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View Full Version : Ninja feet

10-23-2013, 02:56 PM
Darkness. Nightime. Silent.

Okami had these words running through his mind repeatedly as he lay in the darkness. Okami was a Ninja and had been raised as one his entire life. Now in his late 20s, he was among the deadliest assassins in the world. He lived with his clan in the mountains. Every now and then, someone would offer a large sum of money to take out a certain target. Yesterday, his clan got a down payment to take out a Samurai who is said to be corrupt. The leader of the clan choose Okami to do the honors. By that afternoon, he had packed his vital weapons, changed into his Shinobi Shozoku, and then headed off. It was only a half-day trip to his target so he didn't have to pack unneccesary things.

His goal was to get there by twilight and make his strike at night when everyone would be asleep. So far, everthing was going according to plan. Okami was resting in the forest just outside of the house of the Samurai but keeping an alert on his surroundings. The last hours of sunlight erase from the sky and Okami is bathed in darkness. He gets from his position and heads to the house. He creeps silently in the shadows. The good thing about a full moon means ample shadows to hide in.

He sees a window with the shadow of a person inside. Okami creeps towards this window, knowing that would be his target. He stops just under the window, crouching out of sight. All of a sudden, he feels a prick on his neck. He smacks at it with his hand, realizing it to be a poison dart! He glances around for a second, every moment things become more blurry. He sees the outline of a person walking towards him with a voice behind him (probably the Samurai in the window) saying something like "I expected this to happen. Good thing you got him in time" with the other voice saying "I'll dispose of him". With that, Okami passed out, realizing he will never wake up from whatever they will do to him.

Okami woke with a start. It seems only a few minutes passed since he was hit by the poison dart. He immediately realized he was being dragged by his feet by a person. He tried to move, but realized he was somehow paralyzed. Not true paraliyzis, but more like sleep paralysis. He could move his eyes around and wiggle his fingers and toes a little. But other than that, no movement. Okami started to worry. He was going to be alert and concious for whatever they will do to him.

A moment later, the person dragging him, stopped, setting him onto the ground. Okami moved his eyes around, trying to get an understanding of his surroundings. He was in a field next to a tree. The full moon casting a pale light over everything, but the tree casting it's own shadow over him and his torturer. Okami gulped, trying to mentally prepare himself for the pain that awaited him. The captor sat down on the ground next to Okami and spoke. "I can see you are awake, that's good. Don't worry about not moving. You won't be able to move for about the next eight hours, which gives me plenty of time with you". Okami started to sweat out of nervousness. He was completely defenseless and helpless. He tried moving his arms but could only make his fingers wiggle. "You are probably wondering what's in store for you. Don't worry, you have nothing to worry about". His captor then goes to Okami's feet and starts inspecting his split toe tabi boots, wiggling the toes of his boots and massaging his tabis as if looking for weak spots. Okami couldn't exactly see what was going on. It was too dark, not to mention he couldn't bend his neck down to see what's going on. Only a little movement from the shadow of his captor could be seen. While Okami wasn't able to move at all, he could certainly feel everything going on. Okami felt his leg getting raised slightly, then felt a cool air flow across his tabis.

He heard a sniffing sound and then realized his tabied foot was being smelled. This was most unusual. Without warning, he felt something warm and wet being pressed between the split toe of his tabi. He heard a slurping sound and realized a tongue was going between the toes of his boots. Okami squirmed a bit but realized he couldn't do much. He then felt more licking all over his tabi boot, from between the split toe, along the top, and then all over the sole. After a moment, Okami's other leg was raised and he felt the same thing being done to the other. Okami felt so ashamed. His clan trusted him with his mission and look at him now, getting his feet molested by his captor.

"That seems to have gotten you relaxed" said his captor. Okami couldn't do anything. He couldn't move, speak, or anything. He then felt the laces on his tabi boots being loosened. Okami realized his bare feet were next. He then felt his tabi boot being slipped off his bare foot, with a cool blast of air hitting his sweaty foot. He heard a sniffing sound but couldn't make out what was going on. "Smells like you've been wearing these for quite some time" he heard his captor say. Even if he could talk, Okami had no idea how he could remotely come close to responding to that. He then felt his leg being raised again, followed by a sniffing he felt around his toes. Okami was able to wiggle his toes slightly upon feeling this.

A warm and wet tongue suddenly started gliding between his toes. Okami's yell came out as a soft moan as he felt this. His toes wiggled as he felt a tongue going between each and every toe, licking and sucking furiously at each. The tickling sensation was unbelievable, but being paralyzed meant that he couldn't laugh of even kick his foot away. He moaned as he felt his foot being furiously licked. He could hear a wet slurping sound from his captor. His captor then stuck all of his toes from one foot into his mouth and started sucking. Okami wiggled his toes inside his captor's mouth as he felt the warm breath and slimy tongue going between all of his toes again and again. He sucked on his toes as he slid them out of his mouth.

Okami felt the wet saliva dripping from his feet and the chilly air cooling his wet foot as his other tabi boot was being removed.

He tried to prepare himself but in no time his other foot was being furiously licked. Okami tried to dwell his thoughts on other things, but no matter what he couldn't get the sensation and thoughts of his feet being licked out of his head. He felt the warm and wet tongue licking up and down his soles again and again. Ninjas have tough feet so it didn't tickle that bad when his soles were being licked. On the contrary, it felt sort of relaxing. He felt both feet being raised and then both his big toes were inside his captors mouth and getting sucked. After what seemed like ages, his captor pulled Okami's toes out of his mouth as if to catch his breath. He was panting slightly and then said to him "I love how Ninja toes taste like sushi".

Once again, Okami couldn't respond to this even if he wanted to. Okami's captor then started to massage his saliva-coated feet before speaking. "That wasn't so bad, was it? However, you're probably very confused. Allow me to set things straight. I'm the one who came to your clan asking to put a hit on the Samurai, knowing a Ninja would be sent to take care of him. However, I was waiting and captured you before you could even begin. I've always admired the Ninja and eventually grew a fantasy about having my own to play with. I set this plan up for a long time". Okami meanwhile was laying on the ground feeling his feet being massaged and each of his toes being wiggled.

"Ninjas took good care of their feet and I've always felt an attraction to this". Okami felt the massaging sensation stop, followed by the sound of some clothing being removed. Okami's captor grunted a bit as if he was struggling to remove something before catching a slight breath. Okami felt his foot being picked up, then his soles and toes being moved against a penis. Okami moaned as he realized what was happening. He wiggled his toes doing his best to move his foot away, but to no avail. He felt his captor sliding the penis between each of Okami's toes. Soon the same happened to the other foot. Okami could do nothing as his feet were being violated.

His foot was being rubbed faster and faster on his captor's penis.His captor started moaning and grunting. Okami knew what was happening and tried to brace himself knowing his foot was helpless. Suddenly his captor moaned loudly and Okami felt something warm and wet drip onto his feet. Okami closed his eyes and waited for this to be over. He could hear his captor breathing fast and catching his breath. Okami wiggled his toes and felt his captor's semen between his toes. This is embarrassing, especially for a Ninja. If word ever got back to his clan about what happened, he would rather die. The captor sat up a bit and picked up Okami's foot.

Okami closed his eyes, wondering what else his feet will have to endure.

The captor kissed each of his toes and this slipped his tabi back on his feet. Okami winced a bit as he felt the now cold semen press against his foot and his tabi. He wished his captor would at least clean his feet off after this but at least it was over. The captor squeezed all over Okami's tabi, making sure they were nice and snug. "It would be wise for you not to tell your clan what happened for obvious reasons. However, if you enjoyed what happened here tonight, you know where to find me". With that, his captor walked off into the forest, back to his residence. Okami was still feeling the effects of the paralysis dart however he knew it would wear off soon. Okami's mind was racing. What started off as a night as pure terror, Okami was now wishing it would still continue. It felt incredible and he might have to take up his captor's offer. In the meantime,

Okami just closed his eyes and decided to sleep off the remainder of the serum. Sleep will bring sanity.


12-04-2013, 04:56 AM

Ten characters

12-04-2013, 07:07 AM
Awesome story, man!
Would love to see your bare feet in and out of Tabi boots.

12-05-2013, 04:56 PM
Awesome story, man!
Would love to see your bare feet in and out of Tabi boots.

How I put on my tabis.

12-05-2013, 04:58 PM
Part 2 of me putting on my tabi.

12-05-2013, 05:30 PM
Wow, man!
Instant hard-on!
Your feet are so sexy, in and out of Tabi boots!
Would love to worship your feet, man!

Would also love to see more of your hot bare feet,
especially your hairy tops, man!