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01-18-2010, 04:52 PM
Is it wrong for me to have a foot fetish? I mean will guys hate me for it or not want to date me anymore when they find out about it?
I was just wondering because I've never had a boyfriend before yet but I didn't want to do anything that would cause them to hate me or view me badly.

My name is Alex btw and I'm 23, I just joined this site a few days ago and if you'd like check out the pics of me that I posted in the "pics section" of the forum. I just wanted some advice is all. Thanks!

01-18-2010, 06:46 PM
Absolutely not! But that said, every guy has something that turns them on. For many (more than I think care to admit), it's feet. For others, armpits. Or bondage. Golden showers. You name it, it turns someone on.

If you meet a good guy, enjoy it, and when the time is right, give him a good foot massage. I think things would take care of itself from there.

But it is definitely not wrong, and if a guy tells you that, he's not the right guy for you! :D

01-18-2010, 07:07 PM
Thanks tiedfeetguy. Its just I never had a boyfriend so I didn't want to do anything to seem bad to them.

01-18-2010, 07:37 PM
Hey guy!

There is "NOTHING" wrong with you. Your foot fetish is no more adnormal that enjoying armpits, golden showers, or eating whipped cream out of your guys butt, or off his cock.

Just take it easy, and whenever you have a trick, or you get serious with someone in the future, let them know how much you want to pleasure them because you are attracted to them. Just don't force them to do something which they may be uncomfortable with. "Remember"....... just because you are attrcted to feet, they may not be. Still from my experience in life, I have never met a guy, and that includes my partner, who didn't enjoy having their toes sucked & their feet licked. If you do it in a loving pleasurable way, as you make love to them, they will thoroughly enjoy the experience. Now, if they say to you, that they are uncomfortable with it, or that it they are too ticklish, than stop and move unto another part of their body. "AND"!!! Never force them to do something to you which they do not desire to do. Respecting the other person is very important.

Please, don't feel that you're weird, or unusual, for you are not! Many men have a foot thing, and that includes straight guys ( I know of several straight guys which pleausre their wives & girl friends feet during sex. Yet, being that we're gay, we're talking about gay sex. And, there are many gay men which enjoy our thing..."MALE FEET"!!!

A "foot fetish" is no more weirder than our habit of "rimming", or our habit of enjoying "eating cum". It's all a natural thing for one human to do with another human, when making love.

In closing, you relax and enjoy yourself, concerning male feet. "REMEMBER"........the whole body, whether male or female, is there to enjoy during love making. Just don't force the other person to do something which they are uncomfortable with. Making love is a give and take situation. It's two people giving themselves to each other because they are attracted to each other. In a relationship, the important thing is not the sex, but the trust, friendship, caring, and the respecting of each other. You can't be lover's, if you can't first be trusting friends. My partner of 14 years, is my best friend. I trust him completely, and we have great respect each other. The sex, and our fetishes, come second for they are meerly our expressing ourselves to each other in a intimate way. I never forced my foot fetish on my guy, and still he respected it, and he loves it. It took him three years before he finally touched my feet one night.

In closing, relax & just be yourself! You are not strange, nor weird. You just appreciate the entire male body, and that is perfectly normal. Just don't go over board, and become obsessed with only feet. Enjoy the whole man, and when you meet that "special guy" don't worry about what he will think about your liking feet, just dwell on building a strong relationship. The sex will take care of itself.

01-18-2010, 11:36 PM
That helped a lot alexeandre, thank you.
I'd actually really like to try dating and becoming friends with a guy but I'm afraid I don't look right yet.
I mean I want to be loved for my inside but I'm afraid that my outside might not be viewed as normal like most guys are.

01-19-2010, 12:38 AM
...I'm afraid that my outside might not be viewed as normal like most guys are.
Pardon my French... but SCREW "NORMAL".

I've seen thousands of "normal" men in my life. For the most part, they are predictable, unimaginative, and BORING. I don't find "normal" men attractive.

Go for the freaks. We'll make you happy.

01-19-2010, 10:55 AM
My experience is that younger men are often the more intolerant. What you are feeling as rejection is their pell mell push to satisfy their own "needs."

01-19-2010, 01:16 PM
"wrong"? hell no, there is nothing "wrong" with having a foot fetish. That's like saying someone who prefers Asians or blacks or older guys are "wrong."

alex, you will find out that surprisingly enough, a lot of guys love feet and have a great appreciation for them.

BTW, there is no such thing as "normal." The image of "normal" is a throwback from the "Golden Era" of the 1950s/60s ozzy and harriet crap.

Embrace your love for feet--i know i do! :)

01-19-2010, 02:04 PM
The thing that bothers me about dating is that I was bullied by other guys in school, it wasn't for being gay cause they never knew.

They didn't like the way I looked and were always pointing out my flaws, making fun of them in front of others.

Must of them are in jail now though.

So I'm afraid that when I date a guy or go into a gay enviornment that he/they will be the same in a way.

01-19-2010, 11:55 PM
Don't worry about it. You'll find a guy who will like it eventually. I did. As for the people bullying you, chances are they felt insecure about their own looks so they insulted you as a means to bring attention to your "faults" instead of their own. If they felt good about how they looked they wouldn't make fun of you.

01-21-2010, 07:07 PM
Don't worry about it. You'll find a guy who will like it eventually. I did. As for the people bullying you, chances are they felt insecure about their own looks so they insulted you as a means to bring attention to your "faults" instead of their own. If they felt good about how they looked they wouldn't make fun of you.

"ABCDEF8" I agree 100% with what you have just told "Alexeh" You are a very wise man.

01-31-2010, 11:59 AM
Don't be ashamed of having a foot fetish, Alex. Like most on here said, we all have our preferences. If you don't make a big deal out of being attracted to feet, most guys you meet won't either, and like someone on here wisely said, you'd be surprised at the number of people in this world(str8 and gay) WHO LOVE feet!

Enjoy your young life my friend. I envy you! I would love to be 23 again!