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View Full Version : Pardon Me For This But I Love Toe-Jam!

01-04-2014, 01:34 AM
I have always had a passion for men's beautiful. well-groomed feet but I find this to be even more exciting when I can see such beautiful male feet, fresh out of socks and shoes after a whole day and the feet are hot and sweaty with toe-jam between the toes. I refer to the sandy, grainy particles that can be found between the toes after being in shoes and sweating.

I have photographed a lot of guys' well-groomed feet up close and have been surprised to note that most almost always have toe-jam after being in shoes and sweating. Many guys are not even aware that they get toe-jam but it really is the case and, strangely for me, I find this very sexy. I have noticed that toe-jam is not due to lack of hygiene but a natural by-product of sweating feet and toes.

Note, though, that I go for toe jam on clean well-groomed feet that have worn shoes and socks the whole day and gotten sweaty -- NOT unkempt, not groomed, days unwashed feet.