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View Full Version : gays with straights: what do they talk about between orgasms?

11-22-2009, 10:25 AM
I've never had sex with a straight guy. But I've known a lot of straight guys. My dad was straight. My grandfather too. And my great-grandfather was also rumored to be hetero. The world is just overflowing with straight guys and many of them are really cool people. The planet would be a lonely place without them.

But sex with a straight guy? I've always thought sex with a straight guy would be like having sex with a corpse. Sure, you could get him hard. But he'd be stiff for all the wrong reasons. And rigor mortis just isn't erotic. Suppose you had sex with him more than once. Even started a relationship. What would you talk about between orgasms?

You guys must see Kelly Cooper and Zack Randall in "Pleasuring Kelly." These philosophical considerations are all addressed (undressed?) in this video and once you clean up your bedroom or wherever it is you've been squirting your masturbation mayonnaise, you will have a list of questions. How does a straight guy have sex with a gay guy and still stay straight? Or bisexual? Or what? What does a gay guy bring to the encounter and what, if anything, does he get out of it? Can sex with a straight guy be fulfilling in any way for a gay guy? Or is it a waste of ass muscle?

Kelly is a handsome man. He has sexy feet and a penis that would be hard to say no to. Zack is a talented porn actor with bedroom talents that give him the authority of a one-man Kama Sutra. He does everything and he does it well. His shrimping skills have been carefully documented and his own lovely feet have been slobbered over by great glamorboy stars such as Claudio Martin in one of Lucas's films. The coupling of these two hotties guarantees orgasms of cosmic and even seismic proportions. For everybody, I mean: the stars themselves and anybody who watches.

Accept that Kelly is 100% hetero and Zack is totally gay. What does each one bring to the mattress? Sex is both mechanical and emotional. Kelly as a straight guy brings his excellent equipment for the rolly-coaster ride. That's mechanical. Zack brings the mechanical and the emotional. And the know how. He enters the room, kneels down in front of Kelly and begins to suck on his bare feet. Kelly, once in the mood, places his own bare feet on the soles of Zack. A little later, after removing trousers, the two press the soles of their bare feet together. Zack sucks on Kelly's excellent and responsive penis and soon hops on top of Kelly's hard cock for an unforgettable bouncie-bouncie.

Now, what does all this do for Kelly's image as a hetero? Is his straightness diminished at all? I really don't think so. It's as though Kelly had a bank account of $1,000 in American dollars. He does business abroad and earns $500 more in European euros. What he earns in euros does not take away from what he already has in American dollars. It just adds to it. Our labels and our old definitions may still be useful. But our attitudes and perceptions must change for new times and we must face the fact that labels as tools are not always the absolutes we imagined. Gay? Straight? Orientation? Behavior? Can labels really take in the total human package?

Is Zack's image of himself as a human being in any way lessened by the fact that he gives his sexual all to a straight guy who, because of the strictures of society's attitudes, feels he must not express himself more enthusiastically during this encounter? Kelly in fact is forced to sit there looking like a constipated Pea Princess, no change of expression at all, and you wonder if he needs more sex or just a bottle of prune juice. But we don't know what's going through his mind. Zack, like an enlightened human being, gives his all and his best, no matter what the reaction of his partner, no matter whether there is a smile of thanks on Kelly's face or not.

One thing I have learned in my long life: no two relationships are alike. No two gay relationships are the same. No two straight relationships are identical. Like snowflakes, all relationships are unique. One partner loves more. One gives more. Both may love differently. One is capable of bonding more deeply. One is capable, more than the other, of feeling and caring in a special way, so that there is never a perfect balance or balancing of emotions and actions in any relationship. In addition, analyzing often leads to over-analyzing, and the truth of the ultimate experience is missed.

Zack and Kelly put on quite a show for ToeGasms. Maybe it's better just to watch and not ask so many questions. But it's through our questions that we get to know ourselves better and then are better able to give to our partners. My own reaction to the pleasuring show is that somehow both Zack and Kelly are different people after the sex. A deep sexual experience always changes a person. Kelly is still straight. But he has a new dimension in his life experience, a dimension that, if not really homo, at least reflects intense male bonding. And Zack is even more of a human being for giving his all to another fellow traveler.

Thanks for letting us watch the ride, boys! You're the best!