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View Full Version : return of the barefoot smoker

10-27-2009, 11:15 PM
Some of you may remember the videos on YouTube posted by a barefoot smoker. He went by rm3283 and just sat there and smoked. That was it! Why did we watch him? Well, he is a goodlooking stud and his feet were gorgeous. He would often hold up the bare soles to the camera and when you saw them, you wanted them. Then, as is often the case with things erotic on YouTube, he vanished.

He's back now, with new videos and a new name. His new name is tracksmoke and he's got some videos you won't want to miss. One is titled "Foot Fetish"' and he shows off his feet in various poses to the music of Katie Melua's "'All you need is two bare feet."' The video is a lot of fun and tracksmoke looks great. When you go to YouTube, be sure to punch in "tracksmoke foot fetish"' since just "'tracksmoke"' may not take you to the good stuff. Another video of interest is "'Feet Dreams."' Here again, be sure to punch in "'tracksmokė feet dreams"' to get to the right place.

This handsome rascal with the gorgeous bare feet has also posted 12 videos on XTube. Yes, XTube! The title of one is "Tracksmoke is a feet loving cocksucker."' Not very subtle, but you do know what to expect. You may want to check the videos out. They may expand your horizons and sensibilities. They sure did mine!

11-01-2009, 02:51 PM
Thanks for the heads up on him, Ftlaud. I have always liked his videos on YouTube, and I've even seen a few of them on Xtube. I'll be sure the check out the ones that you mentioned! I love his feet, though I wish he would drop the smoking habit.

I worry about his health.

11-01-2009, 07:02 PM
Tracksmoke is so sweet and sexy, flickfire. But with all that smoking he must have buffalo breath. Kissing him must be like licking an ashtray. Not saying I wouldn't, tho!

11-04-2009, 06:46 AM
I notice that Tracksmoke's videos on XTube are now listed as unavailable. What happened? Have the XTube Morals Police swept them away? Why? Isn't the material on XTube supposed to be adult to begin with? How can it be too adult? Or not adult enough maybe? Hmmmm! I really think some of those Morals Monitors need to put down their Diet Pepsis, go out and get a glass or two of wine, and then go get laid! There's nothing like a good noodle-doodle to restore perspective.

Tracksmoke's other vids, including "Foot Fetish"' and "Feet Dreams"', are still running on YouTube.