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09-05-2010, 08:30 AM
Just wondering.... why do guys advertise for foot fun and then post pics of their ugly ass feet? And of course different types of feet are for different types of peeps! LOL But are there guys who are into playing with guy's feet who have nail fungus or bruised up dirty feet?

I guess that's why when you tell someone you have a foot fetish they think it's disgusting and gross. I personally like feet that are nice and clean..smelling fresh, and pedicured. Especially if I plan on sucking on their toes. I don't wanna taste some funky sweaty toes...even if i gotta wash them down in Dove soap first! And if you think about it....would you eat somebody's ass after they just took a dunk? Some guys do that...with their nasty asses!

09-05-2010, 11:43 AM
You're totally correct, as I, myself, have a bad foot fetish, ever since I can remember puberty. Yet, I get completely turned off by nasty stinking feet. Feet with untrimmed yellowish toe nails......Lord have mercy! Now that's down right disgusting!!!

I had a straight friend, and her husband "NEVER" trimmed his ugly toe nails. You could see them protruding through his white socks. On top of that, his feet always stank terrible. She use to complain to me that his nails would scratch her while they slept. I one time said to her; "doesn't his not bathing & not keeping his finger & toe nails neat & trimmed turn you off" ? She replied; that his long fat wang made up for it. All I could think was, "get rid of the filthy mess". I will say, though, that the guy was good natured & very kind hearted. Even still, when you live with someone, and are in a relationship, than good hygiene is very important. If not just for you, than for your partners sake.

Any way, getting back to what you wrote; "I totally agree with you". If a guy is into feet, than he should take care of his feet. As it's not safe to lick & suck diseased feet. Plus if you suck on untrimmed toe nails they could scratch your tongue and cause an infection.

My partner & I always keep our feet clean & trimmed. For like your man hole, who would want to rim a sweaty, crap smelling, bung hole? I know that I wouldn't, and I doubt that many others wouldn't either.

09-08-2010, 10:16 AM
I also prefer nice feet, ones that appear "sexy" to me personally. But Even some "nice" feet aren't my cup of tea. Although I like nice feet, they have to look sexy to me. I've seen many guys feet on here who have what I could call, objectively, Beautiful Feet. But they don't turn me on. I can admire them, but not desire them. They have to appeal to me sexually, and that's a hit or miss thing, not easily described. I certainly prefer non-fungual toes, no doubt about that.

As for scent, here we'll have to agree to disagree. I like feet that smell, although even that is specific: I like a musky scent, but not a sour one. And that goes for a guy's butt, too. I like some scent practically EVERYwhere on a guy's body. I just don't like it to be sour. I've sniffed enough butts to know that some guys smell fantastic....and some don't. And that has nothing to do with scat. It's the same thing as when someone puts on cologne: when it's first sprayed, it's pretty evident. 5 hours later, it's more of a settled, "lingering" scent. If a guy's butt (and feet) are at that level (and neither one is sour), it probably will turn me on.
I find it interesting that Americans have such a fetish about "cleanliness" that I have not seen demonstrated in other countries. It's not that it's wrong, just that the idea of anyone having a "smell" is so disgusting that we have commercials, like the one years ago that proclaims "sweat's not sexy." Really???? For a puritan society, we have more perverse stuff in our sexuality than - it seems to me, anyway - the rest of the world combined.
Anyway, I like stinky feet, but they have to be MY kind of stinky, and I think you'll find, if you do a poll, that a lot of guys have a particular scent that appeals to them -- and scents that turn them off as well. I have a buddy who's a playmate and spends most weekends with me. He says he hasn't showered in months, but if you were to stick your nose in his armpit, you'd think he'd showered the day before. And if you were to swipe your fingers up his crack, all you'd get is a very, very light, scent. And even THAT scent is just from he and I riding our bicycles for an hour. It's nice, and not remotely harsh smelling. In fact, I tease him that he has so scent, and he protests he hasn't showered in months because he knows it turns me on when he has a scent (which happens, but it's rare, and even when his butt does have a scent, it's more like Patchouli, a scent for men from the 70s. Meaning, nothing you would, pardon the pun, turn your nose up at.
It's all just taste (and some of it pretty repulsive to me, morally). Otherwise, we wouldn't have 50 reality shows which are nothing more than ways of people being vindictive, and 20 tv shows about teenagers being bratty to each other (yet it's a hit here in America, whereas it wouldn't even last a month, in, say, Britain). Same principle: Purtian in speech, perverse in manner(s).

09-11-2010, 12:17 PM
Thanks for the replies guys! Some people do like the smell of fresh sweat or whatever on a man. And as far as sweat glands go..according to Dr. Oz (haha)..primitive humans used that scent to attract someone else..as do other animals. So I don't know when in the point of human development that body odor became something that repulsed us about someone rather than a mating call...but evidently it has! Whatever natural odor we give off now that attracts us to one another is so subtle that we can no longer distinguish it. Or maybe since the invent of perfumes and deodorants..we've developed a higher sence of smell to like that rather than a natural scent? Who knows??

But getting back to what I was saying. Some people sweat but don't give off an intense body odor. Some others sweat a little but can be really funky. And where I might like my own unwashed scent permeating from myself...I don't want to smell it on somebody else! Just as I wouldn't want to smell funky around them.

09-11-2010, 01:07 PM
I don't like visibly dirty feet or nails, but I like stinky feet a lot actually. I like them soft and sweaty and smelly.