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View Full Version : One Term More!

08-27-2012, 08:56 AM
Don't miss the great clip on YouTube titled "'One Term More!" It's a political parody using music from "'Les Misérables" as performed by members of Broadway and musical theater. Many of us have been discouraged by the the constant attempts of the obstructionists who have tried to block every move by the President to keep the country going forward. The Tea Party mentality doesn't seem to care about crippling the country economically and in every other way so long as they keep Obama from accomplishing major goals.

We still live in a democracy. Let's keep it that way. In a democracy, people vote. Make sure that you and your neighbors are able to vote. Make sure you have the proper photo ID so you can't be denied your right to vote. Help everyone you can to have that photo ID, especially those you know in your clubs, your condo committees, your coffee klutches, your church, your temple, your mosque, your pagoda, wherever.

I found a new inspiration in "'One Term More!" All the rhetoric from the right on contraception and what should go into a woman's body and when and by whom in the midst of all our real problems has been depressing. As David Letterman pointed out, "'The hurricane approaching Tampa is still another proof that God is a woman!