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View Full Version : SLOW.......

11-06-2008, 02:11 PM
boy, the pictures post has really really been slow lately, not many people out there showing much intrest in posting sexy hot, intresting foot pics lately.
one would think that all our members would really take advantage of doing so.
i'd post pics of my own hot wide size 13s but i function off of a game system with no way to take or post pics.
anyone out there got any ideas how to encourage everyone to get those foot pics rolling in on a more steady basis?
these dry spells are a real bummer guys.
i know i requested some wrinkled sole shots from nbarney quite awhile ago, but still nothing there.
if we arent here to please eachother in our little community then why are we here...
i just wish i had a way to post pics, i'd blow your guys minds!!
maybe i'll get a computer for xmas.


11-06-2008, 02:52 PM
gotta love how those who don't contribute themselves are usually the loudest in "requesting" others to do so...

11-06-2008, 10:10 PM
Stustus, it's always a little slow after a holiday or a major event. The elections were very emotional for many of us and we're all exhausted from laughing, crying, jumping up and down and dancing. Wait a while. It'll pick up.

In the meantime, even in a slow period, we have a lot here to appreciate. Miroslav dazzles us with his Slavic beauties. RBarney has just posted a few sizzlers that may not cause an earthquake but will cause a few beds to vibrate tonight. We still have Rodney's Halloween pictures to lust over. Have you seen the shots of that gorgeous hunk Kelly Cooper? And there are interesting and thoughtful items to read, such as Boots' advice to Mike47 on personal issues. I think we're spoiled by all the goodies we're offered daily. It's not really "feast or famine" here. It's more like "perpetual party but sometimes we're missing a few balloons."

Troybug, I have to say I feel a little like Stustus in that I love the pix but don't offer any. But the truth is I also have an Internet receiver and not a real computer, so what I can offer is limited. But note what Stustus does offer: a real sense of community and an overwhelming appreciation for his daily doses of feet. Doesn't that count for something too?

Is this a great site or what! Isn't this a great time to be alive?

11-07-2008, 06:50 AM
thanks ftlaudft for understanding and READING why i dont/cant post pics, maybe others should not only read things but understand and comprehend things before throwing stones......

11-10-2008, 10:58 AM
If anyone who can't post here has a way of emailing pics you can send them to me at wncmtnfoot@gmail.com. I'll post them as I get a free moment and credit them to the sender in the message body of the post.

I'm still not sure that will help you out with your internet problem, but anyone that can email is welcome to send them to me.

In the subject line of the Email put "FOOTBUDDIES POST" in the header so I don't overlook them. :wink:

11-10-2008, 11:41 AM
Lawdie please edjumacate me: what is an INTERNET RECEIVER? I confess that in the computer world I am less in the know than most teenagers nowadays. Just learning. Thanks. :)

11-10-2008, 02:06 PM
Tink, it's an inexpensive little make-believe computer that hooks up up to your TV and uses your TV screen as a monitor. I've been able to surf the internet with it, make posts, visit all the wonderful sites, etc. But it has limits. I can't get streaming video, for example.

But I have taken the big plunge. Just this morning I bought myself a computer. A REAL computer! I went to Brandsmart here at Sawgrass and just finishing unpacking it. But I'm going to have to wait for friends of mine to hook it up for me. I'm afraid I'll push the wrong button and electrocute everyone in the building! Or turn them into holograms!

11-16-2008, 12:19 PM
Good luck with that! I have a feeling in the next year or so, I'm going to have to buy a new computer too. I bought mine 5 years ago, and it was made in 2001! I'm scared to death that my hard drive is going to fail one of these days, even though it is working fine now. I did back up most my stuff on an external hard drive, so that's ONE saving grace for me.

Stustus: I think this picture board is one of the most active male foot boards on the web. Maybe your just getting on on slow days like ftlaudft said. I personally wait all week to get on here, so I can enjoy all the pics that have been posted thrughout the week. It's my guilty pleasure! 8)