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View Full Version : My request: David

01-24-2009, 07:13 AM
Chokachi from Baywatch. Is there anybody who got captures of his soles from the TV show?
I'm sure there must be a lot of them because he had to be barefoot in Baywatch for almost all the time.

Please, if possible, only good till high quality pics.

01-24-2009, 03:20 PM
You know, back in the day, I recorded many of the shows on VHS. Wasn't very organized with my recordings though. One of my favorite shots of him was during a "lifeguard games" episone where they carried him out of the water with both of his wrinkley soles together.

I was in the process of collecting all of the seasons, and to the best of my knowlege, they only made seasons 1 through 3. None of these included him in them.

And I was very much anticipating the newer seasons due to the better feet shots of the actors.