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View Full Version : Attention: Footlover28

11-19-2010, 01:08 PM
Hey, Footie-buddy,

Help me out. You, I have discovered, are great
at finding things. Here's the task: There is this
commercial I've seen dozens of times, but for
the life of me, the name of said commercial
escapes me. All recollection points to the
possibility that it has something to do with
saving money. Details: The commercial shows
a cute guy in a business office with colleagues.
Instantly, with the exception of the cute guy,
every head in the office changes to Ben Franklin's
(signifying the $100 dollar bill). The next segment
shows the cutie performing yoga and sporting
nice feet, and I was totally diggin' the yoga pants.
Sexy. Anyway, the Ben Franklin head-change
seem to be motif expressing my aforementioned
guess about the commercial. In short, are you
familiar with this? Have you seen this commercial?
If so, are there any stream of it? I'm still looking.


11-19-2010, 02:12 PM
because I live in Germany and I suppose that to be a U.S. commercial, right.
Stay tuned.

11-19-2010, 02:17 PM
it's a commercial for Directv...satellite tv

11-19-2010, 02:17 PM
So, sorry. Footlover28, I totally forgot
you live in Germany. You seem so


11-19-2010, 02:30 PM
What do you mean exactly??

11-19-2010, 02:50 PM
What I mean is, you seem so typical, so
among us with your fantastic use of words
and meanings. I know a lot of people
born in this country (North America) who
you, footlover28, could kill phonetically.


11-19-2010, 02:57 PM
What I mean is, you seem so typical, so
among us with your fantastic use of words
and meanings. I know a lot of people
born in this country (North America) who
you, footlover28, could kill phonetically.


Well, it's good to have this board to get into speaking english more fluently.
School time is 11 years ago...But sometimes I use an online dictionary;-)

11-19-2010, 03:20 PM
Footlover28, you exemplify the ideals Americans most cherish: hard work; courage; the pioneer spirit. We don't have many cowboys roaming the Wild West anymore. But we do have a few frontiers left. Our world of foot fetishism is one of them. And you have the balls to join the few who actually put a handsome face on that world.

That's what makes you seem so American to me. Of course, for me the truly perfect American speaks English AND Spanish. But you've got one of the two. And if you ever join the boys in the barrio for a few tequilas, why, in no time at all I'll bet we'll have you singing "'La Cucaracha"' with the rest of us! You're one of us, amigo!

11-19-2010, 03:30 PM
Footlover28, you exemplify the ideals Americans most cherish: hard work; courage; the pioneer spirit. We don't have many cowboys roaming the Wild West anymore. But we do have a few frontiers left. Our world of foot fetishism is one of them. And you have the balls to join the few who actually put a handsome face on that world.

That's what makes you seem so American to me. Of course, for me the truly perfect American speaks English AND Spanish. But you've got one of the two. And if you ever join the boys in the barrio for a few tequilas, why, in no time at all I'll bet we'll have you singing "'La Cucaracha"' with the rest of us! You're one of us, amigo!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I never knew that you guys really do appreciate what I'm doing and that I'm someone to think about in such a reflected and sophisticated manner. I'm sometimes afraid that somebuddy in here could misunderstand me just because English is not my mother tongue.
It's really hard work to get all these stuff posted here. As you may have seen: It's now more than 2.000 pics I posted within round about 3 years of being a member of footbuddies. But it satisfies me to share it with all of you!!
And btw, I always planned to learn Spanish, but never have the time and the money to make it happen.
And I really like La Cucaracha, it's a great tune to make someone happy.

11-19-2010, 04:28 PM
Hi Footlover28,

I'm glad this thread got started by Wynterteele because it gives me a chance to thank you for all your efforts too. I am sure that it does take lots of time finding and getting things arranged in the right way to post here. So I am overdue in thanking you for all that work to contribute to the site as you do. Guys like you and Serph really do a great job with all of that.I know there are others too, just lately you guys have seemed to be finding and bringing so many great pictures and vidcaps here.

So you are German! Wow...and all this time I thought you were some cute guy somewhere in the mid-west of America.

Thanks again for all the great postings. And if they will serve something other than tequila I'd like to join FtLaud's little Cucaracha Fiesta and get to know you...I'd also like to see FtLaud do a fandango!! I might even join him!

11-19-2010, 05:01 PM
Footlover28, I have to say I agree with Ropedfeet and the other guys here. I haven't been on this site very long, but from what I have seen, you definitely go above and beyond for us here and it is something that is truly noted by all. I really appreciate all that you have done, in addition to bringing us your sexy, smoking hot feet and you charmingly beautiful smile. :)

11-20-2010, 04:59 AM
Well, for many years I lived in small villages. So I grew up in a very conservative environment.
As I can tell, it was pretty hard and difficult to realize that I'm gay. I came out of the closet when I was 16yo (in school), and 21yo (parents).
But, as you may have experienced the same, it's more difficult to let people know that you're into feet.
And there are only a few people that do know I'm a foot "freak".
In 2002, I got my first personal computer, and I noticed that it's a more common fetish than I ever thought.
Being online made me get the point that it's quite harmless to lust for feet, especially this board still gives me the feeling of not being alone.
So my main concern for years now is to embellish the day of many members in here just by sharing all the stuff and trying to fulfill every request which is made. And I've got to admit that it's really satisfying to see that my work is profoundly appreciated either silently (therefore I am able to see the number of views) or openly (reading all the nice comments).
And be sure that I'm always trying to do my very best to get the hottest stuff for my and your pleasure;-)
I really need to say thank you over and over again for your comments, your thoughts and, of course, for being a part of this great community in here!