions I have proceeded to sex and I’m not proud of what happened there. It’s just not my thing.

Only recently have I become more acceptant about my very own sexuality, and having the right attitude makes things easier. The main thing is to have zero expectations. Be happy that guys still like you (they won’t do it forever :-)), and accept these men must go. We are all different. Be proud of yourself because of other features you have. Then, if things move towards being erotic I tell, somehow, that I’m asexual. Most guys don’t get it; they just realize there won’t be any steamy sucking and fucking.

A few months ago I googled “asexual men dating”, don’t know why I did it. I found two dating sites for asexual people, my mind was blown away. Never thought such a thing could exist. But it’s interesting reading. Some guys don’t want to be touched at all. Some think they can be convinced to sex with the right man. Some call themselves homoromantic and are looking for lots of body contact with their loved ones as long as it is not... sex. Everybody’s dreaming. :-) And I found at least one foot fetishist. Still, observe that market is very, very tiny.

Why are you guys so concerned about labels? Completely different things matter.

03-19-2011, 02:55 PM
"Labels" are words. Words describe things. Words give you information.

Having information is a good thing.

09-03-2011, 04:32 AM
I had seen this thread before and have been searching it. Now I'm posting, finally!

I feel something very similar; don't know if exactly the same, but kind of.

What turns me on most are feet. Male feet, of course. I like "regular sex", but most of the times I don't want to be penetrated (to be fucked) or to fuck someone. I prefer much more to suck and lick feet, and to do other things with them (such as being given a footjob).

It's becoming a problem in my life, since that's not "normal". When you meet a guy, you're supposed to fuck with him, or at leaste give/ be given a blowjob, and those stuff. But feet....well, it could be a part of the sex, but as I said before, most of the times I prefer only to have "feet sex".

I also like a lot to kiss, and to lick a body if it is athletic.

What do you think?

09-04-2011, 01:16 AM
I dont think there is anything wrong with just wanting feet and no sex as long as you feel fulfilled on a sexual level. I think there are a lot of guys out there with a foot fetish for mens feet who only want to do feet and not regular sex. I dont think your alone, I think you just have to seek them out because most other guys you meet, say in a bar, are going to want more than just a foot job. Now in my case I only want to do feet and no sex because I'm partnered and we have an understanding in regards to me needing to fulfill my foot fetish needs. I can have regular sex at home with my partner so therefore I can separate the two. Its just finding and seeking out other guys who only want to do feet and nothing else.

09-05-2011, 04:25 PM
Cordobes82 you are not alone at all about not being interested in "traditional" sex, or lets say the type of sex that most guys look for with other guys. There are tons of footguys who feel that way too.

What makes that more difficult is finding, and trying to get responses from other men you meet on sites for guys looking for what you want too. Many guys place an ad and then when you try to make contact with them you never hear back from them. Sometimes it is They who make first contact with you, and then never reply to you when you try to make further contact.

And sometimes you Do get to meet up with some of them too. And it can be great.

So really it is just a matter of finding other guys who want and like the same thing you do. OR finding a guy who likes many types of sexual situations and who would be just fine with what it is you like to do.

As far as I am concerned as long as two people decide to meet up and play and everyone ends up "happy" when its all over then that is all that counts. Score!!

And by the way you are totally "normal". Normal is what is normal to you as long as it is all safe, sane and consensual.

Let nobody tell you differently either.

09-06-2011, 01:56 AM
I tried doing anal for the first time today. I didn't like it. I was bottoming and I felt something pop in my butthole and then a sharp pain and when my partner felt it to make sure it was okay, his hand was covered in blood.

My butthole got torn open.

I'm sticking with feet. No sex for me.

09-06-2011, 03:09 AM
theWolf: yeaah, feet are the best! ;) And I'm sure we're not alone.

But I have to add something. SEX is NOT only penetration. You have sex when you touch other's genitals. And let's say, when you cum, that is considered sex (unlike what most think). The anal sex (or in vagina, in the case of women) is only a kind of sex, known by many as "sex with penetration" (I'm not sure how they call in English, but you understand what I say).

And for the other 2 guys who commented: thanks, very sensible comments! :)

I don't feel ashamed of what I am. I am 29 years old, and I think it's wonderful to like male feet. Besides, I'm not religious, so I don't have any kind of that guilt.
I just think it's difficult to find what gives me an extraordinary pleasure. As a gay, I love gorgeous men, I love to kiss them, touch, and do other things. I only wish they liked what I like to do!

I'll tell something that happened some weeks ago.
AS many of you know, I like big feet. Well, I was with a boy from my college. He's not exactly handsome, but a regular guy....but I like him because of 2 things: his height (6'5) and his feet, which are a size 17 US (49 in Argentina).

It was the first time I saw his feet...MAN, not onlly they were HUGE, but also HOT AS HELL!! Not even in my best dreams I could've imagined he had such great feet!!!
Well, the case is that we started kissing, then hugging, lying in my bed...and I was, of course, constantly looking at his feet. But he wanted to be fucked by me!! And, the times I have "common sex", I am bottom, I like more to be fucked. But with him, I only wanted FEET, since his dick was LARGE and it would have happened something similar to Wolf's experience. Or maybe not, but I didn't feel like wasting my time lubricating my ass or his.
I prefered feet. Well, Ididn't tell him that I'd LOVE to do things with his feet. I don't know, maybe I felt ashamed at the moment to say that. It's only sometimes that I can say it, and it's when I chat with someone and tell him before meeting.

The fact is that I couldn't make my fantasy come true. :(

09-06-2011, 07:57 AM
Cordobés, sometimes we get a second chance. Since you were lying on a bed once, hugging this wonderful guy, maybe it can happen again. And the next time, DO something!

One of our regular posters here, Franz, has described in great deal how it is possible to let even a straight man realize that his feet are beautiful, that they smell just fine, and that they deserve the attention you want to give them. But you also have to show that you want to satisfy him completely as well. Whatever he wants you to do, DO it. If he wants you to top, to bottom, to stand on your head and sing La Marseillaise while he blows you - whatever - just do it! Then kiss him from head to toe, and when you get to the toes, let him know how beautiful and sexy his feet are. He may never have thought of his feet that way before and will probably be delighted to find out that you like them. He may even have been ashamed of having such large feet before and you will be assuring him of what a great sexual asset his feet are. Take it from there and ENJOY!

Don't make us cry for you, Argentina!

09-06-2011, 05:37 PM
I have to disagree here. I believe people should only do the things they are comfortable with or like doing, or want to do. Some people do not like certain things, and that's fine.

Deal breakers do exist. Nothing wrong with that either.

Sometimes a happy compromise can be found, sometimes not. That's called life. lol

09-06-2011, 08:23 PM
Well, it's like this, Ropie. You're right. Compromise is not always the answer to every problem. If there are things you really, I mean really, do not want to do, don't do them. Sodomy is not a sport for amateurs. If you've got a bleeding asshole and a clumsy lover, you'd better leave advanced sports to the big boys and go back to Blowjobs 101 for a while.

I do feel a little sad to see people looking at their sexual fantasies through the pictures of others and never experiencing that joyful sensation themselves. It saddens me all the more to think some people don't want to put out a little, make that extra effort, be willing to try something new for the sake of the whole relationship - and so they sit on the sidlines, wasting the only life they'll ever have, because they were afraid it might not be their cup of tea.

Our friend Franz has often pointed out that if you can make a guy completely satisfied, he will want to satisfy you in a way that may not be his special thing. And in the experience of many, partners have satisfied partners and everybody has been happy.

Perhaps I was mistaken to suggest that a guy do ANYTHING to please a partner. But I do think he should at least give it his all - all that's possible and acceptable in his own repertoire and bag of tricks.

Each must decide for himself. But when the All-You-Can-Shrimp Sex Boat sails, I wanna be on it. Even if I have to swim through the Everglades and rassle a few alligators to book passage!!

09-07-2011, 12:40 AM
...But when the All-You-Can-Shrimp Sex Boat sails, I wanna be on it. Even if I have to swim through the Everglades and rassle a few alligators to book passage!!
Laudie, your eloquence with the written word is your sexiest feature. I thoroughly enjoy your video reviews and your commentary on life's ups and downs and twists and turns.

09-07-2011, 09:59 AM
Thanks back to you, Boots, for being our moderator and friend! You bring to the site a professional polish. How lucky people like Wolfie (and you and me) are to be able to bring personal, intimate questions about their sexuality to a site and then have a whole army of buddies share their deepest experiences as answers! We're community in the most positive sense of the word! Thanks again!