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View Full Version : Foot Drama

10-05-2009, 10:11 PM
So I need to express this somehow and figured this board would be the place to so this. I am a pretty new member but have lurked around a bit just getting the feel of the place. I have loved guys' feet for as long as I can remember, Big favorite is Michael Phelps, Any-who here is my dilemma. I just recently moved to a new apartment. The guy I live with is a great friend from college and a really nice guy. He has some amazing feet. He walks around barefoot all the time and it's great. I have taken some pics of his feet when he didn't know. I even managed to lick his feet once or twice while he was asleep. I kinda don't know what to do about this. I have told him once that I thought he had nice feet when we were chatting online. Sometimes I want to tell him the stuff I would really like to do like lick and tickle them. Yet I think I only want to tell him because I assume he may actually let me do it. And if not then things would be all weird and awkward. I dunno what to do with this situation. Any thoughts?

10-06-2009, 11:34 AM
Seriously my friend, you just moved in with this guy that you obviously have a thing for and by approaching him like this might just be a really bad thing. You have a lease with him? What if he rejects your offer or thinks you are a freak or gets really uncomfortable and you have to LIVE with this person and see him on a day to day basis and the whole time you have this pink elephant in the room. My advice is to not approach him directly. Somehow, let it be known that you have a thing for feet in general...not HIS per se, just that you think feet are a turn on. I'm assuming he knows you are gay...is he? This way it opens up a line of communication about it and then maybe sometime after that if it comes up in chat or passing or even in humor, and you play it cool enough, MAYBE it will lead to his letting you do his feet. But to just come up to him like some lusty creepy foot guy could seriously screw up your living arrangments. Then you will REALLY be screwed.

10-06-2009, 05:50 PM
my experience with allot of straight guys dont be afraid to talk to them and he already knows you from college im sure he has some idea about you. if he let you guys become roomates chances are there is some kind of curiosty there.and if not he should tell you then you can get it out in the air.all men are sexual creatures and love to talk about sex straight or gay just be honest with him.i have had more fun that way.....

10-06-2009, 06:07 PM
Don't lick his feet anymore, unless the prospect of getting busted and either getting your ass kicks or the cops called on you turns you on.

If he wasn't your roomie, I'd say go for it. But I have to agree with the notion that the odds are very high that you'll freak him out and turn the relationship awkward (even if he is gay.)

Pine from afar, and perhaps find another pair of feet you can actually (and mutually) enjoy. And, someday, if he actually moves out and your still interested, then you can go for it.

10-06-2009, 07:42 PM
I agree with most of the above... if he's your roommate, it's not a good deal. If he moves out, then you can take more risk. I know it's tough, but it'd be better to find some other feet to lick.

You can test the waters a bit by approaching the subject broadly... ask him a general questions about his feet or yours (something like, "Does your foot ever hurt here? Mine sometimes does" or "Do your shoes hurt your feet? They look so wide/narrow/have such long toes/etc."). Often when asked about the subject, you can see how they feel about it. You may hear enough to satisfy your curiosity, or to confirm he doesn't like feet at all. But unless you get a 100% "I love feet and I'm gay and into you", I'd still back off actually trying anything with him.

10-06-2009, 10:27 PM
You're in a financially dependent relationship with this man, which is sort of unhealthy to start with. Don't complicate it by interjecting sexual stuff into the mix, not unless you want to risk ending up on the streets or back at mom and dad's house.

If you have signed a lease, and you offend him with an offer of footlove, the rest of your time in that apartment will be hellish. If you have not signed a lease, and you offend him with an offer of footlove, he will likely throw you out on your patoot.

Either way, it's a lose-lose situation. Don't go there!

10-08-2009, 07:12 PM
Thank you for all the advice everyone

10-08-2009, 11:05 PM
Let us know how it turns out, and how you're dealing with it! :)