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View Full Version : Scallyshop

02-21-2011, 05:42 AM

Really interesting site. This guy is selling his worn socks, shoes, stuff, and he has a nice size 16 feet. There is also a video on the site where he removes his shoes and socks. Hopefully he will do some more updates. :)

02-21-2011, 12:18 PM

02-21-2011, 02:00 PM
One guy finds a site interesting. The next guy finds it pathetic. Who said that nothing is good or bad and that only thinking makes it so?

Personally, I didn't find anything objectionable about this site. I'm not going to pay $20 for some dude's socks. But in making the offer, he didn't hurt or offend anybody. There was no abusive behavior. Yes, he's looking for business, and I'm not interested in doing business with him. But I got a few nice pictures out of his advertizing.

Now, what I personally did find pathetic was the post just before this. The title is "'Straight male feet."' A supposedly straight guy is posting pics of his feet on a gay site and asking guys what they think about his "'straight"' feet! But look at all the posts he got in reply, all of them from guys who enjoyed his post and pics and said so.

The point is, I may have found it pathetic, but a lot of other guys really seemed to enjoy it. So ultimately even I was glad he posted a pic of his "'straight"' feet for us gay guys to enjoy.

It takes all kinds to make the world go round, so sometimes we really have to cut each other a little slack. Hugs and kisses to all our "'straight"' buddies who visit here, whether they just want to dazzle us with their "'straight"' feet or sell us their soiled undies.

02-21-2011, 05:10 PM
Well, i wouldnt pay for used socks, shoes and stuff.. but i find his feet quite sexy. Honestly i dont care if it's str8, or gay, who is acting str8. :)
I just shared the site because i found his feet really hot. That's all.

02-21-2011, 05:46 PM
And thank you for your post, Reos! You found sexy feet and posted the info. That's what this site is all about. Anybody is free to like or dislike it. So some guy is selling dirty sox and underwear! Men are such animals!

Attitudes and judgments are often so relative, and anything goes here, positive or negative, if it's stated with civility. Terms are relative. It makes me remember my summer home in Slobbovia. It was actually just a hut by the river. But the local peasants thought it was a palace, because it had both a bathtub and a toilet, although they never seemed to be quite sure which was which. Everything is relative.

Thanks again for your post.

02-22-2011, 10:44 AM
He's acting straight? I just thought he was acting sexy... hmm.