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View Full Version : Ricky Martin Comes Out

03-30-2010, 06:34 AM
Finally. I'm so happy for this guy. And I'm pleased that we can claim a, IMO, well-spoken model for humanity. Not to mention one who has shared a foot fetish in previous interviews. So that makes him an openly gay celebrity who is also out about his attraction to the foot.

All pluses in my book.

03-30-2010, 07:05 AM
He's the best! His two boys are lucky to have such a beautiful father! He definitely gets my "Bone him and clone him" Award for the year! A wonderful human being!

04-11-2010, 03:58 PM
Ricky Martin is gay? Who would have ever thought it! I think everyone knew

04-11-2010, 05:57 PM
The Spanish-language magazine "'TV y Novelas"' has a picture of Ricky on its cover. The April l9 edition shows Ricky with his arm around the shoulder of Mexican actor Eduardo Verįstegui and claims to have an exclusive story about their romance. The story inside gives details of their relationship and even asserts that Eduardo is the one who supplied the sperm for the twins. I find all that very disturbing.

If Ricky is or is not the father of the twins; if Eduardo is or is not the father of the twins; if they were or are lovers - what business is it of mine or anyone else's? It must be terrible to be in the public eye and to have your livelihood depend on your image as a straight guy. Even if everyone in the business knew Ricky is gay, maybe he should have stayed in the closet. If people are going to gossip about him now, maybe he'd be better off going back in the closet, slamming the door shut and living happily and privately forever after with his twins and whoever he wants to share his bed with.

I'm all for gay rights and being honest. I'm sorry to have to say that sometimes I wonder if the honesty is worth it. There are shitty people out there, like the people on Ricky's staff living in his home who steal his personal information and then sell it - like Judas, for a price - to magazines like "'TV y Novelas."'

But there are beautiful people too. Ricky is one of them. I hope he'll be happy.