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View Full Version : Today on FootFriends - Businessman's Day Off

04-28-2010, 01:37 PM
Mitchell likes to spend his rare days off in jeans and sandals. Now watch him get naked and barefoot...

See all of Mitchell today on FootFriends:


FootFriends Webmaster

04-28-2010, 11:58 PM
Great feet...I wish he did not do the waxed eyebrow thing though.

04-29-2010, 08:26 AM
very nice !

04-29-2010, 10:48 PM
Hi, Ropie! I agree with you about the "waxed eyebrows thing". I dunno, but I guess I'm out of it when it comes to the myriad cosmetic things that one sees more guys doing or having done to themselves--presumably to improve their appearance. But what I've noticed is that in many instances (particularly when a guy gets his eyesbrows plucked and "shaped" by whoever) such cosmetic "improvements" tend to make a guy look, to one degree or another, oddly effeminate or at least less manly, as opposed to merely looking like a masculien guy who happens to be neat. I must be turning into an old fogie or something....

04-29-2010, 11:43 PM
Hi Franz! No, you are not an "old fogie", lol

You are correct in all the observations you make about the effects of waxed eyebrows on a man's face. They are precisely the reasons I don't care for it either. It is something that goes Way past basic good grooming in my opinion.

I do have to say again that this guy does have some awesome feet though...
