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View Full Version : If Palin were President...

10-09-2008, 08:15 AM
What do you suppose would happen to a site like FootBuddies if Palin were allowed to become President? I was reading about Sarah's attempts to fire a librarian who refused to get rid of books Sarah deemed offensive. Fortunately, honorable people stood up to her and prevented this from happening.

Fascist tactics frighten me. Will I be allowed to receive "The Advocate"? Will gay bars be allowed to stay open? Will we be forced to go through the "conversion" therapy for homosexuals that her church encourages?

And what will happen to sites like FootBuddies? Will they be closed for repairs? Censored? Eliminated without comment?

Just wondering! But hey! Look at the bright side. There will be positive side effects in the economy. I'm sure there will be tourist discounts to Alaska for your winter cruise. And a huge surge upward in the mooseburger business.

10-09-2008, 12:51 PM
You betcha!


10-09-2008, 01:32 PM
Doggone it, Head2Foot, you folksy rascal, you! You just said a mouthful!

Well, as a feller says, it's true, ya know! We do point with our fingers! But we're the foot guys who also point with our toes! And sometimes when we try to do both at the same time, we just fall on our ass. The government and Wall St could learn a lot from us!

10-11-2008, 10:54 AM
Well, it's like this, friends. McCain and Palin are absolutely correct in their assertion that we don't know enough about the other guy. Furthermore, the other guy doesn't know enough about us!


Remember what Flip Wilson as Geraldine used to say. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET!

10-11-2008, 01:36 PM
What you see is what you get.

Well, so far I don't like what I see of Palin and McCain. I was reminded of their current ugly campaign tactic of demonizing their opponent with tangential associations when I read something that Tinkbash wrote in the "Putin" thread on this site. Tink has said on this board that he is a conservative, so I wonder how he views Palin in light of his following quote.

Sometimes we are incorrectly labeled because of a happenstance of being in the company of a group or a person who is not one we follow ideologically. I was seen reading a book several years ago about Adolf Hitler. I had only an academic interest in the information but I discovered later that someone thought I was a Nazi because I was seen reading the book.


10-12-2008, 02:59 PM
I don't even think she'd care enough about this site to get it banned from the 'net. Instead I think she would be working hard trying to get abortions in this country banned! That woman is so scary!

I'll be so glad when Obama and Biden kick she and McCain's butt in a few weeks!

P.S.: Has anybody ever had any fantasies about worshiping her husband's feet?
I think Todd Palin is so hot, and I care don't whether he's an idiot or not! I wonder what shoe size he wears?

10-12-2008, 07:07 PM
I dunno, flickfire. I tend to agree with Head2Foot - I just don't like what I see, which is a person who looks too much like Anita Bryant for comfort.

Your lust for the Todd man is very disturbing. We all suffer hunger pangs when we spot eyecandy in the form of macho toes and well-shaped heels. But do not yield to temptation. If a certain someone walks in on you while you're in the very act of ankle adultery with Todd, why, your sorry ass will be food for the polar bears!

10-12-2008, 11:14 PM
Head2Foot I'm not sure I follow your thoughts. Has Palin associated with anyone who damns America? With anyone who has bombed government buildings then said he regretted not causing more damage? Please update me on this. I think the fact of her birthplace is not in question. Nor is the birthplace of John McCain. I do find it strange that the birthplace of Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, is in question.
The easiest way to set that aside is produce a valid birth certificate from a department of vital statistics. For reasons strange to me Senator Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the media appear to have no interest in ascertaining the answer. According to US Constitutional provision only a person born in the United States is qualified to sit as a President. No hospital in Hawaii so far has presented documentation that Sen. Obama was born in Hawaii. If he was in fact born there he should grant permission to release that information. There is also information that his mother was prohibited from boarding a flight in Kenya to Hawaii because of a restrictive law there barring a pregnant woman boarding an airplane. Senator Obama might have been born in Kenya. There is also information about being adopted by a relative in Indonesia. If this is a fact then any US Citizenship was renounced. I would like some answers. If all is above board with the Senator Obama then, and only then, by law would he be cleared for sitting as a President if duly elected. I await answers; liberal or conservative :wink: they must be documented. Thanks :)

10-13-2008, 12:33 AM
Tink, the following link shows Obama's birth certificate issued by the state of Hawaii:


I do understand that John McCain was born in Panama. And I also understand that Todd Palin is/was a member of the Alaska Independence Party, which advocates making Alaska a separate nation.


10-13-2008, 08:16 AM
Thanks, Head2Foot, for that information! I had no idea! But if Alaska decides to separate and become a nation, I wonder it that might solve some of our problems. They could declare Palin President of Alaska, or Queen of the Alaskan Republic, or even Dictator for Life of Alaska.

Then, instead of concentrating on a wall between us and Mexico, we could build a wall between Alaska and Canada. (I know there would be a stampede of thinking people fleeing for their lives into Canada and the US.)

Or we could start sawing away at the Alaskan border and let it drift toward Russia. After all, Palin has a lot more in common with Putin than she does with American ideals. Just look at the way both Palin and Putin deal with people who dare oppose them. They try to make them disappear!

10-13-2008, 09:53 AM
I hope everyone will get a chance to click on the link Head2Foot provided above. The smears against Obama are sinister. The articles from the New York Times and Washington Post show how vulnerable uninformed voters may be to lies with tragic consequences.

The complete documentation for Obama's citizenship speaks for itself. The lies about Obama's being a secret Muslim are discussed in the Washington Post article, and we read how the good people of Findlay (Flag City), Ohio, simply prefer to believe what they want to believe and refuse to face facts.

Obama's opponents realize that what they are saying is a lie. They know also that they don't have to prove anything; all they have to do is plant a doubt in the mind of an uninformed voter and they may be able to steal his vote. Note the clever use of Obama's middle name to suggest he is Arab, foreign, a Muslim. How dumb do they think we are? Unfortunately, many uninformed Americans will fall into the trap.

Read the articles from the Washington Post. Look at the birth certificate of Obama and the statements of the New York Times. Then consider the people who are spreading lies amounting to character assassination, lies about Obama's citizenship and religion, and ask yourself if you want people like that running the country.

fightthesmears.com is an excellent site address to commit to memory. Then when you're at home, at work, in the homes of relatives and friends, in restaurants and bars, when you hear the lies especially of Barack's citizenship and religion, you can direct people to documented evidence, a photo of his birth certificate, the evidence of the truth concerning his religion. Of course some people, even in the face of factual evidence, will cling to their lies. If Jesus Himself came down in a cloud and loudly proclaimed Obama as one of His own, there are some who would choose to deny it because they have grown accustomed to living without truth. Their leaders set the example. They wave the flag, chant patriotic slogans - and lie through their teeth. It's NOT the American way. But it is happening in America.

But we can fight it! Fight the smears!

10-23-2008, 10:35 PM
I am sorry but I cannot believe any self-respecting man on this board would support a Presidential candidate who advocates anything less than complete acceptance for those who are different regardless of their sexual orientation, etc. If you don't and you post here, you are a hypocrite.

I was raised in Alabama in an intolerant Assembly of God Church similar to Palin. I left. Palin is a vapid Caribou Barbie fascist fashionista pinup for the close-minded who has less business being on the GOP ticket than Britney Spears.

Every four years, we ask each other who are you for. That is the wrong question. The right question is . . . Who is for you? If you make less than $250,000 a year, face the music. You are not rich, and certainly never will be under Republican elitist rule. Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and vote for someone who actually is for you. Barack Obama!

10-25-2008, 03:15 AM
This one is voting for " That One "....

10-25-2008, 08:08 AM
Ah, Ropie! You're so sexy when you're political! Your swamp or mine?

I love your slogan "This one is voting for "That One!" I'd like to get it printed on some T-shirts!

10-26-2008, 08:23 PM
There's nothing wrong with having a harmless fantasy about worshiping a married man's feet, even if his politics are 180 degrees different from mine Ftlaud. Even if Queen Sarah gets elected VP(which won't happen), I don't think she's going to have us foot loving consenting adults thrown in the slammer for our desires.

I think most of us have fantasies about people we can't necessarily have in reality, and I don't find anything disturbing about that. I thought your response to my earlier post was a bit over the top.

10-26-2008, 10:37 PM
You're right, Flickfire! My comments are over the top.

10-30-2008, 09:16 PM
Note the clever use of Obama's middle name to suggest he is Arab, foreign, a Muslim. How dumb do they think we are? Unfortunately, many uninformed Americans will fall into the trap.

That has ALWAYS driven me crazy. No one says or types "John Sidney McCain" or "Sarah Louise Heath Palin" or even "Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr". Yet, so many times since he became a contender, people took to using Obama's middle name.

I mean, seriously? Check it out....HE'S NOT MUSLIM!!! How hard is that to comprehend? But the funny thing is....the people using Obama's FULL name KNOW that he's not a muslim, but they ALSO know that it implies (to the uninformed) that he IS.

It's some of the most pathetic kind of tactics that is used....seriously. Debate on the issues, or just shut the F_ _ _ up (directed at the campaigns, not anyone on this board <---flame prevention). Oddly enough, for someone who was on the receiving end of this same kind of SHIT tactics 8 years ago, McCain is going right along with them. When people at his rallys yell out that Obama's muslim, he doesn't REFUTE them...he just says that they need to respect others, despite they're differences! McCain KNOWS that Obama isn't muslim, and all he'd have to have done is say that to his supporters. But he chooses the cheaper, lower road. And THAT'S a major reason why I'd never vote for him, regardless of who his opponent is/was. Of course, the MAIN reason is his choice for VP. COMPLETELY irresponsible, in my opinion.

10-30-2008, 11:48 PM
I totally agree.

Up until this campaign, I have always held to an ideal of cooperation. No matter who won an election in the past, I always supported the winner as MY president. I always wanted to cooperate in good ventures with the OTHER group, no matter what their party was. This spirit of cooperation is what distinguishes the Scandinavian countries, where there may be competition before an election, but cooperation after.

No more.

After listening to the lies about Obama, I can never tolerate the liars again. After listening to the malicious lies about Obama's lack of citizenship credentials, the lies claiming he is not a Christian, I can never support the malevolent people who worked against an honest man. When I watch Sarah roll her eyes and drip evil innuendos about Obama's contacts with a Palestinian college teacher who taught at the same school as Obama, I can no longer trust Sarah or anyone who supports her, no, not even to run a laundramat or help operate a taco stand. When they prove they have no honor, when they continue their lies after documented proof, when they make a mockery of terms like integrity, I wouldn't trust them to walk my poodle, let alone run the country.

We all have Republican friends and know there are decent Republican politicos in our states. Do you think they will ever be able to repair the damage and salvage some of the ideals of their party?

I look at the Republican governor of my state, Charlie Crist, a fine governor widely respected by all parties. I look at Republican Colin Powell, who was so upset by the lies saying Obama is not a Christian that he is now voting for Obama. Will they be able to change the direction of their party?

Perhaps. But I'm not counting on it. After the election, there is a large group of dealers in dirty tricks, a disgrace to their party's ideals and to the American dream, who will never again have my cooperation. They will never be welcome in my living room, in my kitchen, in my bedroom - in any part of my life.

No matter what the election results, I have always been willing to cooperate with the other party - until this election. No more! How can we ever trust people like John and Sarah who part of the time sit in their little pews singing "Onward Christian soldiers!" and the rest of the time spread lies and rumors about a fellow Christian, all for personal and political gain?

Truth matters. Honor matters. We can't have people in the White House who think otherwise.

10-31-2008, 11:25 AM
I could not have said it better myself.

Thank you FtLaud and tnbadboy72

11-02-2008, 09:57 PM
A copy of a "birth certificte" alleged to be that of Barack Obama was posted on this board recently. It was a fake generated by computer in 2007. The father of Barack Obama was listed as an "African." In 1961 the year Obama is said to have been born people of "African" descent were listed on Hawaii birth certificates as either "Negro" or "Colored."
Barack Obama failed to meet a court order to present to the Federal Eastern District of Pennsylvania a "vault" copy of his alleged Hawaii birth certificate. He is therefore by default in contempt of a federal court. The original suit was filed by a Democrat who supported Hillary Clinton. Should he be found to have been born outside the United States but by chance is sworn in as President he must resign because he failed to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States. In short he will have violated a provision of the Constitution and would thereby be unfit to serve after swearing he would uphold the same. There are in my opinion many black people who might make great Presidents. For me Barack Obama has a questionable past and therefore does not qualiffy. Pardon if I missed the information but did Barack Obama serve an active duty term in the US military? GOD BLESS AMERICA in spite of what one pseudo Christian minister has said. IN GOD I/WE TRUST!

11-03-2008, 12:08 AM
This part of the board is a place where people can express opinions on religion and politics, even unpopular opinions. But I'm disappointed that the powers that be permit this Off Topics section to be used to continue the spread of lies that have been disproved by Truth Squads on CNN and countless other groups.

This is a crucial moment immediately before an historical election. The lies have a sinister purpose: they are intended to confuse the less educated voter and create doubt in his mind.

Obama, the secret Muslim. Obama, the Marxist. All these false accusations have been repeatedly shown to be untrue. The charge concerning Obama's birth certificate has been thrown out of court as frivolous. Yet shabby souls are still using it to influence the outcome of the election.

A lie, even when accompanied by wild flag waving and the singing of gospel hymns, is still a lie. It is a great disappointment to see this site allow itself to be used in such a base way.

11-03-2008, 05:31 AM
Thanks Footbuddies for allowing freedom of speech by providing this off topic section. Under socialism/Islam this board likely would be banned by the witch hunting state police. I have heard campaign speeches wherein one candidate has himself said he wants to redistribute the wealth. One of his "neighbors" admitted to bombing a government building and regrets he did not do more damage. Barack Obama wants to give illegal aleins driver licenses as well as access to government handouts. Some of us just don't like the idea of socialism. Senator Obama needs to show proof of his location of birth. Thus far, no hospital in Hawaii has been able to verify that he was born there. Some of us prefer to clear up the confusion here but it seems there is an attempt to hide information. Why? :? Thanks Footbuddies for providing a space for our minority interest guys to express views. :wink:

11-03-2008, 08:13 AM
Do you like what you see in the rearview mirror? I don't. The above posts reflect the same innuendos, lies, dirty tricks and mistaken thinking that led us to a collapsed economy, a disastrous war and an inadequate healthcare system.

Obama is the voice of hope for our future. Read through the above posts. Compare with the thoughtful statements of Republican Colin Powell when he explained why he decided to vote for Obama.

The future of our great country - and the world! - depends on our votes. McCain was fifth from the bottom of his class. We're at the lowest point of our history. Vote for someone who will pick us up again! Vote for someone who will lift us up and lead us safely into the new era! Vote for someone who has the intelligence and the steadiness to be our President! Obama!

11-03-2008, 08:15 AM
...this man HATES the American government and the constitution. And Palin and her husband seem to be on good speaking terms with him. What does that tell you, Tinkbash?


11-03-2008, 11:37 AM
Todd Palin? The worrisome spouse of Sarah Palin? They've been palling around with someone who hates America? Who wants to form a separate country because he hates America? That doesn't sound very patriotic. What do you suppose it means?

Sarah Palin may be a lovely lady, although she does lie a lot for a Christian woman. But she does have a certain folksy charm, much like the cast members of "Hee Haw." I'd certainly support her if she were running for judge in a hog calling contest. But for the White House?

11-04-2008, 12:24 AM
I never realized I could get some people so stirred up. Some of you just hate Jews, Christians, Bibles and guns. Guess what! The folks who came over on the Mayflower stuck by their Bibles and Guns. The 1599 Geneva Bible to be exact and no the NRA did not exist in the early 17th. Century. But then nowadays if you support religion and self preservation a la NRA you are not politically correct. Now guys spend several more hours ranting and raving about this post. --or maybe boots is going to lock it. :D

11-04-2008, 08:45 AM
Gee, Tink! Nobody reacted to your post! I guess you didn't get as many people stirred up as you had hoped. Do you suppose maybe it's time to come out of the 17th century and get a new platform?

Try to relax a little today, Tink! Make yourself a cup of herbal tea. Shoot a few squirrels. Get an early nap. Tomorrow will be a brighter day!