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09-15-2008, 09:52 AM

James Howard Kunstler

September 15, 2008

A Ripe Moment

It turns out the real hurricane blew through Wall Street last week, not Galveston. This morning, Manhattan is strewn chest-deep with the debris of banking and at this hour (seven a.m.) nobody knows how far, deep, and wide the damage will spread. The fear, of course, is that we are witnessing a classic "house-of-cards" or "dominos-in-a-row," situation, and that the death of Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch will cascade into a generalized collapse of the entire consensus of value that supports mediums of exchange.
At least one thing ought to be clear: this has happened due to the negligence and misfeasance of the regulating authorities, namely the Republican Party, and that now all the hoopla surrounding Sarah Palin can be swept away revealing that group to be what they actually are: the party that wrecked America. I hope one or two Barack Obama campaign officials are reading this blog. You must commence the re-branding of the opposition right now. The Republicans must be clearly identified as, the party that wrecked America.
Many things happening this week will be interesting to see and hear, but just now an outstanding question is how on earth can the Bank of America buy Merrill Lynch for $50 billion after assuming the liabilities of the tarbaby known as Countrywide? But that little detail may be lost in the din as other banks and bank-like organizations start crashing like sequoia trees in a national forest.
I wish I knew whether this extravaganza of ruin might settle the question as to whether America goes into hyperinflation or implacable deflation, but the net effect is that money is leaving the system in big gobs. And if not money per se, then the idea of money as represented in certificates, contracts, counter-party positions, and gentlemen' agreements. This is the day that America finds itself a much poorer nation. The capital we thought was there, is gone.
A lot of it was actually translated over the years into Hamptons villas, Gulfstream jets, and other playthings that will now go up on Ebay or some equivalent as we turn into Yard Sale Nation in a general liquidation of remaining assets. Of course, the trouble in a situation like this, where absolutely everybody is trying to pawn off assets, is that there are very few buyers on the scene, so the prices of all these things go down down down. Everything is for sale and nobody has any money.
This was essentially the state of things in the Great Depression of the 1930s, and the only escape from that turned out to be the mobilization for war. And in the aftermath of that terrible war, we were the only industrial nation that hadn't been bombed to rubble. What's more, we had a very handsome supply of industrial world's primary resource, oil, at our disposal. So we spent the next thirty years making oodles of things and selling them to people in other lands (lending them the money to buy), until these nations were back on their own feet and solvent. And after 1975, the industrial club picked up a bunch of new members and they all began to clean our clock.
So, as our industrial base waned, and our factories got old and brittle, and our labor force was steeply under-bid by cheaper labor forces, we embarked on a quest for "the new economy." This was represented in successive turns as the information economy, the consumer economy, the high-tech economy, et cetera. They were all ruses, aimed at concealing the truth -- which was that we had become a society no longer producing things of value, no longer generating real wealth. The final act of this farce has been the so-called "financial industry."
That "industry" turned out to be most earnestly devoted to the production of complex swindles. They were so finely engineered that it took twenty years for the swindles to stand revealed, and they were cleverly hitched to the primary thing that the American public vested its identity in: house-and-home. Thus, much of the public finds itself in very real danger of becoming homeless and broke.
We generally recognize that some wicked-massive transfer of wealth occurred in the process of the mortgage fiasco, but it remains to be seen whether any residue of this wealth can actually be retained, as represented by currencies, contracts, and supposed securities. The wholesale settling of debt now underway may leave an awful lot of this stuff with no value.
We should be frightened by the political implications of this Great Implosion of presumed wealth. Some group of somebodies will have to clean up this mess. Moving toward a major election, it is hard to imagine the American people giving the clean-up task to the very group that created the mess -- no matter how many cute little faces Sarah Palin can make on TV. Both parties have so far managed to ignore the gathering crisis of banking and money, but they can't ignore the sequoia trees crashing down around their ankles and shaking the earth they stand on.
At issue now will be the question of legitimacy in all its human social dimensions. Is our money legitimate? Is the authority of our elected officials legitimate? Are our values and ideas legitimate? These are the things that will determine what kind of future we find ourselves in.
So, to begin this process, and to clarify the situation, I urge readers of this blog to identify the Republican Party by its new brand-name: the party that wrecked America. At least, then, we can reinstate one cardinal value into the juddering structure of what we claim to believe: that actions have consequences, that you can't just swindle and loot a society and walk away with the swag.
Spread the word, change the tone of this campaign, and keep posted. This will be a momentous week.

09-15-2008, 10:13 PM
One thing that I've noticed over the last three articles this prophet of doom has pompously pontificated:

The sole purpose of this blog seems to be to vilify the political party that happens to have the majority of the power at this time. In no instance does Mr. Kuntsler offer any data to support his diatribe other than some vague generalities that we've already known about for years. Worse, he offers no solutions to the common man... except, of course, to "get rid of the party that wrecked America". Gee, whiz... I didn't know all our country's ills were THAT easy to fix.

Governments, the United States' included, have been "wrecking" the lives of people since time immemorial. How many scandals, how many depressions, how many recessions has the US survived? And have we been ruined as a nation? Hell, no!

We've done wrong. We shipped our businesses overseas. We borrowed until we're barely treading the waters of debt. We have become complacent in our conspicuous consumption. And we, the people, not the government, must --- and will --- right the wrongs, regardless of who is allegedly in control. It's the moral obligation of each person, business, and community to take responsibility for their share in whatever financial troubles we've caused, and undo the damage... themselves.

It's time to stop listening to these folks with their hidden agendas trying to convince readers that the common man is a victim of oppressive government. All politicians are crooks, regardless if they're red or blue. They're a necessary evil in a society as big as ours, to make it work. But politicians didn't make this country great. People did. And people will, again.

Back in the saddle, again!

09-16-2008, 10:35 AM
We'll just wait another year or so, and then we will see what we shall see, Scooter.

Your apparently unbounded belief and faith in "the people" being the 'fixers' is very idealistic to be sure. Yet one notes that you didn't specify or identify exactly how you anticipate "the people" will sweep aside the corrupt institutional systems and the political party cabals that control those institutional systems and--presumably moving collectively together "as one"--fix everything (including the political institutions, the foundering financial system, and the devastated economy). If you have a Plan B that posits such a fix, I would sincerely be interested in hearing about it.

You scornfully attack James Howard Kunstler on the ground that he in your view has "an agenda" (that you suggest is to pander to the Democratic ticket--Obama and Biden--and that therefore is dedicated to politically wrecking the GOP while championing the Democratic Party). I do not agree with your assessment, obviously. Neither Kunstler nor I remotely would view the Modernist politicians of the Democratic Party as being the answer to the current difficulties our country finds itself in, but neither can one remotely take a rosey, positive view of the Republican Party and its wretched 'stewardship' of the U.S. over the two terms of the Bush administration. Viewing the acts and policies of the Bush administration and of the GOP since it first took office nearly eight years ago, one is left thinking of the old saw that "They had to destroy the city in order to save it."

In the interest of personal disclosure, I was a loyal GOP party loyalist for most of my adult life--until late 2001-early 2002, the period when it became very clear to me that the Bush cabal and the GOP were undermining and attacking our constitution, determined to change the nature of our traditional divided-power political system into one based squarely on the so-called "unitary presidency" concept (which holds the power and authority of the chief executive to be supreme over the U.S. Congress, over the U.S. constitution, and over the law)--hence, Dubya's withering dismissal a few years back of the constitution (and the limits on executive power it imposes) as "just a damned piece of paper." Indeed, by mid-2002 the older Republican values of limited government and a balanced budget had been replaced entirely by the new GOP and Bush "values" of a unitary imperial president, unlimited spending, and endless war, all in the name of "national security" of course. Indeed, at the present time the utterly corrupt politicians of both the GOP and the Democrat Party manifestly constitute a collective war party, which is why neither party can possibly be part of the solution to the wrecked mess the crazed GOP worshippers of the imperial state and of unlimited profiteering have made of American finances, the "financial industry", and the resulting foundering American economy.

We would do well always to bear in mind that the United States is more, much more, than the government. The government is, well, just the government. But the real basis, substance, and heart of our country is and has always been the American people themselves, not the greedy careerist politicians and the avaricious Rich and Super-Rich elite that regularly buys the politicians. Unless I have misunderstood you on this point, Scooter, I think you and I are in agreement.

In a certain sense you are right, Scooter: ultimately it will be the mass of the American people themselves who will put an end to the Modernist charade and put down the greedy fools and powerlusting politicians behind the charade. However, I do not hold to this view because of some idealistic concept of popular government. The American people will put an end to it only when their sheer material desperation leaves them no other possible alternative. That hour has not yet struck, but it is palpably approaching, the clock figuratively speaking now reading 11:59 PM. Mr. Kunstler understands this, and so do I. Despite what you may think, neither James Howard Kunstler nor I put any stock in either of the two "mainstream" criminal entities we call the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. Yet, because it has been the GOP that has destructively ridden the hobby horse of power since January 2001, it's both accurate and fair to conclude that the Republican Party has wrecked our country financially and economically and will leave it a smoking ruin. And drawing this conclusion in no way represents disloyalty to our country--for, as I said previously, this country is far more than the Republican Party, the Democrat Party, or both of them together. I do not give my supreme loyalty to any Modernist political "agenda," but only to the constitution and people of the United States.

09-16-2008, 11:07 PM
Thanks Scooter. Well stated. As a conservative I will say that greed for filthy lucre has caused many problems we are now seeing in the financial arena. Ha, ha, ha! Lenders should not have lent to people who had barely enough income to pay for private property. As one newscaster said "Those with their MBA's would have done better to get a degree in agriculture." Ha. Man made things have a way of righting themselves after we humans get them out of balance. None of us who claim to be civilized condone war. But unfortunately, there are warp-minded individuals now as well as throughout history who have tried to lord it over others. In the name of religion--irrespective of which one--some try to rule the world by their beliefs. They have no problems with instigating tumult by flying airliners into an office building, a government building or bombing same then regretting they didn't cause more damage. Or telling God to damn America. Freedom of expression and action are fine--until they begin to destroy the framework of civilization. America is a great nation. If not, why are people legally and illegally entering instead of leaving to go elsewhere?
EDIT: for the past eight years no one has answered my question above.