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View Full Version : Nice Maypole, dude!

04-30-2010, 11:52 PM
Happy May Day, Footbuddies! You dance around my Maypole and I'll dance around yours! In olden days, the pagans used to frolic on the village green to celebrate the arrival of summer. Those pagans really knew how to frolic! Why, I wouldn't be surprised if some imaginative souls occasionally threw in a footsie orgy. But here in the barrio we don't really have a village green, so maybe I'll just uncork another tequila and swing from the chandelier while playing reruns of Can and Nolin and Evan's sibling... No sense going out, tho. I don't think the boys at the tavern understand this holiday. You should see our May Queen! She's got a moustache!

05-01-2010, 10:50 AM
Trick or treat...

05-03-2010, 01:17 AM
I, being a Neo-Pagan, say that any old tradition, like the Maypole Dance, can be modified. It's simply a symbol to represent the union of the mundane and divine energies;typically fertility,for better crops, but not too many folks farm like they did in the "olde tymes".
In this age it's more about awakening kundelini energy,life force,etc. Sex,(obviously) is a HUGE part of that;if a fetish is involved, USE IT! Ain't nuthing wrong with that! You honor the Divine in yourself when you do and it's just fun. "All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals"( part of the charge of the God/Goddess).Besides, any folk dance involving a pole that gets braid-wrapped with ribbon( ..or rope,leather,etc.) is ripe for a good fantasy!
....just sayin'

05-03-2010, 07:53 AM
I imagine there's a lot of good positive energy being released when pagans dance naked in the meadow on nights of the full moon. But then, have you ever seen a bunch of Lutherans attack the coffee table after listening to a full formal robustly developed sermon? Probably not too much difference!