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View Full Version : A-Rod fingered in gay orgy claims, hints of foot fetishism

08-12-2012, 01:53 PM
Interesting find I stumbled upon on a message board: claims made some time ago of bisexual orgies attended by baseball player Alex "A-Rod" Rodriguez.

"One time I saw him naked with another man rubbing each other's feet in a jacuzzi."

http://ianundercover.com/2009/02/07/ iuc-exclusive-breaking-news-a-rod-finally-outed-as-steroid-user-iuc-now-outs-a-fraud-as-bisexual-perverted-pig/

NOTE: it's pretty well-known that A-Rod, who has dated Madonna and Cameron Diaz amid rumours of his own bisexuality, is one of those celebrities (like Ricky Martin, David Boreanaz, Quentin Tarantino, Usher, Pharrell, and Elton John) who has a foot fetish.

08-19-2012, 09:55 AM
It has probably been 10 years ago, but does anyone remember a magazine photo with Derek Jeter's bare soles facing the camera?

08-24-2012, 11:21 PM
Elton John has a foot fetish? Now that's scary!