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11-15-2010, 01:14 PM
Does anyone write tickle fiction anymore, or is that a concept of the 90’s? Has everyone gone to watching videos and looking at pictures? Personally I have always found that the fiction was hotter than videos or pictures, but I know opinions vary.

I have also found that a lot of times the fiction that people write these days seems to be lower quality than what used to be found on Jack’s Rack (no offense), as if it lacks any editing or sophistication. I mean, I am grateful that people still write from time to time, but it seems like people just don’t put the effort into it that they used to via imagination, editing, or even planning out the story so it has a definite plot and has some literary value. Some of the stories I have read on the forums and boards and such have been excellent, but some are lacking. Has anyone ever thought of having a story section that was a bit more exclusive, a place where the story had to be of a certain quality or pass an editor’s scrutiny prior to being posted? Just a thought.

Again, I’m not trying to bash anyone or criticize anyone’s creative work, and God knows I hate to have mine criticized. I know I make mistakes all the time when I write something, but sometimes there is a reason that certain pieces never get published in mainstream fiction, so why does this rule not apply to fetish fiction?

Drew Moore

11-15-2010, 03:50 PM
Have you checked out the stories at MyFriendsFeet? There's a section of Member Stories for members only, and there's a free section under the heading Stories. Some of them are quite good and many involve tickling. No, the stories are not always up to the level of the Quixote, but if the prose ripples your nipples, does it really matter?

I used to be a purist in matters of language and would bitchslap a guy if he tried to dangle his participle in my face. Now I find it kinda sexy!

11-15-2010, 04:32 PM
Does anyone write tickle fiction anymore...? ... the fiction that people write these days seems to be lower quality than what used to be... there is a reason that certain pieces never get published in mainstream fiction, so why does this rule not apply to fetish fiction?
Because so few people still write, and those who still read are so desperate for anything with the word "tickle" in it, they accept whatever they can get, no matter how awful.

The sad truth is that with the advent of easily accessible video fetish media, there is little desire to bother with something you have to "work" at, as written fiction, with its requirement of imagination, makes one do. Video gratifies immediately.

Some of us writers have realized that, and have moved on to video, lest we get left behind and forgotten. Do any of you remember the seven or eight short stories I wrote back in the mid 90's? I thought not as much.

The sadder truth is that the basic "readin', writin', and 'rithmatic" skills are either not taught, or downplayed in public schools. How many adults have you seen that don't know (or care about) the glaring differences between "its" and "it's", or "there", "their", and "they're", and who (GAG!) make plurals by adding an apostrophe and an "s"? Or worse, use "R" for "are" and "U" for "you"? It's like we've disintegrated into a world of fourteen-year-old girls sending each other giddy text messages about Justin Bieber!

If new writers haven't mastered simple spelling and grammar concepts, how can one expect them to follow Strunk and White's Elements of Style? (Especially since they probably don't know what that is, since it's no longer taught in schools.)

11-15-2010, 06:07 PM

I agree completely. I loved Jack's Rack and looked forward to the updates with a panting tongue. I miss well written stories about feet and tickling. Maybe we can get something going on this board. Any writers out there? I had several of my tickle stories on Jack's Rack and would be happy to do a foot one here. Any other takers?

BTW, are you the same "Drew" who wrote some smoking hot foot stories in the past? If so, I am a major fan.

11-15-2010, 07:26 PM
I'm creating a fiction story based off of Nero from Star Trek. It involves tickling and foot licking.


11-15-2010, 08:12 PM

I agree completely. I loved Jack's Rack and looked forward to the updates with a panting tongue. I miss well written stories about feet and tickling. Maybe we can get something going on this board. Any writers out there? I had several of my tickle stories on Jack's Rack and would be happy to do a foot one here. Any other takers?

BTW, are you the same "Drew" who wrote some smoking hot foot stories in the past? If so, I am a major fan.

I don't know if I'm that same Drew or not. I've written several dozen stories over the years that were foot, tickling, and bastinado related. I did write under another pen name, and had a small following for a while back in the early 2000's, but it got so ugly, I hesitate to say what it was now, and I doubt most people would remember anyway.

Right now I'm working on a longer piece. It will probably be 80-100 pages, and I've written 28 or so of the rough draft. I have the whole thing planned out, but am just trying to get the manuscript on paper. Then comes the editing, which is even more time consuming than writing the thing. Then, even after all that, you've got people that will will criticize you forevermore, but I consider that a part of the game. And even after all that, I wonder if anyone is even interested in fetish fiction anymore, as was posted earlier, because everyone can see a video immediately.
