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01-17-2013, 01:16 AM
Hi guys,

I've never really participated, but have been a long time follower of this board.

I'm posting this as I find myself in a bit of a dilemma and I need some input. For the last five years, I've worked at a fairly large law firm based out of DC, but I'm currently working on-site for a trial. Recently, another co-worker from our DC office joined us on-site, and I have been dubbed the task of showing him the ropes. This co-worker, however, I have fantasized about his feet since first laying eyes upon him, though I have never once interacted with him until now.

I recall our first encounter and describing the massage places they have around town, and the first comment he makes is about how much he enjoys his feet being rubbed, even going so far as to use the term "reflexology." Now, I assume he is a straight man. He was engaged, but that recently broke off within the first week of his business travel. In addition, his superior in DC is gay, so he is the farthest from being homophobic. I, myself, play it both ways, with guys and girls, though when I'm with a guy, my focus is usually drawn to his feet. Either way, I brushed off his comment as being a one-off comment.

As the weeks passed, my co-workers and myself, and my foot fantasy have all hung out, but its usually myself and my foot fantasy closing down the night. We usually end up in my room for a nightcap before heading our respective ways, and in the instances where it's just been him and I, he's removed his shoes and props his feet up on the bed or whatever is around. And I'm sure you all know what how hard that is to resist from staring. However, there was not flirtation or what not. Again, I brushed it off as myself reading into my own lustful fantasy.

But, again, the topic came up. We were having a conversation amongst us coworkers, and out of nowhere he brings up, again, how much he loves to have his feet rubbed and have someone play with them. It wasn't directed toward anyone, but just a general comment to the group. So, now I'm growing curious as to how he developed his taste for foot rubs, and if it's ever gone beyond a simple rub.

The times when he would be in my room, he would sometimes slip the heel off his sock while sitting there and massage his heel or lightly brush his foot, below his toes, with his fingers, but sock still half on, which just got me hot and bothered.

But my real curiosity started yesterday when we all finished work and went out for some drinks. We returned back to my room (I should have mentioned this earlier, but we're all essentially living out of a hotel while working on-site) before our next move at which point he not only removes his shoes, still wearing the dress socks he had on earlier in the day, and then, to my delight, takes off both of his socks and sets them down. He hangs out barefoot for a bit, and I obviously cannot remove my eyes from his wiggling toes (long and sexy I might add). He then asks for a pair of socks to which I lend him and he puts them on, leaves his dirty, stinky socks on my counter and we all leave. Other co-workers were around as well.

So we return later, and as per usual, he and I are closing out the night. We head back to my room where he again not only removes his shoes, but also his socks, and sits there barefoot fairly close to me. I'm dying at this point, though nothing happened. Finally, he heads back to his room and leaves barefoot, carrying only his shoes and leaves his dress socks from earlier (to which he referred to as being wet the first time he removed them), as well as my socks that he wore for the evening. I'm sure you all know what happened next. Ha!

That all being said, I'm convinced that this kid likes his feet played with, possibly even having his toes sucked, but I don't know if he only allows girls to touch his feet or if he has, or is open to a guy doing it. I've had a fantasy about this kids feet for so long and to see his gorgeous bare feet last night, for the first time, I'm even more horned that I was before. So I like feet, and he likes his feet played with, but how can I make this happen? He and his fiance just broke up, but his reaction was minimal, though I don't believe he would show it to me because I've know him as a co-worker and friend for only a few weeks now. I am somehow convinced he knows I'm into his feet just based off his actions and comments, but I don't know if I am being delusional, which is the reason for my post. I've tried to get caught staring at them a couple of times when we've been drinking, but nothing. Should I make the first move (office politics aside) or should I wait and see if he brings it up again or does anything?

He just invited me up to his room for a drink, so we'll see how this goes. Either way, any advice or analysis would help. I really appreciate it guys!

01-17-2013, 02:12 AM
I completely understand your feelings man, but the risk of making the situation awkward is still pretty high... keep on digging for more info, get drunk and be frank, learn a bit about reflexology online and come up with a story when you once took a class or two and then make a funny, friendly move but make sure you don't look too into it -lol-... it's still a risk but seems so fun... Good luck!! Tell us how it went

01-18-2013, 02:02 PM
I say go for it! Opportunities like this don't come up very often and he has already told you that he loves having his feet played with. He wouldn't be parading them round in front of you if he didnt want something to happen!!

01-18-2013, 04:16 PM
I'm with davehook on this one...He clearly has given you hints and opportunities to admire his feet and to rub them. The next time you guys are alone, and he mentions about how much he likes his feet rubbed, tell him that you've been told that you give a great foot rub. If he's not into having you rub his feet, his opportunity to tell you would be then. If he's into it, he'll suggest (probably jokingly) that it would be something that might be into. From there, I'm sure you know what to do...

Good luck, urephix!

01-18-2013, 09:43 PM
Even if he really is trying to get your attention, sex with co-workers is a recipe for disaster.

Just. Say. No.

01-19-2013, 01:35 PM
I agree with Boots, Urephix - Just. Say. No.

The guy obviously has a foot fetish and is getting off on foot talk/foot exhibitionism, but he really should be setting some boundaries for himself. Look for your dalliances outside the work force. Tons of foot fetish guys out there who are waiting for your attention - just use the guy you are talking about as j/o material to get you through the night and look for some real action outside work.

Honestly - work force sexcapades are just a baaaaaad idea.

01-22-2013, 12:40 PM
You guys are great, and thank you all for your responses!! And I'm sure you can see, just as I have, how difficult the situation is to not only interpret, but also, depending on the interpretation, whether or not I should act out on my desires.

I have to be honest, I do get nervous about the fact that he is my co-worker, and my number one rule of thumb is to never mess around with co-workers, men or women. On the other hand, though, this is an opportunity I've always wanted. I think you guys get what I mean. Sure, there are plenty of feet out there that I could play with, and have played with, but I have - at least what I think - an opportunity to actually play with the feet that I've been attracted to and jerked for so long; on the verge of a fantasy fulfillment.

That all being said, let's assume I've already decided should the opportunity come close to, or present itself for me to make a move, how would I go about doing it. I've read about the reflexology stuff, and he's also mentioned it himself before, so I think he would know I would be bullshitting him when I say I'm good at it and he should let me try it out on him.

The situations where I usually find him in socked feet or barefoot is when we're hanging out and it's just the two of us. From my initial post, I went up to his room and had a couple of drinks while he sat in his bed with the sheets covering his feet, so it was a bust. But the next day, we were talking and he casually started changing his shoes in front of me and made a comment about his feet again. A couple nights ago, we were drinking late night and he was again chilling on his bed, but this time with his feet exposed. I was sitting in the desk chair next to the bed and tried to get as close to his stretched out feet without being obvious or overt about it. Usually what I try and do to give hints is to have him catch me staring at his feet and then change my glance after I know he's seen me.

Finally, last night, which is probably the most successfully close I've come to actually going through with it, we went out, and returned to our rooms. As I was getting off the elevator, I could tell he was being touchy feely and when I stepped off he had this gaze/look in his eye that was suggestive of something more. It was like his body language was saying let's do this, but he did not say it. Even though I recognized this, I played it cool and confident and did not show an interest back and played it off as I did not recognize it, even though I did.

So about 30-45 minutes later, he texted and asked if I wanted a nightcap, so I told him to come on down. When he arrived, he was already in his shorts and shit, and came down barefoot. He sat on the edge of my bed and I sat on my desk chair while we drank, and while doing so, he kept stretching his legs out, which put them right next to my hands. He did it a couple of times and I'm almost 100% certain he was hoping I was going to make a move and go after his feet. I sat there and made sure to make obvious glances, and it was as if he was doing the same. I literally almost bust a load right then and there as I thought it was going to actually happen. We finished our drinks and continued to have the awkward foot glances, with both of us looking at his feet, but then he suddenly was like, I've gotta go to bed. And that was that.

The way I interpreted the situation was that he wanted to do something and was deterred the first time he tried, which is why he texted a half hour later asking to hang out again. It was almost as if he returned to his room scorned that nothing happened, so he set up a consecutive situation to try again. And if I've read my hand correctly, which I think I have thus far, both of us want this to happen, but neither of us is willing to make a move for the obvious repercussions and reasons mentioned above.

So my next question to you all is, considering we both want me at his feet (at least from my perspective), how can I either make a move without it being awkward whatsoever, or how can I encourage him to ask me to get at his feet? I usually come right out and say it, and have before, but there's always the fear of rejection, but also the fear of exposing my hidden fetish to someone I don't necessarily know would keep the information to himself (even if I'm completely off, which I'm certain that I'm not, I do not believe he would ever say a thing). More so, why I'm so confident about alleged signals I'm reading is that he pulls moves and makes comments like us, like guys who like other guys feet (or guys who like their feet played with), but also because I've never met another straight man that talks or flashes his feet in front of me like this one, which is why I think there is something more....

What do you guys think?

01-22-2013, 05:45 PM
Look at the way she uses her fingertip to trace up and down the guy's sole as she reads his sole:


Next time your buddy presents his bare soles next to you, pretend that you just "noticed" an interesting line on his foot and just pick up one of his foot and start "reading" it and see how he reacts. Tell them you read an article online and wanted to test out how accurate it is.

I've done it to my buddies before and they were more intrigued by the "diagnosis" than by the fact I was playing with their feet the whole time while "reading" it:)

01-23-2013, 08:09 PM
...I've already decided should the opportunity come close to, or present itself for me to make a move, how would I go about doing it...[?] ...What do you guys think?
