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View Full Version : straight guys' feet

08-31-2009, 04:17 PM
Anyone into straight guys' feet?
watch these

08-31-2009, 06:19 PM
it wouldn't matter to me if a guy was straight or not. If a guy's got great feet, he's got great feet.
I like the picture of the two guys on the sofa with their arms around each other. It has a nice feeling of genuine cameraderie between them that has nothing to do with sexuality -- which is a good thing, in my book. They just look happy to be around each other. To me, THAT'S sexy in itself: smiling guys, happy to be with their buds -- and barefoot, to boot!

09-06-2009, 04:28 PM
I love straight guys' feet because there's something unavailable and hard to get about them, which makes them more appealing. Also I definitely don't like all feet, whether they look nice or not, it definitely matters to me who they're attached to, and the more masculine the guy the better to me. There is a tendency for straight guys to be more masculine. Before you all go getting your panties in a bunch, understand that I'm not saying ALL straights are masculine or ALL gays are effeminate, I'm just noting the trend, which is undeniable. So for that matter, whether straight or gay, I'm into the feet of masculine men, but straight feet have that hard to get quality that I like too.

09-07-2009, 02:24 PM
I think the difference is straight guys are hard to seduce. They're much more fun. And a gay guy cant make you feel like a girl ^^

09-07-2009, 03:29 PM
Love these pix... Thanks for sharing!