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01-06-2011, 04:10 PM
I've posted before about a friend of mine whose feet I love to fantasize about. He wears a size 13 shoe, and his feet just look enormous to me when he takes his shoes off, especially when they are next to my size 9s.

Sometimes, when he's not looking, I like trying on his work boots, shoes, whatever - and sliding my foot around inside them. and i get the biggest hardon, especially if they are still warm from him wearing them. Anyone else here ever fool around with their buddy's shoes?

I recently um...borrowed...a pair of his sneakers and now have to figure out how to stealthily return them...

01-06-2011, 04:32 PM
dude id get a hardon too knowing what your buddy's feet look like now, so youre not alone here :P

i had a roomie in a dorm a couple years ago who also had 13s. he had a pair of vans that id try on when he went to the showers. they were old enough i could feel his foot print in the bottom especially if i wore them barefoot. would look in the mirror wearing them and would get turned on thinking how my feet would look two sizes bigger.

early on in the year he was going to take a shower but didn't have water proof flips yet. he beat around the bush a bit then hinted that he wanted to borrow mine saying that "i looked pretty legit and clean" while looking down at my feet. that caught me way off guard but in a very good way. here was this barefoot, tall, good looking guy with a semi-sad face asking for my flipflops. i said yea, anytime after jokingly asking to see his feet all the while trying to conceal how damn hot the moment was.

in a way i guess that made us even :P

01-23-2011, 03:18 AM
I've had some experiences like this myself. Had a friend in high school who outgrew me in height, weight, hand size, shoe size, etc. He ended up about 5 inches taller and his feet grew to a size 13 while I stopped growing at an 8 1/2. Was intimidating to watch him get bigger and taller when I was the one who used to be bigger and taller. Plus, he was almost a year younger. He used to love to compare hand size, foot size, height and he loved to tease me about being a little guy compared to him. When he would sleep over, I used to try on his shoes when was sleeping and it always amazed me that he could fill those huge shoes. In my bare feet, I could also feel the imprint of his big feet in his sneakers

01-23-2011, 01:18 PM
Yep, had a buddy in HS with size 12s. Used to steal his socks and try on his sneaks while he slept. While I'm not hugely turned on by sole-to-sole action that some guys like, wearing another guy's shoes (especially when his feet are unattainable) can be quite erotic.

01-23-2011, 02:39 PM
What size were you when you tried on your buddy's shoes?

01-23-2011, 11:02 PM
Sorry for the omission...10 1/2

01-24-2011, 12:46 AM
It's a turn on, isn't it? Anybody else have any stories to share?

01-24-2011, 06:13 AM
Anyone ever had been caught trying out your buddy's shoes, or "red-footed" ;) I often wonder what i would say in that situation! I had a close call one time, but was blind drunk and played it off that I had picked up the wrong shoes. we all laughed about how I wouldn't get far cuz they were 3 sizes too big for me...

02-01-2011, 02:39 AM
I've got a few stories about my buddy's feet. My feet are 9.5 and his feet are about a size 11 (but I know one of his shoes are 12s) and they are amazing. Beautiful soles and nice, long toes...and his feet are pretty ticklish too. Anyway, we're very good friends and I can think of numerous instances where we've shared shoes, flip-flops, socks (both clean and used!), and times when his feet have been right in front of my face.

One instance was pretty recent. We had gone to the mall and he wanted to get new dress shoes. It was casual Friday at our work, so we both were wearing tennis shoes and white socks. He mentioned the black socks he has are thinner than the athletic socks he was wearing, so, knowing that my white socks are thinner, I asked him if he wanted to wear mine while trying on shoes..and he said sure, that'd be a good idea! So I gave him both of my socks and he wore them while trying on different pairs of dress shoes. This had to last at least 5-10 mins, and knowing he was wearing my socks was so hot...even more so when I had to put my socks back on! =)

I've got other stories too, but that was the most recent. I can elaborate more in another post when we accidentally switched flip-flops, another time when I wore his shoes, and times when I've tickled his feet!

And, if by chance you're my buddy reading this on this board, I'm pretty sure you know who I am since that's pretty specific..hahaah, and since you're on this board, well, let's have some fun! =)

02-01-2011, 12:35 PM
OCdude...hot story and share the other stories. I used to love trying on my friend's bigger shoes. Was kind of intimidating and a turn on at the same time to watch him outgrow me, especially since I was older. His 13's dwarfed my 8.5's and was a turn on to see the size difference and to wear them when I got the chance

02-09-2011, 02:27 AM
So here's another story...we were on vacation together and had a long plane ride. Both our shoes were off but back then I tended to tie my shoes rather than leave them unlaced. My buddy doesn't tie his shoes...he's the type that leaves the shoe laces loose unless he's running or working out...for some reason guys who don't tie their shoes are really hot to me!

Anyway, I wanted to use the bathroom but really didn't want to have to tie my shoes...so, I asked my buddy if I could wear his since it'd be easier...and he was cool with that! Did this numerous times during the flight since it was long (about a 14 hr flight) and it was so hot feeling the imprint of his feet in his shoes. Everytime I put them on I got that excited feeling in my stomach, unbelievably hot...I could feel each imprint of his toes and soles..and remember, his feet are considerably larger than mine (I wear a size 9.5/10, he's a 11/12).

And for you tickling fans (which I am as well!)...I tickled his feet numerous times on the trip to wake him up. One time he was asleep in his socked feet and I just tickled him awake...he's pretty ticklish and kinda jerked his legs back, pretty funny. Another time he was barefoot...and that time I tickled his feet numerous times over the course of an hour to wake him up so we could get dinner, he was just really tired (we had a long day)...he woke up each time but knocked back out. He eventually got up and thought the whole thing was funny...great times!

02-14-2011, 08:33 AM
Hot story OCdude!

03-15-2011, 05:00 PM
so i can't believe i just did this but...i was just on the phone with my buddy who was the subject of my original post here. I happen to have a pair of his sneakers lying around my apartment, and there was just something super hot listening to his voice while I slid my feet around in his shoes...

I opened up one of the photos i've posted of him before...yada yada yada...and let's just say that I am gonna have to pick up a new box of tissues. And yes, this all happened while he was on the phone with me...And no, he had no idea!

03-15-2011, 06:18 PM
oh man. would love to be in that position. closest you can get without him siting next to you. sounds awesome! :D