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View Full Version : To all (Again, so sorry Footlover28)

11-19-2010, 02:21 PM
Hey, everyone,

Help me out. Here's the task: There is this
commercial I've seen dozens of times, but for
the life of me, the name of said commercial
escapes me. All recollection points to the
possibility that it has something to do with
saving money. Details: The commercial shows
a cute guy in a business office with colleagues.
Instantly, with the exception of the cute guy,
every head in the office changes to Ben Franklin's
(signifying the $100 dollar bill). The next segment
shows the cutie performing yoga and sporting
nice feet, and I was totally diggin' the yoga pants.
Sexy. Anyway, the Ben Franklin head-change
seem to be motif expressing my aforementioned
guess about the commercial. In short, are you
familiar with this? Have you seen this commercial?
If so, are there any stream of it? I'm still looking.


P.S: I gave this assignment to footlover28, forgetting
he lives in Germany. So sorry.

11-19-2010, 02:26 PM
there's a chance for me to get the right spot.
but i need more infos, please.

11-19-2010, 02:29 PM
It's a commercial for Direct TV, a satellite service in which subscribers get cash back for each friend they get to subscribe. I poked around the net, but I wasn't able to locate an uploaded video of the commercial.

11-19-2010, 03:38 PM
It's a commercial for Direct TV, a satellite service in which subscribers get cash back for each friend they get to subscribe. I poked around the net, but I wasn't able to locate an uploaded video of the commercial.

I haven't found anything either:-((

But hey, you know me, I'm not giving up so fast! Promised!!