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View Full Version : Is It True

04-02-2013, 12:15 PM
Hey guys, has anyone ever found out about Miklos Arpad??? Is it true that he died??? I got an email stating that he did, but just wanted to know if anyone here knows if its true? Thanks.

04-02-2013, 01:03 PM
Arpad Miklos committed suicide this year on February 3rd. I think he overdosed on drugs. Sad....

04-02-2013, 01:20 PM
Yes, he did. Apparently, he committed suicide. So sad.

04-02-2013, 05:30 PM
OMG!!!! I can't believe it, he was sooo gosh darn hot, man I wish I did him before he died damn now eternity has him, may he rest in peace...

04-02-2013, 07:33 PM
It leaves many questions behind. "Why" being the very first question. Given that it's an act born of impulse, it's so hard to tell if someone could have been prevented from carrying it out if a circumstance that day had been different.
I did not know of him, but I feel sad for anyone who feels they need to commit suicide.

04-03-2013, 04:32 PM
Porn star; "Wilfred Knight", also committed sucide this year because of his gay marriage to his partner. His partner was from Canada, and it had something to do with not having their marriage reconnized here in the states. You can google the proper story.

Wilfred, did several movies for Michael Lucas, and he was very good at his profession. He also loved to include foot worship in many of his scenes, and he was great at foot worship!

04-04-2013, 04:25 PM
Wilfried and Arpad and how many more whose names we don't even know! And why? Because of immigration problems? Because of marriage recognition problems with the government? Because of gay rights pressures in addition to personal issues?

They and so many others are now in that vast ocean of Life Force we sometimes call God, in God's Eighth Day, the eternal moment outside of time, and I close my eyes and send them my love and good wishes. I ask for their good wishes. And also their pardon.

I have always tried to do something for social justice, for gay rights, for civil unions and the legal protection of gays and their partners, for immigration, and many of us here have also worked hard, are still working, and we don't intend to stop. But we sadly ask ourselves, have we really always done enough? We know we could do more. And we will try to do better tomorrow.

That's all we can promise when we think of our friends Wilfried, Wilfried's partner, Arpad, and all the others. We can send them our love in that ocean that cannot be grasped or described or limited by our human minds. But they are there, in God's Eighth Day, where all of us have always been and always will be. And I know they will send us their love too!