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View Full Version : Too much focus on ass and cock,not enough on feet.

04-10-2010, 01:57 PM
Maybe I'm making too much of big deal when it comes to this issue,but it is really starting to annoy me when I go to a male foot fetish site and they accentuate the model's asses and genitalia and the photos just happen to have a bare foot in them instead of making the model's feet the focal point of the shoot.
I don't have a problem with a little variety in the photos but if I go to a site free or otherwise that is advertised as a foot fetish site my primary reason for being there is to see male feet. If I wanted to look at pics of a cock or ass front and center in the middle of the screen with just a glimpse or two of male feet in the background I would just surf regular gay porn sites and not waste my time going to male feet sites.
Does anyone else here feel the same way?
Please keep in mind that I'm not complaining about this site,just the web in general but it does seem like good foot pics are getting harder to come by than they were two or three years ago.

04-11-2010, 09:22 AM
Cheesehead, as we all know, when it comes to ass, cock and balls, most guys are handed out at least one or two of each on the assembly line, so when you get a photo of the total package, there they are! Some poses seem to exaggerate the focus, such as the one in which a dude sits with his legs up in the air to show his soles. The viewer's eye inevitably travels down to the squinting anus, and I often feel as though I'm back in the old county, back to the wall, about to be executed by a gay firing squad. But if the rest of the scenery isn't too bad, I personally kinda like it.

My complaint is, not about the foot sites, but about the general porn sites who clip out or crop feet entirely. Sometimes you'll see tits, belly buttons, crotch jewels and the whole backside artillery - but no feet! Why do they that? Why are they so mean?

Sometimes - and this is even more upsetting for a foot sensualist like me - they will show the foot in bed, even all the feet of two or three guys - and they're wearing socks, or shoes, and sometimes even army boots! Who wears army boots during sex?

At least we do have sites like FootBuddies where guys can seek out and share the best of the best bare feet, with variety to please just about everybody. Although we do have a few odd ones. Did you read the post by the guy who married a kangaroo? Yes, I know their feet are long and powerful, but really!!

04-11-2010, 03:18 PM
...Who wears army boots during sex?...
A lot of men do, Laudy. Boot fetishism is probably as equally popular as foot fetishism.

A couple of sites where you can find men who wear boots to bed:

Hot Boots Message Board: http://www.hotboots.com/bol/
Recon personals and chat: http://www.recon.com/

There are definitely some men who fall into both camps: feet and boots. Yours truly is one of them. So I don't find it unusual to see producers creating videos that show off both.

And yes, I have worn boots while having sex.

04-11-2010, 03:21 PM
I agree with you, Cheesehead. If a site advertises itself as a "foot fetish site" then feet
should be their primary focus. Sites like My friend's feet and Barefoot guys are prime examples
on how to show male feet right. They do an excellent job.

Though I agree with you in general, Ftlaud, I do think even regular gay sites are doing a
much job of showing feet in their videos and photos than they have in the past.
The website Boyfun is a great example. A couple of years ago, they would show EVERY
part of their models' bodies EXCEPT for the feet! But after lots of complaints (I suspect)
almost every models' photo has a least a half of dozen good shots of their feet too,
which is why I enjoy getting back on there again (their sister site, Freshmen X, also shows
good shots of feet, and those I just saw in their preview clips.)

I think that finally, the gay or "gay for pay" community is finally taking foot fetishers'
desires seriously because they know that they can make money off of us too! All they
have to do is just give us what we want! Why do you think that the sites that I
mentioned above have been around for so long?

If you please your clientale, then most of the time you get rewarded for it!

04-11-2010, 06:12 PM
Boots, thank you for your input! We live and learn. At least if we are really living, we should be learning something. And this is a great site for people into feet who want to expand their horizons.

Just last week I was watching some DVDs from Sk8erboy, a German outfit that produces videos with lots of foot action. I was puzzled by the many scenes in which a guy took off another guy's sock and then continued sniffing the sock when the bare foot was right there within easy grasp! Why, oh why, I mumbled to myself. The answer is obvious, isn't it? The guy was turned on by the sock even more than by the foot. Or the sock scent. And it must be the same with boots.

I was puzzled in one scene with one dude who was slobbering passionately over another dude's boot. Why don't you just take off the boot, said I to myself, since you fellows seem to be on intimate terms with each other. The answer: it was the boot that the guy wanted, not the foot!

So you can look at a bare foot; a cock; an ass; a sock; and a shoe. You can be turned on by one of the five; two of the five; three of the five; and even four or all five of the five, you horny rascal, you! And it's all OK!

Life is wonderful, isn't it? We don't have to settle for only one from column A and one from column B. We can have the whole works and any combination thereof. Whatever the choice, always remember: foot freaks need love, too!

04-11-2010, 06:24 PM
Flickfire, you're absolutely right in noting that commerical sex sites and film studios are much more conscious today of the erotic possibilities of feet. Almost all the major porn providers seem to have an increased foot awareness. I still am puzzled at times when they seem to hold back. Great directors like Chi Chi LaRue and Kristen Bjorn will sometimes miss an opportunity for a shot that seems obvious to me. But then if I'm not right there behind the camera, if I don't see exactly what they see, and if they are aware of other possibilities because of their professional expertise, I will have to be content with their judgments. But the new increased foot awareness at least shows the world is moving in the right direction.