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View Full Version : Tired of politics

11-01-2008, 01:19 PM
First of all, I hope everyone reading this plans to Vote by Tuesday.

With that said, I am soooo sick of this campaigning. My TV is a drag to even turn on anymore with all of the commercials. You know, by the time it's time to vote, I don't feel good about anyone that is running for office after so much of thier dirty laundry is aired out. I'm depressed to even think that any of them would be taking control of our destiny.

It's been over two years since the democrats started campaigning and as for the Republican side, hell, there wasn't even a choice in the matter by the time all of the money ran out for any of the other candidates and they succeeded from the race.

You know, George Washington begged and pleaded with the people no never divide into political parties for the sake of division among the people. If we look at it now, that's exactly what has happened in so many ways. And, even after the elections happen, if there is democrat control, then the republicans whine and bitch for four to eight years. IF the republicans are in office then the democrats whine and bitch for the same. IF the control of the congress is not balanced along with which party is in office as president, then they accomplish nearly nothing for us.

In the long run, we really do loose over political parties dividing us.

And as for the electoral college... what a joke! It's definitely a way for a president to legally win even if he does not have the popular vote.

But, with a final note now that I have vented, I recall a passage in the Holy Bible that states that a poor government is better than no government at all. Makes since to me. :roll:

11-01-2008, 09:02 PM
Chocolate, Rodney! Stressed out and jangled with election nerves? What you need is the ft lauderdale chocolate therapy. The ancient Aztecs and Mayans discovered the mystical properties of chocolate ages ago. It will pick you up and set you down; take you to happyville and bring you back relaxed and repaired.

Now, you may take chocolate in many forms: a chocolate sundae; chocolate pudding; or just an old-fashioned hershey bar. Take that hershey bar; bite a piece off and roll it around your mouth voluptuously; savor each moment of taste. Let the chocolate melt into all of your inner being.

Then go get laid.

11-02-2008, 09:40 AM
Me too. I'll be glad when this longgggg election will finally be over, though I am rooting heavily for an Barack Obama win. I think he's worth taking a chance on to straighten out the terrible mess this country is in. I think McCain is toast.

11-02-2008, 10:09 PM
Flickfire one cannot straighten out a mess made bipartisanly by switching to a system that takes from people who work, produce and pay taxes then gives the money to people who do not. Take away incentive to produce and you wind up with the same mess the Russians got rid of when Mr. Gorbachev took down the wall. Taking from each according to what he/she can produce and giving it to him/her as he/she needs is socialism a la Karl Marx. I believe in the idea that they are best governed who are least governed. In short, NO PULITBURO FOR ME.

11-03-2008, 08:18 AM
...how hard can that be to see? When you cut giant corporations tax breaks all over the place, and the burden of the taxes falls on Joe Blow, how is "redistributing the wealth," i.e., making the I-made-$50billion-last-year-and-paid-no-taxes oil company not a step forward for the average American.
What alarms me is when people read what is in their head, and have a cockeyed view of the concept.

11-03-2008, 11:55 AM
I felt tired of politics a few days ago, Rodney, as you describe. The bombardment on TV has been relentless and I was tempted to let my guard down. But after reading the recent posts in which the supporters of McCain/Palin persist in their campaign of lies, slander and libel, I realized this is the time to energize oneself and fight.

It comes down to a clearcut choice. On the one hand we have Obama. He is tall and elegant, polished and intelligent. He is calm and cool, and his education has earned him degrees from the finest of America's universities. He is widely traveled and can consider national problems with a level head, with intelligence, with steadiness.

On the other hand we have McCain, a grumpy old man with an anger management problem. It's no crime to grow old. I expect to grow old someday myself. But can we afford a president who will greet the other world leaders with temper tantrums?

Obama: intelligent; well educated; even tempered; a gracious presence for the White House.

McCain: he comes with anger management problems. And Sarah!

Let's go vote!

11-03-2008, 09:41 PM
Chocolate therapy! :) I have been craving, and indulging, in the Hershey's Mini's here lately. And, I like my chocolate exactly the way I like my women... VERY DARK! :wink:

11-04-2008, 12:06 AM
What a mess. Now Grandma Obama (the paternal one) says she and two of the Senator's half brothers were present when the Senator was born in what is now Kenya. Eeweee! Now she really messed things up. Senator, it's 'bout time you showed us your Hawaiian vault copy birth certificate or guess what! Even if you win the election and are not a bona fide US born citizen the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court cannot swear you in to the Office come January 2009. Seems like a gooey mess to me. Y'all go vote whichever way you feel is best. We await the outcome of the mysterious absence of proof of birth location. :?

11-04-2008, 08:39 AM
Rodney! Did you just say you like your chocolate the way you like your women? Your WOMEN? RODNEY! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU?