View Full Version : Character Feet vs. Actor Feet

02-02-2013, 05:50 PM
So I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I've been wondering if it's just me or if it's something that others have experienced.

Sometimes I get really upset when you don't get to see a particular TV character or movie character's bare feet, even when I've seen the actor's feet before.

For example, 30 Rock just ended and not once during the entire run did you get to see a glimpse of Jack Donaghy's feet. I mean, I've seen Alec Baldwin's feet plenty of times, but you know, after awhile you become so attached to a CHARACTER that you want to see their feet too.

Same thing for Jim on the The Office. Due to the setting of the show, foot shots are rare and yet he still seems to be the ONLY character who hasn't shown his. I've seen John Krasinski's feet plenty of times in pictures and movies and whatnot, but part of me still feels as if it's not the same.

I know we had a thread before where people were talking about enjoying feet from non-human characters, like the Na'Vi from Avatar, but I also feel like that's kind of a different situation from what I'm talking about. I'm talking characters who are going to look exactly the same barefoot as their actors do, or at least not very far off.

Anyways I'm definitely curious to hear what others have to say about this. I hope I'm not the only one!

02-03-2013, 06:09 AM
I find it interesting how many shows take place in the characters homes, and yet, rarely do the characters go barefoot. For instance, the show Friends comes to mind. These characters spent a great deal of the time in scenes that took place in their apartments but everyone seemed to always have shoes on. It seems to me that a group of people in that setting--who knew each other the way the characters did--would have be constantly barefoot.

I remember when Saved By the Bell went into the college years, I thought there would be some nice foot shots. But in the dorm these guys lived in, they always wore shoes (or at least socks). In the dorm I lived in in college (and every other dorm I visited) everyone hung out barefoot.

Maybe the shows think it is too much of a distraction.

02-03-2013, 06:36 AM
I completely agree about Saved by the Bell, I used to long to see Zack or Slater's bare feet, you can imagine I was wanking for hours when they went to the beach and you got to see both of their soles!

02-03-2013, 10:10 PM
I know exactly what you mean. For example, in the Mummy movie (1999 and 2001), there is the Arab warrior Ardeth Bay (played by actor Oded Fehr).

In all the movies, we never see Ardeth's bare feet, only glimpses of his boots. I have pictures of the actor barefoot, but not the character. So the best I can do is just try to put the two and two together and imagine what Ardeth's feet look like when he pulls off his boots after a long day of fighting mummies.

Ardeth Bay:

The actor (Oded Fehr)

02-04-2013, 05:55 AM
I've been searching for John Krasinski's feet for the longest and only got 1 picture. Where else has he been barefoot?

02-04-2013, 02:01 PM
Another reason I love Mad Men! Don Draper bares his big beauties on the regular.

02-05-2013, 12:52 AM
I've been searching for John Krasinski's feet for the longest and only got 1 picture. Where else has he been barefoot?

Krasinski has recently been showcased in the Different Celebs thread:



02-05-2013, 10:13 PM
Cool! Thank you!

02-06-2013, 03:55 PM
I've been searching for John Krasinski's feet for the longest and only got 1 picture. Where else has he been barefoot?

in Nobody Walks (2012): http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Pv_8PR8ClLw

02-08-2013, 02:52 PM
Speaking of disappointment, I've been very annoyed by the lack of foot content with Jensen Ackles in Supernatural. And I'm not talking just about barefoot scenes. Considering the show's setting, I wouldn't even expect to get foot shots frequently, so those we've had already are fine enough.

But it's other types of footscenes I would've liked to see. Since they're hunting and confronting bad guys constantly, and Jensen's character being the kind of guy you'd expect to see with his foot on other people's chest, or choking other people with his boot and so on. But I cannot remember one single such situation.

I remember he did it back when he was on Dark Angel. But I certainly wanted to see "Dean" doing that. Too bad. As a matter of fact, I don't even like Supernatural. I wish it had been cancelled long time ago so that he would've gone to another show and could've given us something better lol. :D