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View Full Version : Raul gonzalez

frixos alex
09-05-2009, 11:10 AM
Can anyone share a foot pic of this sexy spanish?

09-05-2009, 05:37 PM

09-05-2009, 06:22 PM
Yeah, really. It's kind of lousy to see a celeb's name in the subject line of the PICTURE POST board and think you're going to see a photo when you open it, only to find that it's only someone begging for pics.

The point of this board is to share your collection, not just make demands.

09-06-2009, 07:18 AM
We should all appreciate the generosity of our many members who share their pix and really seem to enjoy sharing their pix with us. Special thanx also to the moderators who work hard to spare us having to look at viagra commercials and pussy pix first thing in the morning. The computer isn't easy and working with it takes time.

I've had my computer only since last December and have just recently learned how to download and maximize to fill the screen. It's so easy to do - when you know how. The problem is, we are all at different levels of learning. Some are advanced and can work miracles. Others, like me, are just fumbling along. Although I speak English fluently, I simply can't understand the jargon and lingo used in the computer manuals. At this stage of the game, I can't offer anything to FootBuddies in terms of pix and videocaps. I just don't know how.

I hope someone has pix of Raul Gonzalez to share with the guy who asked for them. I remember only a few months ago when I didn't know what Google was, or if it was a word you could say in polite company. Any help in finding pix, any help in figuring out ways to look for them and post them, will always be appreciated.

09-06-2009, 01:27 PM
Ftlaudft, in the past you may not have known what Google was, but right now I don't know who Raul Gonzales is?

There are certain names that don't require an explanation for most of us. Almost everyone knows who people like Tom Cruise, David Letterman, and Tiger Woods are. But Raul Gonzales? How hard would it be to attach a descriptor -- soap-opera hunk, pitcher for the NY Yankees, or singer with Boy Band -- when requesting pics of someone who is not universally known. True, if I had the interest in who Raul Gonzalez is, I could go to Google and look him up. But it seems to me that the requester has some responsibility in providing even that little bit of information.

09-06-2009, 04:06 PM
You are so right, Head2Foot! There are many names mentioned here, performers of today in music and movies, who are total strangers. And I have been able to find out who they are through Google and that great discovery, Wikipedia! I wonder how many remember my great loves of yesteryear Theda Bara and Ida Lupino! It would certainly help if people added actor, musician, bassoon soloist, pineapple farmer, street hustler, sports figure, etc.

Raúl González, by the way, is a famous football forward in Spain. (I just found that on Wikipedia too.)

09-07-2009, 12:15 PM
Thanks, Ftlaudft, for identifying Raul Gonzales. And, yes, Wikipedia is an excellent source.

Now here's a surprise, Ftlaudft. I always pictured you as one of those young South Florida stud muffins, dancing shirtless at all those circuit parties. But -- Holy Ida Lupino! -- you may be a more mature gent like me (although Theda Bara was significantly before my time).

09-07-2009, 10:19 PM
Well, it's like this, Head2Foot! I really am one of those young South Florida stud muffins and I do dance shirtless and sometimes pants-less under the palm trees, especially on nights of the full moon. I don't know much about those circus parties, but if Raul Gonzalez invites me one I won't say no. It was my grandfather who used to rave about Theda and Ida - he was a film critic, you know. Would I lie to you? Those rumors about me being so old that I taught Latin in the catacombs are greatly exaggerated.

González, by the way, with a "z"', is the Spanish spelling. The Portuguese spell it will "s". We're all still waiting to see what his feet look like.