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03-27-2006, 11:13 PM

Let's get 1,000,000 names!

If this administration has it's way, you'll not see great sites like this on the web anymore! So tell your congressmen to start impeachment proceedings against this administration! We need to be free again!

03-28-2006, 09:15 AM
I signed on a while ago. Thanks for putting the word out. Guys, let's take action now, before we run the risk of losing sites like this one!

Peace ; - )

03-28-2006, 08:15 PM
spare us the self-loathing leftist crap....this is a fetish website...let's stick to our wierd preoccupation with feet, huh?
who knows? maybe soon enough the Islamist ass kissing crackpots can finally takeover (see Europe) and we'll be all swinging from trees. It'll feed in nicely to your self-loathing. Don't forget....WWMD...no nothing about Weapons of Mass Destruction.....more like "What Would Mohammed DO?"

03-28-2006, 09:26 PM
I'll tell you what's raised the Webmaster's ire (and it should be raising your ire as well, guys!) If Dubya and his Busheviks keep whittling down on our personal liberties, he'll have some pseudo-moralistic zombie from the extremist Religious Right persecuting anyone and everyone who doesn't endorse both Bush and the Jerry Falwell Rapturist ideologues and their over-zealous apocalyptic bullcrap. In other words, guys like you and Webby and me will be labeled as anti-Christ subversives, perverts, and "terrorists" and find ourselves unconstitutionally persecurted. Web sties like this one will be SHUT DOWN. Would the Rapturist-Busheviks shutting sites like this down entirely and making them illegal finally get your attention? Would some of you guys be croaking "I wanna see more pictures of macho feet!" as the thought police are dragging your asses to the paddy wagon? The good Webmaster asks you to support him in impeachng Bush so that our liberty to support boards such as this one and the freedom to live and be what we are won't be taken away from us. In my own view, the Webby should be congratulated for taking a stand as he has--not scorchingly attacked and sneered at. C'mon guys, wake up! :roll:

03-28-2006, 09:36 PM
JasonT you are a sharp, alert observer. A President has no Constitutional authority to end sites like this. Only the Congress can make laws to that end. What we all need to be concerned about is the low-lifes sneaking into this country at unguarded borders and smuggling deadly items not to mention their filthy selves. It's the likes of Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and other filth that would take away our freedom and pleasure to surf the internet. The state legislatures are more likely to pass laws curbing these fun sites. But with all the guys into the foot scene it is doubtful the foot scene will be squashed. Two years ago one guy posting on the old board confessed to being a federal judge in New York and gave some interestng comments about some things. I got impression he is one of us and was giving us some "freebie" info. Great guy. They'll outlaw bars, tattoo parlors, tobacco and alcohol before they take footsites away. Anyway "Dubya" will be out in about 2 3/4 years. Not to worry.

03-29-2006, 07:04 AM
"President Dick Cheney"? or how about
"President Dennis Hastert"?

If you're concerned about current levels of censorship, your efforts are probably best spent targeting FCC regulations by pressuring your congressmen and senators to direct the agency differently through legal changes, rather than on feel-good efforts at impeachment. Even if it were successful, it would only address the censorship issue indirectly and would result in very little policy change as Dick Cheney would officially assume the Presidency. Given his considerable role in current policy development, I doubt there would be any changes. (If the impeachment website had its way, Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert would become President. Again, probably little change.)

People in both parties have jumped on the censorship bandwagon, so it's hard to say whether the next person in office will approach this issue any differently, regardless of their party. Righteous indignation is very fashionable on the Hill.

The case laid out on the website would probably not pass Senate scrutiny even if the Democrats were in charge there. The only issue I'm aware of that you might be able to make a case for the President intentionally violating a law would be the ordering of part of the Ingelligence Community to monitor U.S. citizens without a warrant. The article in favor of impeachment on the website attempts to lay out a case so broad it doesn't read like a strong legal argument.

03-29-2006, 11:51 AM
Tinkbash wrote: Anyway "Dubya" will be out in about 2 3/4 years.

That long? Thanks for depressing me. Dubya being in for more than 6 more seconds is TOO long!

03-29-2006, 12:02 PM
The article mentioned nothing about putting an end to Foot sites. I even did a Google search. Found nothing.

03-29-2006, 03:12 PM
When you guys can point out specific instances where President Bush's policies have directly affected your personal liberties, I'll start listening. Until then, stop blowing smoke.

03-29-2006, 05:00 PM
When you guys can point out specific instances where President Bush's policies have directly affected your personal liberties, I'll start listening. Until then, stop blowing smoke.

Me? Not personally. YET.....and THAT'S what frightens me. Many of Bush's supporters would LOVE to do so, and THAT'S what frightens me.


03-29-2006, 08:28 PM
LOL. I'm with you footmanfl. The gov't has not limited any of my personal liberties. George III has far more serious items to attend to than guys turned on by feet. My view is that part of his agenda is to secure our freedom by helping the world end choke holds of dictator nuts and religious fanatics in the middle east who would likely chop off our feet and dicks if they thought we are having fun. There are some narrow religious fanatics in USA but not near as feindish as the likes of people who fly airplanes into buildings killing thousands of people they don't know. Those are the "snakes" whose global agenda we need to curb. I enjoy minding my own business, choosing my own associates, foot watching and chatting on the internet with people of my own choosing. I don't want some raghead fanatic watching over me who gets bent out of shape because of cartoons. We need to all widen our mindsets to consider long term outcomes for everybody in a secure environment. A small number of fanatical pseudo Islamics want to rule the world. THEY-- not true Muslims--are the satanic ambassadors who are freedom's real threat. Guys count your blessings, work together--or move to the middle east. [Or else you might have to against your will.] :!: :!: :!:

03-29-2006, 10:14 PM
If this administration has it's way, you'll not see great sites like this on the web anymore!...
This post is totally inappropriate. Keep politics on politically oriented web sites, please.


03-29-2006, 11:21 PM
Firstly, I'm not pointing out foot sites in general. I mean all forms of porn, sexual message boards...etc. Now, I know we won't get him impeached, but we are sending a message to our "goverment". Sure, we want to know why we are still in Iraq, and why did we invade Iraq to begin with? Oh yea, I forgot WMP, silly me. I don't recall us finding any though, silly Dubbya. So for those of you who are fine with ALL the lying of this administration, the VP's accident on that hunting trip, appointing Ashcroft as the head law enforcment officer in the first round of us being held hostage, Ashcroft, probably the most conservative man in America! Who knows if porn would still be on the web. And what about all the conservatives getting together and reading their bibles, (I have nothing against fairy tales, but this is the 21st century and the big bang theory is looking pretty damn believable) and coming to their conclusion that marriage can only be between a man and a women? Doesn't any of this rub you the wrong way? hey, if you don't want to sign it, don't. I got no problem with it. But this is still America and I want to keep it that way before all my rights are gone.

03-30-2006, 11:30 AM
Thanks, Webmaster!

And for all of you who have not YET been personally affected by the increasingly fascist policies of Dumbya and his puppet masters, I offer the following:

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Think about it.............

03-30-2006, 03:40 PM
Dear jaxjazzguy:

Couldn't have said it any better! Just because they haven't infringed on your civil liberties YET, doesn't mean that isn't their ultimate goal.

And yes, I agree that Christian fundamentalists, unlike Islamic ones, don't want to behead me. However, I'm sure they'd lose no sleep over imprisonment.


03-30-2006, 03:54 PM
Thank you, Barry.

And while it may not be the goal of christian fundamentalists to behead us with an axe, they will relentlessly continue their efforts to theoretically behead us by legislating away our right to think. act, and choose for ourselves. We need to speak up whenever and however we can. We owe it to each other, as well as to the next generation.

03-30-2006, 06:05 PM
For your posting of Pastor Niemoller's famous words. I think that what lies behind so many of the guy's refusal to see the fundamental reality of what Dubya and his Busheviks are is that so many individuals see him as the guarantor of their personal financial stakes in things. "He's supposed to be a solid capitalist guy, right?" as a friend of mine intoned to me a few months back. And the answer to that query is this: "Well, sort of--if you personally are a billionaire oligarch. But if you're a little 'middle class' guy with more financial ambitions than money, George Bush has done and will do less than nothing for you." And that's what to me is odd--that so many guys and gals view Bush as some sort of capitalist savior who will stop the social spenders at the door. But nothing could be further from the truth. His super-rich oligarch backers, between their export of capital, technology, jobs, and manufacturing facilities aboard (to take advantage of cheap foreign slave labor wagers), are fast destroying America's industrial based economy. And the tide of red ink imbalance in our exports vs. imports (which is going to top the $1 billion figure this year, more than likely) as the happy capitalists of China, Japan, Korea, and India's unholy glee makes apparent, does nothing for the middle and working classes of this country except steadily expand the breadth and depth of the sea of fiscal red ink that is going to finally rool over the U.S. economy and population like a tidal wave.

And when one adds in Bush's obvious ongoing assault on the U.S. Constitution, steadily curtailing and shrinking our traditional personal liberties in this great nation, and Bush's doctrine of Executive Supremacy (that in the Bushevik view justifies him ignoring the laws passed by Congress), it is overwhelming obvious that Dubya is nothing less than a Fascist Plutocrat. MOst of us Americans are capitalists for sure, but few of us are or will ever be billionaire oligarch capitalists. Back early this year I asked a super-rich acquaintance of mine where the devil he would run if he and his cornies sink the U.S. economy, and the son-of-a-gun told me: "Well, I've got a big house in Asia that's all set up and furnished, and that's where I'll go and take my family with me!" Aargh!

I have myself always been a capitalist, but how on earth anyone can view Dubya as anything but a crony of the Super-Rich is beyond me. As for Iraq, the Busheviks had a democratic election there last January, and not surprisingly, the sixty per cent of the Iraquis that are Shia Moslems voted for Shia parties. And if you guys follows the breaking news at all, now the Bush administration is denouncing the democratically elected Shia-dominated government in Iraq because those silly Shia folks took an extremely dim view of the U.S. military massacre of Shia worshippers in a mosque last week and, in response, are now demanding that the Americans get out of Iraq. Meaning what? That the Busheviks back democratic elections in the Middle East only when foreign electors vote in the folks that Bush wants them to? And at present Bush, Cheney, and their Neocon cronies are pushing hard to launch a U.S. military attack on Iran, a country four times the size and population of Iraq! His madness never stops. "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad", the ancient Roman dictim comes readily to mind.

The Webster is right in his view on Bush, and I for one am delighted that he is personally so clearsighted on the very real threat to American liberty that the Busheviks clearly represent. And the Niemoller quote from jaxjazzguy is entirely apposite--because Martin Niemoller personally supported Hitler and his Nazi gang until well into WW II. "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it"--Jose Ortega y Gasset.

03-30-2006, 07:37 PM
Ah yes, the Good Pastor definitely started on the wrongf side of things, (don't you just LOVE organized religion?) but he did eventually see his error and set about trying to make amends. Hence his oft-quoted words which will forever more serve as a warning against apathy.

It would be nice if even ONE of the members of the Bush cabal would have a similar epiphany before it's too late, but I'm not holding my breath! That's why We, The People need to be vigilant about our rights and freedom.

03-30-2006, 10:01 PM
Amen, finally... I was waiting for someone to make that point, very well said. Since their certainly working on us, that is colored people; I have to say that with a laugh, no civil rights any more, thats my PERSONAL experience, it does leave you bitter. Lawyers call people like me 2-4's, which transilates 2 minorities 4 one, thats really fucked-up, but then if I were a black lesbian? 3-4-1, but I know you can't or won't address that so fuck it.

03-30-2006, 10:45 PM
The U.S. trade imbalance this year will like reach the one trillion dollar benchmark (not, as I mistakenly said previous one billion).

And, yes, pltown510, I agree with you that the Super-Rich are being particularly swinish and greedy with regard to the condign abuse and neglect they continue to accord to Black folks. A friend of mine who is the elected sheriff of a parish in Louisiana that fronts on the Gulf Coast told me not long ago (January, I think) that in his view, based on all of the relevant info that the mass media refuse to publish, that there is a cabal of real estate interests and oligarchs who are positively lusting to dispossess the poor Black people who previous to Hurricane Katrina ravaging their area lived in small but solid houses all along the Mississippi Delta and elsewhere up in Louisiana. I ask my friend what was the real estate interests' game, and he told me that they've got a "vision" of rebuilding New Orleans and that whole region as a Las Vegas East, replete with huge resorts and casinos, and replacing the humble dwellings of the traditional Black homeowners with mega-sized vanity mansions and lavish townhouses and condos that they envision will be bought by the rich and the super-rich.

My friend said he believes that, and he also stated that the fate of the dispossessed Blacks of the region is literally of no interest or concern to the big money interests that, with the Busheviks, are intent on seizing the Blacks' hurricane-ravaged homes and paying them pennies on the dollar (if anything at all) for their property. I think my friend is probably right on the mark with this. The whole boondoggle of the real estate interests and the complicit Busheviks in this scandalous abuse of these solid Black Americans warrants full congressional investigation and criminal charges if the evidence comes to light--which will never happen unless the rotten, corrupt GOP loses its stranglehold on the U.S. Congress this coming November. And of course the rampant "Housing Bubble" is going to pop and deflate massively, meaning that their greedy vision of building a Las Vegas East in New Orleans simply will never comes to pass.

04-01-2006, 11:23 AM
Is what it's all about, the "Free Masons", Skull & Bones, Knights Templer, Trilateral Comm, and lets not forget "the Builder Burgers. This very nation was founded on THEIR notions, to control the whole WORLD ECONOMY. Does the term "New World Order" mean anything to you. This knowlege is mostly a secret however, but some people are finding out, there are movies on the subject, literature too. Its all quite Biblical though, and most people aren't aware; which is there greatest strength in that same vein, that you don'tknow til' its too late, they use Bible scripture as a cover-up, thats why Bush is always making Bible quotes, but he fails to say how "The meek shall inherit the earth". Funny thing is..well its not funny really; I talk to people and it plain to see their life long faith IS being shaken to the foundation, they know somethings wrong, so I give them the info. to go the library and read for them selves whats really going on and has been for hundreds of years. These people start wars, shift the economy; hell they are the movers and shakers, doing it to us right under the nations of populations nose because no one ask's question's about these "Inner Circles", its no joke man. 76 of the signatures on the Constitution are leaders who were masons, and one that is not. Do the research for yourself about what thier objective is. then you'll see what all these political strategies are about, economy ofcourse but it's more that that even.

Hell is empty, all the demons are here.

04-01-2006, 02:09 PM
Interesting ideas, though I'm sure we all have different personal experiences that shed different light on how things work, and in turn cause us to interpret things differently. Based on my own experiences, the conclusion I've drawn is that the higher up you move inside the government, the more you realize that no one is really in charge of anything. A hyberbolic statement, definitely, but when all the curtains are drawn back, it really is startling how much chaos there is, how little long-term strategic planning is done by nearly any government on this planet, and how no one is orchestrating anything on a grand scale.

04-01-2006, 04:54 PM
Thank you a1david1a. I keep reading how BAD the US is but can anyone explain why--if it is so bad--people continue to cross the border INTO rather than OUT OF the US? It doesn't make sense. They tore down the Berlin Wall and now everyone over there seems happier. Maybe the "Founding Fathers" screwed up and got us into this (?) mess. We could blame it on the "Free Masons." After all, we gotta blame somebody.
Maybe we should junk our computers, free press, television, telephones, radios, aircraft, automobiles, ocean liners, etc. and go back to chunking spears at each other while we wear "war" paint. Then we wouldn't have to be bothered with credit card bills, house/rent payments, junk mail, spam, cost of gasoline, natural gas, water bills. Oh but it just occurred to me. It would be a terrible change because our friends who come here to display their hate would have no place to do it. And they wouldn't have modern medicines to stabilize them. Forgive me guys. Maybe we need to thank the old dead men after all for our freedoms and conveniences. :D LOL Now have fun with this one. :roll:

04-02-2006, 06:24 AM
Oh you "love it or leave it" guys just KILL me! I'd laugh if it weren't so inherently sad. If everyone followed that line of thinking, we'd still have slavery, women wouldn't be able to vote or own property, and you certainly wouldn't have access to sites like this one.

No one is blaming America here. I, for one, love America. What I hate is the fact that it is currently being held hosttage by corporate greed and religious freaks. Now you can either stick your head in the sand and a flag up your ass and pretend it's not happening, or you can heed the warning and help do something about it before it's too late. We already have the christian Taliban in South Dakota telling women what they can and can't do with their own bodies. Mark my words, it won't be long before they are telling us what we can and can't do with out feet or anything else if we don't speak up

Tinkbash, I respect your opinion, and from your posts here you seem like a fairly level headed guy. I think you're being short sighted in this case, however. Things are not like they used to be. This cabal of hypocritical politicians has, since the 1980's, plotted to turn our nation into a theocratic corporation, culminating with the presidency of Dick Cheney and Karl Rove pulling the strings for their sock puppet figurehead. When we have a newly appointed Supreme Court justice who writes a thank you note to the American Family Association for helping him get the job, that's' pretty indicative of their motives. They have managed to dupe the whole nation into thinking that they are godly men here to safeguard our national morals, when they are actually the greedy, self serving despots we tried to leave back in Europe two centuries ago!

We are now so far removed from the vision of the Founding Fathers that I'm sure they are spinning in their graves. This is not at all what they had in mind when they created a land where people were free to live as they choose without molestation from the government. They would be appalled to see the erosion of the Bill Of Rights in favor of one religion's agenda. They would be appalled to hear the recent words of Antonin Scalia when he said that our Constitution was not a living document. You're right, those old dead white guys had some pretty good ideas a couple hundred years ago. I think it's time we started putting them back into place.

No, I don't hate America or blame America. I love America, I greive for its current state of affairs, and damn it, I want it back from Enron, Halliburton, and the christian Taliban that are trying to steal it from me!

04-02-2006, 12:10 PM
May friend pltown610 we'll probably both be blasted for posting non-foot stuff here. LOL You seem to have missed the lessons of history somewhere along the way. Europeans migrated to "America" for freedom. Not for a better garden from which to eat; although freedom can be thought of as a better kitchen. People migrate for various reasons. When one group settles, builds a workable environment with "extras" after satisfying the basic needs then quite naturally others are going to want to move in. Recall the children's story of THE LITTLE RED HEN. A classic to illustrate the issue. We do spend billions on shooting rockets into the sky. But we also produce a lot of surplus food and other goods that we send to the hungry and needy around the planet.
There will always be those who want to sit on their butts while others work and make good things. Then when it's "dinnertime"--they all get in line to get their "fair share." FAIR share????? I call them freeloaders. I think it is high time the Mexican government (just to mention one) started looking into its own resources, etc. to make some positive changes that will make its citizens want to stay home and establish a better living there. ***The insurgents are getting ready to blast us for posting this stuff. :wink: ITYS
~~~~~Everyone have a great Spring and Summer. "Tinkberbelle" :lol:

04-02-2006, 01:27 PM
Well you've missed YOUR history they WERE being starved & such babe... those who wanted to eat at someone else's cost, THATS what ALSO built Amer., you didn't forget that I know; or did you, hell its still going. Lets face it, are you and I going to pick the bounty? hell no! we're not suckers, thats Amer., isn't? at someone else's cost, with this current idea on the political table, we're really taking about yet ANOTHER form of SLAVERY now aren't we, there not talking about citizenship, just like with slavery I'm well versed in history as you are, its just different points of veiw.

Nostradomis refered to those crossing the pond as "The hungary ones'... boy was he ever right on that, they still need to feed at someone else's cost. :roll:

But for insecurity, your getting caught up in who's right or wrong here, which is fucked up! its about whats happening Tink. It's about whats closing in on ALL of us, thats why we're asked and urged to take action, we can learn alot from each other being that we're all different thank the CREATOR, different info. and such :lol:

Didn't Texas as well as Cali. belong to Mexico at one time? thought so, well you know the rest speaking of getting something or standing in line, your going to have to thinking as a HUMAN BEING and not just a white Amer., but you'll fail that I know. These people already out number white Amer., and they know it. It wouldn't surprise me if like the slaves at one point in Amer., once they out numbered their owners; they started lopping of there heads children and all... you can imagime the rest,... here you go babe, "MS13'?... tens of thousand of them here now as we speak, frankly, I know what I'd do if I were them, I don't hate you or anything, it's a waste of energy, but my god, it's going to be hard for some of you to switch gears and think of yourselves as "Minorities", a generation from now? I guess thats why they want to leave earth behind and build liveable stations elsewhere "they in the know" want to escape the encroaching masses, I gotta laugh at that, because they created they're own mess and losing control each and every minute as we speak. :wink:

04-02-2006, 04:27 PM

04-02-2006, 06:55 PM
Tink, I need to start playing lotto, I was just telling you about why the Euro's came here and it was just on the History channel!. It's called "The little iceage', ofcourse I knew that already, the a valcano in Indonesia blew (1814) it cause the famine in Europe and the tens of thousands came to New England and experienced the "Year without a summer' so they pushed further west. :roll:

P.S. I still dig ya Babe :lol:

04-02-2006, 09:02 PM
Thanks pltown610. And jaxjazzguy420 I like your ideas too. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. --even within the nation. Like you, I love the USA and am not pleased with some of the things going on. But we do have freedom to peck out our opinions on this site. Kinda nice. The second sentence in your first paragraph emphasizes why we have it pretty good here. In the Middle East they still seem to have a primitive lifestyle compared with ours. But their teenagers throwing rocks in the streets don't look like some of the overinflated balloon kids we have here who stuff their faces with junk food. I do believe the old dead white guys had some pretty good ideas even if some find fault with them and their membership in Free Masons. Recall even Moses had his detractors. So did the famous historical Jewish carpenter from Nazareth. And while in that area of thought I'm not convinced that "organized religion" is following the "blueprint" it's supposed to adher to that was written down about two thousand years ago. On that subject I think it best for each to "read the book" himself rather than follow others' opinions of what's written. I firmly believe the author of those writings had a good plan and chose to not impose on the reader without the reader's consent. Just my opinions and everyone has his own. It's a good country and it's up to us to preserve our freedoms to enjoy such as this site. The Founding Fathers had little idea what we have to put up with now but the blueprint they gave us (The US Constitution) sets the rules by which we carry on. Hopefully we can maintain the full brightness of the legacy and torch they passed to us. [Or we won't be able to have fun like we do here. :cry: ] Again thanks pltown and jaxjazz. You're great guys. Love ya.

04-03-2006, 10:01 AM
Man, you are just the coolest! Thank you!

And I must say that this is really the most pleasant political discussion, not to mention the most intelligent one, of all the many in which I participate. Just goes to show what we know already...foot guys ROCK!

Have a great day!

PS - Thanks, Webmaster, for keeping us mindful of the world around us. We too often tend to take freedom like this for granted.

04-07-2006, 01:13 AM
i pay taxes i vote i did four years in the u.s. Navy i dont know why they would bother with a site like this one when all we are talking about is feet.
if they dont like it vote them out of office. and besides who the hell are offending anyway?
this is my e-mail, let them try and track me down to give me a fine for enjoying male feet.

04-07-2006, 05:39 AM
Great comment footlicker76. Admiring guys' feet is not at the criminal level. The Attorney General and other law enforcement folks should concentrate their resources on freeloaders sneaking into the country, people trying to bypass security points, child molesters, illicit drug dealings and a host of other activities that CAUSE HARM. We are essentially minding our own business here no differently than people strolling through a mall looking at merchandise in stores. LOL, at least the merchandise is more readily available! :roll: Boots McGraw was right when he said recently that many come here just to LOOK. Not much more we can do considering how spread out we are. :(

04-08-2006, 01:59 PM
I take great offence when it comes to what the Free Masons are up to, and you eventually will too...when ruling the world by way of finance and Government, the inner circle is nothing short of sinister, believe me on that one; been studying these groups since 90'. When someones main objective is to rule ALL Government, and Finances and keep anyone whom is not one of them out... you know nothing about these people and thats the way they like. The secrecy and denial inwhich they operate should tell you they're up to no good, with slogans like "Us above all others". Know all to well what I'm talking about, in short they hide under the cloak of Christianity, but it just a cover they believe in the end times and thier prepairing for it, doesn't include you or I, because we don't belong. Anyone whom would think of themselves as being above everyone else spells trouble, always has, always will. When you exclude your self from the majority; and have all the political and financial clout; and further more operate in secrecy about what your doing... you'd be wise to inquire.

Once had someone approach me about membership once; asked what their "Objective" was she couldn't/wouldn't tell me... secretive as all hell, I've done my research and told her as much. Asked her why she considered me; said she "likes my strong decisive character, we need people like you" whats my intiation I asked? "I not allowed to say, there's someone you'd have to meet with secretly"

It's just wrong man you have NO idea, too dark and evil for me. I'ts so funny after all the movies done people still don't know anything about it, or even curious, really; ecxept for some that is, it's really the cornerstone of our politics nad you can see what thats come to be...a complete mess, racial problems galore, enormous in the red problem, you know there the only ones making money right now, there's a reason for that "Tink"

Why do you suppose there is so much controversy over the Bible and its true meaning such as never before; people know there's something wrong, they can't figure it out, but some of us know and accept the truth behind the SS= Sercet Society, there's much more that meets the eye, no pun intended; talking about the ALL SEEING EYE on the dollar.

04-08-2006, 03:40 PM
Thank you pltown610. I have a suggestion. You write a book in the same way someone wrote THE GODFATHER. I think it would be interesting to delve into the "secrets" of the Free Masons. YOUR INFORMATION MUST BE ACCURATE AND HONEST. I think though if the Free Masons were involved in clandestined operations in the manner of the "Mafia" they would have been found out long ago. As things stand today even if your allegations are absolutely correct I think we have a pretty good system. Perish the thought of our nation and its economy being lorded over by the likes of Sadam, Osama, Adolf, drug lords, illegal aleins, winos, etc., just to cite a few. I do not hate wealthy people and am not one of them. But I would not turn down a multi-million dollar lottery winning check. Nothing is perfect in this world (unfortunately) so we have to stand by what we see as "good" and make it better if we can. Pltown you should run for public office. If voters like your ideas they will put you in a position to implement them. ---compliments of the dead white guys who were allegedly members of the Free Masons. You're thinking. Keep it up.

04-08-2006, 04:58 PM
...You seem to be on the right track in this discussion. Most folks remain totally unaware of it, but there are in fact two sides, or types of history: exoteric and esoteric, meaning the typically acknowledged and discussed history in all the history books (especially K-12 and college level history books) versus the esoteric or hidden, seldom discussed or referenced history that very few individuals or historical writers acknowledge or even know about. This dichotomy is, to me anyway, a fascinating one, and I will go so far as to say that no individual can remain essentially ignorant or unaware of the esoteric side of human history and accurately or successfully analyze, dissect, and understand what von Ranke in the early 19th century referred to with his words "wie es eigentlich gewesen ist".

However, one mustn't be too severe in judging the folks who remain "fat, dumb, and happy" (so to speak) because such people aren't either in a position to know what they aren't intended or supposed to know or, even if they individually might be, don't know or understand what questions to ask that if they investigate seriously would lead them to learn that there is a whole side to human events of which they are kept deliberately in blissful ignorance.

Moreover, many individuals who do one way or another stumble onto nuggest of esoteric history proceed to view those nuggests within the framework and context of a Modernist ideological perspective, typically one that owing to their own individual personal and experiential context seems to explain everything to them that they don't understand or can't otherwise significate and understand. In other words, if one tries to grasp and understand the whole from a partisan ideological context--whether Marxist, racial or nationalist, Capitalist, sectarian religious,or what have you, that person's blind acceptance resulting from his particular ideological "leap into faith" has the predictable effect of causing him to draw his conclusions based on his own ideologial 'doctrine' and commjitment to it instead of on the reality of human nature and the objective reality of human behavior. Blind faith and acceptance by anyone of a given ideology (ideological doctrine) straitjackets the person's mind and renders him essentially incapable of objectively analyzing the amazing tapestry of human reality and events. Put another way, if you don't know where you've been and don't know where you are, then you are incapable of objectively judging where it is you want to go (if you see what I mean here).

The enduring problem equally cursing all Modernist ideologues is that their individual ideological commitment blinds them and prevents them from objectively analyzing and understanding the significance of just about everything that will predictably impact on them and their ideological objectives. Truly, then, in most situations in the world it is a matter of "The blind leading the blind". But to those who are willing and able to confront human reality in an objective (non-ideological) way, even if their knowledge is merely partial, then the old saying "In the Land of the Blind the One-Eyed Man is King" comes into play.

At present in our great country, the U.S. government is captained and controlled by a few groups of thoroughly ideologically conditioned and ideologically committed individuals--some of whom are, descripttively, Plutocracists, some of whom are perfervid Zionists, and some of whom are noe-Fascists (worshippers of personal power for personal power's sake). All of these groups customarily use and invoke the borrowed language or terms of traditional religion, traditional patriotism, and traditional idealism, but the adept man recognizes easily enough that such terms are fraudulently used in order to deceive, not to enlighten or inform. This fradulent involking of traditional values and religious terms in their public utterances is motivated by an intention to deceive and manipulate for selfish personal gain and enrichment. But the great mass of our fellow citizens don't grasp or understand that reality, and so they take the lies and deceptions fed to them at face value--a big, serious mistake. The rampant success enjoyed by Marxist ideologues in the first half of the 20th century was reflective of millions of individuals around the world who took the declared self-valuations of the Marxists at face value and thus believed the Marxist propaganda and deceptions. However, after Stalin and his murderous neo-Fascists ("Communists"--what a joke!) successfully established the hell-on-earth called the Soviet Empire, the reality of who and what the CPSU and the Communists were was no longer hideen or existentially deniable. And once their mask was ripped off and their true moral and existential significance was blatantly obvious, at last the rest of the world (particularly in Europe and the good old U.S.A.) took proper notice and began to respond appropriately.

But today, here in the U.S., the true face and significance of the malovelent Bushevik cabal still remains unknown and unrecognized by a majority of our citizens. In contradistinction to the media response to "Tricky Dick" Nixon and his minions forty years ago, however, the mass media today are assuredly not busily ripping the mask off the Busheviks. If anything, those who own and control the mass media of today continue to support the Busheviks--for many reasons. The underlying truth of who and what the Bushevik cabal are is slowly emerging, nonetheless, but fitfully and in bits and pieces, primarily thanks to the existence of the Net, which continues to defy the efforts of the insider political elites to gain working control of it. It is of course the Net that has also made it possible for the Foot Buddies Board to even exist and prosper as it has. I could be mistaken, but in my view even the mass media will in due course turn against the Busheviks (particularly when it becomes absolutely clear generally that Bush, Cheney, et al., are taking this country to economic self-destruction). But, hell, by then even your dog will recognize that (joke).

After the Busheviks fall from power--and they are going to, I expect we can anticipate that individuals power-players will rush to prove the bona fide of their credentials as loyal Americans by claiming (falsely, for the most part) that they themselves were opposing the Busheviks early on during the Bushevik period of sway. For most Modernist power-players, it is all about appearances, not about what is truly believed and acted on.

Since, as is so typical in recent American history, the good Black American folks are among the first to be hit by the rampant consequences of the elites (in the present case, of the Busheviks), not surprisingly the Blacks as a group are among the first to grasp and understand the underlying viciousness and malevolence of the Bushevik forces. Reality hits them first, in other words, so they are among the first to recognize it and react to it, and understandably so.

For what it is worth to you to read this, let me just affirm to you, pltown610, that to all decent Americans you and your Black brothers and sisters are just as valued and loved asall the rest of the American people are. Despite all the ugliness and desperation of the past, I know and most American know that we are all of us God's children. And in a very special moral sense, therefore, when you decry the reality of what is dealt out to Blacks generally, your cry of outrage and protest speaks for all decent Americans, regardless of racial background. I hope you will never despair out of a false belief that your white, red, brown, and yellow brothers and sisters are morally and existentially callused and indifferent to your fate, for what oppresses and pains you oppresses and pains all of us.

With my very good wishes to you,

Franz K.

04-09-2006, 01:41 AM
Thank you Franz K. You might know "tinkerbelle" has to toss in a word. Your post is great and especially the last paragraph. To pltown610 I wish to say that I believe most Americans detest racism. The past is past and we need to move on improving our lot. But there is something that continues in America that should be destroyed. It is the frequent resurrecting of the race concept by a few who use the title "Rev." as well as others. They are viewed as self-appointed spokespersons for good African-American people. The continual designating black people as victims has to stop. Some Black "leaders" spray the population with rhetoric designed for the purpose of stirring up and getting people to adher to and follow their ideas thus giving them power. It is the power move used by Adolf, Sadam and a host of others. We have a great country and it doesn't need divisiveness. Great forum participation here. What has this to do with feet :?: EVERYTHING :!: :arrow: :idea:

04-09-2006, 01:57 PM
First of all, this is much bigger than the PERSISTANT race problems we black people face, not that I brought that up here anyway. Although I sespect that if people REALLY hate racism, then why the hell have they elected an obvious racist, can you tell me that please?, never mind I'll tell you. Most people have no idea what it even means, those that aren't of color that is. I don't want to talk about the black thing but, I learned as a younger person long ago by body language, eye contact when you are indeed in the presence of a racist, in job interviews and such, your sences will indeed sharpen, its a constant vigil one learns that perceptiveness to merely survive, let along thrive. I put it to the test at work once, set a trap so to speak; and ofcourse it worked, thats how I manged to retire! LOL,LOL. the lawyers said I set them up, my reply was it was coming down to me or them so...yes I did and they fell into it, need no more proof than that, for myself that is, ignorance is indeed bliss for some.

I once saw on the BBC that in America, the average black man is more likely to become homeless, why do you suppose they can come to terms with that REALITY and America can't? DENIAL LOL,LOL. It like everything else will work it's way out tough, that I'm sure of :wink:

I love to talk politics since I realized how it was kicking my as, I thought I'd learn something about it instead of as you say "being a victim", the shit got old for me, foiling my financial plans for my life goals/happiness financially that is.

So that is to say:THE MASONS on its face, may read something as something special to others, shit I know better. Take Replublicans for instance and conservitism; its a Colonial point of view: conserving their way of life, just like the Confederate flag stands for their southern way of life and I know what that decries, but your not in my shoes are you sz.15m you can't walk in my shoes anyway and trust me you wouldn't to... cause you know better, I'm not the one in denial here, we know what we face, and why it persists man DENIAL. I could tell you time & time again about PERSONAL experiences of racism, thats why TINA TUNER doesn't live in Amer., and like her, I don't want to just think of being black all the time, didn't know he differance until I started to grow-up, much like our gay friends, thats not ALL they are, are they, yet WE face that challenge too now don't we? one third of our youth commit suicide because they know what they're faced with, all they have to do is look around, society teaches them that does'nt it. Their looking at us black poeple for what will happen to them. That quote some one made earlier in this thread, I'd love to believe people were'nt ok with racism, thats not reality, we're all surounded by it though man :( KATRINA, but I like to read your writing anyway, what you think we're making it up , what rubish :roll:, even on CNN "quote the future of the Black American doesn't look bright". That ain't on us man, oh before I go I think the OJ case showed you that, those innocent people where murdered; that case was about everything but... what happened, instead...BLACK & WHITE not the crime ain't that sad, it turned into that, America doesn't really give a shit. It's all abou the "BLACK, White & GREEN" =economics, thats what slavery was all about, that what feeds racism. You just what and see what the Mexicans are probably going to do, since the out number white Amers. and everyone else too, they have recent history to go by..they won't let that happen to them, they have and will continue the foot hold they have, sheer numbers man. Guess I can't blame either, their slated to become the NEXT wave of SLAVEs, but I know they'll take certain steps to KILL the idea, I would if I were them, Texas was theirs & Cali, think they forgot that?

Your living in a fantasy, that is going, going..will be gone. The American you remember and love is from ALL points going bye, bye. As long as people of color are left out of the economic power of America that I also love, there will be problems. TRUE!!! :wink:

04-10-2006, 03:32 PM
with all that is going on in the world today, wars, bigotry, televangelism, people in this country the U.S.A. starving, kiddie porno-bunch of sickos if you ask me- and the ever popular government sticking thier noses into our bedrooms. what or who are we hurting?
do we run up behind people in the park knock them down and rape thier feet? hey everybody has a fantasy, thats just a fantasy. it does not mean we are realy going to do something so stupid. who the hell wants to end up in jail anyway? I say lets kick off our shoes and socks post pics have a good time talking about what we love to do and not be ashamed of it.
one last thought, lets leave kids feet out of this forum, i think that doing anything with feet under the age of 18 is wrong, but hey its just MY OPINION.

04-10-2006, 05:50 PM
And footlicker76 I'm in full agreement with you. Carry on dude. Love ya. :wink:

04-10-2006, 08:20 PM
I to am in complete agreement, just want to be all I can; and encourage others to do likewise, STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR RIGHT EVERYBODY,

lately it seem like the lid is coming off the pot, all that is done in the dark is now coming to light to be exposed and it those PREDITORS at the top for the most part, seem to be doing most of the misdeeds. But thats what happens when the wrong people are in power situations. I don't believe in passivity and if more people could be like that and watch out for each other; NONE of us would at risk, but hey man... thats just me :)

04-11-2006, 12:59 PM
When I posted the original IMPEACH BUSH website on here, I was saddened to see how many people suggested I remove it due to the fact this was a "FOOT FETISH" site. Now anyone who wants to view the conversation, can see that we can have an intellegent conversation, and we're not all about feet. Thank you everyone who contributed to this string. I think in the future I will add a section to "FOOTBUDDIES that is off the foot topic, and make this a more than a "JUST FEET" community so we can discuss what's going on in the world.

04-11-2006, 01:20 PM
I for one was very happy to see your original message you posted that began this string. And like you, I, too, was dismayed by all the snappish, waspish posts that were added in which the guys writing them complained that there could be anything posted other than messages and/or pics of male feet. Each time I saw and read another one of those messages, I'd think to myself: "Geez, man--get a clue!"

Back a couple years ago, I found that many of my social friends and acquaintainces were so totally locked onto the overriding desire to make money for themselves that they evidenced a great reluctance to confront personally the reality that Dubya and his giddy GOP cronies represented something far more toxic and threatening to our American liberties than 'Slick Willie' Clinton ever did. No, they just preferred to turn a blind eye on and ignore the continuing depredations to our liberty and freedom as Americans that Dubya and his chicken-hawk pals constituted. So what was one to do? I patiently set to work acquainting my friends individually with the disappearance of our Bill of Rights, and I am glad to be able to report that most of them have by now "seen the light" and have individually swung themselves into the growing majority of Americans who steadfastly oppose Bush's neo-Fascist "Amerika".

The situation has reminded me of that humorous parody of the old poem called "If" that circulated about 20 years ago that went: "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then you probably haven't heard the news yet!" Seriously, though, my respect and admiration for you surged, Webby, when I read your initial post in this string. And so I thank you for it, my friend.

Franz K.

04-11-2006, 01:30 PM
MSN is in the process of purging every one of its Adult Group sites, presumably so Billy Gates can make MSN appear "user friendly" to the puritannical mainland Chinese and to the extremist American Fundamentalist-Evangelical Protestant groups who operate on the assumption that everyone in this country is to think and exactly as they do themselves.

Some of the guys who posted messages protesting the fact of this strong on the Baord whined that they had not personally seen any evidence of Dubya and the Boys trying to override their constitutional liberties and rights. Well, folks, go take a look at what's presently happening to all the Adult Groups on MSN. If the Busheviks and the extremist Fundies get their way, no Adult Groups will be allowed to participate on the Web at all not that much further down the road. :(

Oh, and, WEbby, I think your idea of having another, separate board on this site where interested visitors can post and read messages pertaining to a subject other than male feet is truly a good one. More power to you.


04-11-2006, 05:52 PM
I just don't understand why the majority of people assume you must be totally against Bush just because you're gay. I voted for him the first time, the second time and if he could run again, he would have my vote a third time.

Just my opinion...for what's in worth, which is probably not much here on this board!

04-11-2006, 07:41 PM
Oooh, Adam 200 babe do you Bush at would be the best man at our wedding; your just my tiype guy :roll:

04-12-2006, 04:46 PM
if people do not want to look at it then dont look at it. user freindly ? what the bloody blazes does that mean any more? billy gates is a fool, a rich fool but still a fool. you dont like howard stern? thats what the little knob on your radio for, change the station, you dont like a certain t.v. program or feel that it is too violent for your kids to watch? ever here of the V-CHIP?
yes i belong to quite a few adult groups on yahoo mostly foot fetish groups and maybe four or five on msn groups, but if i dont want to look at them i can always DELETE them.
i have a freind who has five children the oldest is 16 and he has his own computor, but being the good parent that he is he has it password protected- power on password-so that his kids cannot see any porno images or join any adult groups or use the comp when he is not around. they can use the comp at school to do research for school projects, that is what passwords are for, he also checks his kids e-mail accounts at random times.
is he a tyrant because of this ? no.
is he trying to protect his children from all of the real sickos out there ? yes.
hell if i had kids, the only time they could surf the web is if i was standing there watching every move they made. or the comp was in a common area where i could pop in at any moment to see what they were looking at.
sorry guys i tend to get realy pissed at stupid little things like this at run off at the mouth, but i also feel that every one is entitled to an opinion. :!:

04-12-2006, 05:54 PM
But that's precisely the point I was getting at. You and I take the view that each ADULT individual is entitled to choose for himself or herself what he/she wants to view on the old PC. What anybody doesn't want to view, he doesn't have to view--and that's it.

But the problem arises for the rest of us as individuals because there are a hell of a lot of self-appointed, so-called Moral Watchdogs out there who have a compulsive inner need to be able to dictate to the rest of us what we as individuals should be able to view or should not be. And such a person tends to feel subjectively absolutely positive that he individually has the moral right to determine what everyone besides himself views, watches, or enjoys--PERIOD. And when such a person, or a whole group of them, begin to believe that their personal right and authority to diktate to others on such things is likewise their exclusive political right to enforce on others, that's when a Dubya Bush, a Dick Cheney, or, yes, some fool like Billy Gates starts asserting that Divine Providence somehow has endowed him/them with the moral and existential right to act authoritatively as everyone else's "moral" watchdog--and enforcer.

You are absolutely right: if Billy Gates or Dubya Bush doesn't want to view Adult Group material on his personal PC, all he has to do is not visit the sites or leave them immediately as soon as he finds what is on a site unamenable to himself. That capability of determining what he personally views or watches isn't enough for him, however. Taking the view, as all such fools do, that their personal beliefs and "morality" endow them magically with the moral and political right to regulate and control other peoples' lives, they act, in concert, to band together for the express purpose of establishing their personal authority and control over everybody else.

The self-righteous bastards piously point to their self-assumed individual "moral superiority" and/or ideological vision as entitling and giving them the right and "moral" duty to control other people's lives and personal choices, regardless of whether other people want to voluntarily accept their beliefs and their presumed authority to enforce them or not. And, when the rest of us respond by telling them to go take a hike, then they are ready to use force to make us obey their dictates. The traditional American belief in every person's right to determine for himself what he does or doesn't do flies right out of the window. And it's my own view that at present that's where as a national community we all stand: with a self-worshipping group of pseudo-moralists standing absolutely convinced that they as a group have the right and (as they see it) the rightful authority to dictate to the entire American population as a whole what we as individuals think and believe and choose to do or not do in our lives. As amazing as it is to me, these pseudo-moralists have deceived themselves into believing that it is their "God-given" right to control other people and dictate to them that stands as an objective testment to their individual moral supremacy. Well, duh! Wrong-o.

The sad fact of the matter is that it is that bunch of self-assuming dictator wannabes who are in fact completely out of sync with traditional American concepts of self-determination and individual liberty. Some monkey like Bush can deck himself out in the pretend-uniform of an American military pilot and stage a breath-taking landing on an achored U.S. aircraft carrier vessel in San Diego Bay and use that stagey set-up as visual evidence of his presumed personal excellence and moral authority to dictate to the rest of us, but we are none of us morally bound to take him at his self-evaluated view of himself as God's personal choice to be the suler and savior of the human race. Georgie Boy has spent way too much time watching Hollywood "hero" films and has from Day One of his wretched existence taken personal advantage of the fact that he was born into the elite Bush clan, with a silver spoon in his mouth, and, once he finally managed (more or less!) to stop using booze and drugs not all that many years ago as a daily prop to enables himself to face life, he obviously concluded that his personal concept of herotic action, his elite, privileged identity as a Bush family member, and his brilliant victory over himself where booze and drugs are concerned all combined to make him God's special Anointed One, entitlted by Divine Providence to rule over and inspire the rest of the morally weak human race. The man is a hopeless megalomaniac. The potential tragedy for Americans generally is this self-worshipping yahoo is just itching to lob nuclear warheads on any foreign peoples or leaders who refuse to view him in what he feels and proclaims to be "the proper light". In terms of his being a competent, humane leader, this seedy, greedy man is a joke--but who's laughing? And who, pray tell, will be laughing a year from now or two years from now? Only the Dark One, I'm afraid.

04-18-2006, 02:14 PM


04-18-2006, 11:29 PM
This is not the place for this stuff.
just VOTE next time, and keep voting til you get your candidates in office. he got 60 million votes, he was democratically elected.
give it up. just face it, he is in now, and is PRESIDENT.
you look so sour by grabbing at straws with this.

04-19-2006, 12:26 PM
He may be your president, but he isn't mine! I have no leaders, as these "leaders" do not represent me in any fashion whatsoever. Why should they? The Bush Regime sees me as a fifth-class citizen at best (not Christian, not heterosexual, no kids, believe in racial/ethnic equality), so why should I expect anything more?

Therefore, I have a country which I love, but no leaders. I refuse to acknowledge anything about them except the fact they exist. No better than they do to me.

If you want to acknowledge people who hate you at face value as your leaders, you go right ahead. I'm not going to be that self-loathing.

And yes, I do accept that the regime won. I also accept they have 3 more years (gag!) representing people who hate me's values. And yes, I do intend to vote and keep voting until people who represent all Americans are back in power.

04-19-2006, 03:20 PM
we get the point dude. did you hit the submit button too many times? or did you send your posting 3 or 4 times on purpose?

04-19-2006, 03:23 PM
I just don't understand why the majority of people assume you must be totally against Bush just because you're gay. I voted for him the first time, the second time and if he could run again, he would have my vote a third time.

Just my opinion...for what's in worth, which is probably not much here on this board!
everyones opinion matters buddy, i voted for him when he ran and i voted for his father when he ran for president, i am no thrilled with him now the way he is running country and i probably will not vote for hiim again if some one comes along who seems a little smarter than him.
but who can tell with politicians?

04-20-2006, 12:32 AM
:lol: it just goes to show you, they should be building more mental institutions, not prisons :o :o :o

04-20-2006, 02:55 PM
:lol: it just goes to show you, they should be building more mental institutions, not prisons :o :o :o
i have been in a mental institution and i could not agree with you more. :twisted:

04-22-2006, 09:12 PM
I personally think George W. Bush is one of the worst presidents we've ever had. He started an unecessary war, which has gotten thousands of innocent people killed and maimed, sullied our reputation around the world, and has driven us into a budget deficit, that will probably take generations of people to pay off, and you would think since he's been in office for over 5 years, he would have a better mastery of the english language than what he has. AND FOR GOD"S SAKE-I WISH THE HELL HE'D GET THAT "DEER CAUGHT IN THE HEADLIGHTS " LOOK OFF HIS FACE WHENEVER HE HAS TO ANSWER A TOUGH QUESTION! IT'S EMBRASSING!!

But other than that, he's a great guy. Good enough to have a beer with. So the next time he's in town, why don't all you guys who love him so much go have one with him. I'm sure he'd like that! And then you can all talk about how he continuely supports legislation that bans gay marriage!

04-25-2006, 10:41 AM
What a depressing political situation! As the duque de Albuquerque is reported to have said, at the very moment the mean Injuns pushed him and his soldiers into the mouths of the crocodiles, "¡Muchachos! !Estamos chingados!"

So what can we do? Keep informed! Read newspapers! Watch news programs! Read a book once in a while! Discuss with friends, neighbors, loved ones! Contribute to our wonderful gay groups, like Lambda Legal, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the Human Rights Campaign! And prepare to VOTE! In every election! (At least once!)

07-18-2006, 12:46 AM
Most of the Americans who voted for Bush and the republicans seem to be wising up. If the democrats actually stand behind an issue( united together) they will win the whitehouse. Unfortuanetly Dems never take a hard stance and this costs them. Hopefully they'll get their act together later this Oct. and in '08.

07-22-2006, 09:17 AM
We ALL need to get our acts together regardless of political persuasion. Hoodlums worldwide need to be dealt with severely--preferably eliminated--so the rest of us can live peacfully and put money into useful efforts. Islamofascists who hate everybody as demonstrated by their killing people--even their own ethnic ones--have no right to exist. Pacifists with their heads stuck in holes need to wake up and join the responsible ones worldwide and help rid the world of the likes of fecals such as Bin Laden, Saddam, and all others of their ilk. Israel has a right to its tiny parcel of land. But surrounding thugs think otherwise. Give them a centimeter and they'll hijack a kilometer--then demand more as a "right." Diplomacy, logic, fairness and civility are rejected by those who are programmed with primitive 6th. Century mentality. "Shalom"

09-24-2006, 05:11 PM
You know - it's pathetic so see what is accepted as 'fact' by those who supposedly are well informed on issues. This President, backed by the courts, Congress on both parties, etc. have not had an adverse effect on rights as it regards web sites. It has been a joint effort and some web sites promoting child pornograpghy should be closed down as they are an affront to the laws of nearly all nations. The previous President (Clinton) instituted, along with a Democratic Congress, 'dont' as don't tell' for the military and the Defense of Marriage Act. So to get all in a lather over Bush is silly. That's why we have courts and elections and state governments. One thing we can thank Bush and the conservative Congress for in blocking every attempt the Democrats have employed to find ways to tax the internet. That would be insane. the minute you being taxing something or someone -- you gain a measure of control -- and taxation is far more likely to be used to censor websites than the current Administration. And oh yeah, by the way, in about 40 days there is a mid-term election. That's where to make your voice heard. Maybe time to get all your online friends registered to vote and to the polls. But enough already -- making wild comments about matters which defy logic. Thanks...

09-24-2006, 09:59 PM
Thanks chattanoogaguys for your input. It is high time the American voters wake up and seriously consider the goings on worldwide. There are evil people on the planet who want to wipe Israel off the globe and eventually control USA--if they can. They have blasphemed Islam with their mentality roughly the equivalent of the Ku Klux Klan mindset. Now we have a head of state from South America calling another head of state the Devil. This is the lowest level of diplomacy the world has ever witnessed. We see a former dictator making fun of his trial for violating human rights. Civilized peoples do not drop to the level of street corner thugs. Notice over the next few weeks who maintains civility in discussions versus those who resort to name calling and villifying heads of state. We the people of the United States of America must remain united in spite of our differences of opinions on how the government should be run. Bashing a head of state is unacceptable. I did not like the former President's playing around with the intern but I did not villify him. Be careful who you cast your votes for. A President isn't bad simply because he is in a traditional marital relationship and remains faithful. Believing in God does not make a President a bad guy. I get the impression that since the current President does not throw gay parties every week in the White House the gay population resorts to Bush bashing. Wake up folks The more control we give the government the less freedom we citizens will have while the "elected" live high at the taxpayers' expense. The country could eventually wind up being like the former Soviet Union's politburo controlling everything and everybody. So if you want to give up freedoms then vote for those who want a strong centralized control over you. I believe with Henry David Thoreau "They are best governed who are least governed" and I subscribe to Libertarian views.
Thanks again chattanoogaguys. :D

09-25-2006, 10:08 AM
Our friend above seems to thinks he is protected by the right-wing policies of the Bush cabal because nothing has been done to him or his website....yet. Guess this bares repeating (yet again):


First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller


Remember - you may vote for them for all the "right" reasons, but they still hate you.

09-25-2006, 09:53 PM
....to which one of us does "Our friend above" refer? I am not of Hebrew descent but I have always spoken out for the Jews. I don't need anyone to speak out for myself. I'm just one player on the world stage. Wil Shakespeare wrote, "All the world's a stage. We each have our entrance and exit. (Might not be exact wording but the substance is there.) And please state who you refer to by "they" still hate you. Who is "they?" Thank you for your post. :)

09-25-2006, 10:29 PM
I think the word "they" in regards to that qoute is just meant to represent people in power in general. I don't think it was meant to represent any group literally. I think its called rhetorical,..I think thats the right term.

I think the "they" in the last setence refers to the "compassionate" conservatives. Which I think for the most part is an oxymoron...

No, someone who believes in god is not automatically bad. But if they want to use that in order to diminish groups of people then that is wrong. I personally do not care or want to know what any elected official's personal, Personal beliefs are. It should not matter to people, but unfortunately it does. Some of the worst, meanest, most prejudiced people in this world are in churches every weekend. Thats why I don't automatically give anyone any points for that.Its not what you do on Sunday that counts, its what you do the rest of the week that does. If people want to vote for others with their own religious beliefs then they should hold elections in churches for the "church council" or something like that. Politics is no place for religions. But we know that day will probably never come again. Seperation of church and state has pretty much become a lie.

I don't want anyone governing my city, state or country based on Their Own PERsonal religious beliefs. Period.

Another thing. If an elected official does not show at least respect for gay people, or any other group of people who they are Supposedly expected to include as citizens of a country, then I do not have to give them my respect either. Don't care who it is. Gay and Lesbian people are tax paying citizens too. They deserve respect and equality, as all groups do.

The reason that the leaders of some countries act like street corner thugs is because thats all they are. Just because they are "leaders" in those countries won't change them as people, or who and what they are and have always been. You cannot make a silk purse out of a pig's ear. ( not without ALOT of work anyway...) We should not be surprised when they show their true colors and lack of manners and respect.

09-26-2006, 09:48 PM
Thank you roped. I like your thought filled post. *** I take credit for the following: AND THEY CREATED GOD IN THEIR OWN IMAGE. "They" are those who are convinced that only they have the right answers to everything.
Yes, I do believe in a Super Intelligence that we call "God." I believe he made all that we can experience. But that is a personal transaction between him and me. I believe we have some universal "standards" that have been generally accepted worldwide since the beginning of recorded history. Some call the essence of those standards "ten commandments." They are not ten suggestions. They are universally accepted among civilized, responsible people. I believe in what psychology calls "individual differences." Not all people like the same things. I hate Daylight Saving Time, bell pepper, pimiento, Italian food and smoke of all kinds. (For whatever that's worth.) What two people agree to do together that does not harm anyone else is their business. For me it is a phenomenon of "difference" that some people are attracted to members of their own gender. So what! That is not a social problem. No swelling of the welfare rolls with unfortunate, unwanted children is one advantage. I believe "churchianity" affords a form of social club atmosphere with a religious base. But we have to admit, generally speaking, church people are not street corner thugs. I think we owe it to ourselves first when considering any belief system to steer away from "opinions" of others. In short: READ THE BOOK. It's much better than others' opinions. Never let the "Committee of They" run your life or shape your views. According to the "maker's handbook" a person is not excluded from his love based on sexual attraction or gender orientation. But then my views on these matters can be rejected. That's OK. I respect each person's freedom to choose. [Oops! Here we are in the picture section with an "off topic" idea. Scooter and Rodney, you can both kick me in the BUTT-OCKS.]

09-27-2006, 01:34 AM
Good post Tink.

I am guilty too. Rodney can smack me in the butt too, as long as he uses one of those size 13 sneakers! :)

11-27-2006, 07:47 PM
We see a former dictator making fun of his trial for violating human rights. Civilized peoples do not drop to the level of street corner thugs. Bashing a head of state is unacceptable. I did not like the former President's playing around with the intern but I did not villify him. Be careful who you cast your votes for. . :D

If it makes you all feel better we'll try not to laugh at Bush when he is on trial for war crimes, murdering innocent civilians, lying to the American public, extortion etc...." :lol:

11-27-2006, 08:15 PM
Bashing a head of state is unacceptable. I did not like the former President's playing around with the intern but I did not villify him.

Oh and tinkbash don't een try to compare Clinton's one mistake to Bush's hundreds...sopme of which include the murder of thousands of innocent iraqi civilians, the murder and misuse of thousands of US Soldiers who would better serve in Afghanistan where Osama really is...and his bankrupting a once prosperous nation....These major screw ups far overshadow a moment of weakness and then a misjudgement on Clinton's part under oath. Blah Blah Blah...

06-25-2007, 05:11 PM
But both of the AG's under Shrub put PORN as a high priority in the DOJ. Gonzales created a special task force just to fight "obscenity". They are the ones defining obscenity, not you.

And this is not all.

This adminstration thinks it has the right to collect e-mails and monitor web sites, demand records of any and all visitors to particular web sites from servers AND even more importantly keep all of this secret and out any oversight by the Congress, Judicial system or the people themselves.

This isn't theoretical. They've been doing this for the last 6 years. Just becuase many of you haven't noticed (and be honest, did you look?) doesnt' mean it's not happening.

The reasons for this are very simple. Republicans can do simple MATH. The Religouse Right DOES think that any sex act or thought not between a dominant man and a submissive woman for the sake of procreation is wrong. They have millions of voters. And the Republicans don't think they can win without those voters.

In short, even when this administration leaves office, other politicians will continue this, especially the Republicans, becuase it's an easy way to cater to the base.

Yeah, this country has a lot bigger problems then what people look at on the internet. But it's controlled by people who worry more gay linguists in the military then terrorists those linguist could stop. Don't assume that people are rational.

01-19-2009, 04:20 AM
To bad nobody really took the original meaning of this thread seriously (impeach Bush!) If we did impeach him 4 years ago, maybe the USA wouldn't be in the sorry state it's in now!

03-02-2009, 03:18 PM
To let it go and delete this thread>???
The previous administration didn't do your doomsday scenario...
Isnt this a mute point now?

03-02-2009, 04:11 PM
To let it go and delete this thread>???
The previous administration didn't do your doomsday scenario...
Isnt this a mute point now?

Dude it's moot not mute, but your point is well taken; enough of this.

03-28-2009, 12:40 PM
Impeachment?! Congressmen, etc. etc. Don't you think you've jumped the gun a bit.. Sites like these are here to stay, It's our constitutional rights that are being violated, not our right to free press or speech... All Americans are not treated equal, nor do we have the same rights.. It's not about what we print or say.. It's about what we are! This is the best damned administration we've had in a decade.. We've been to through Republican hell & repression.. It's over, we're safe now, you'll see!

11-02-2009, 01:28 PM
male feet , bare , in sandals , in socks
in mud , wet




12-19-2009, 12:51 PM
A Foot Fetish Site is just THAT, does that mean now Macy', Lord & Taylor will not be allowed to show bare foot men in their catalogs any longer? NO .............

Porn Sites ARE different, then Foot Fetish Sites. I have watched, and listened to both sides, and THIS site, along with MyFriendsFeet.com, and others are NOT in danger, and are NOT being Targeted *