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View Full Version : Jeremy Jackson conversation

07-16-2012, 09:56 AM
Jeremy Jackson from Baywatch and Celeb rehab:
So I had a twitter message (direct) conversation with Jeremy about potentially buying his socks. He was selling stuff, so I made a comment to him that I'd pay money for his socks and he sent me a direct message! Its now been deleted but I saved it in my yahoo.

"What kinda money we talking about here?"
Direct message sent by Jeremy Jackson (@_JeremyJackson_) to you (@soleseekersd) on Jul 15, 4:38 PM.

I asked him how much does he think and that he'd really send his used socks to me and asked his foot size.

"I asked you first buddy. I am a 10"
Direct message sent by Jeremy Jackson (@_JeremyJackson_) to you (@soleseekersd) on Jul 15, 6:43 PM.

"1st time for everything. You would be my first"
Direct message sent by Jeremy Jackson (@_JeremyJackson_) to you (@soleseekersd) on Jul 15, 6:43 PM.

I don't have much money so said start at $100?

100 bucks??? Are you jewish??
Direct message sent by Jeremy Jackson (@_JeremyJackson_) to you (@soleseekersd) on Jul 15, 7:10 PM.

That was the end of the messages, and now has been deleted. Wow, awesome though.

Love that he'd have been open to it. Not sure if its really him, but he's not famous enough to have an impersonator. These are the feet that if I had the money so would have bought the socks of.

07-16-2012, 01:51 PM
he has nice feet.

07-16-2012, 03:30 PM
JJ is supposed to be quite a whackjob. Years of drug problems, and then he got into serious steroid abuse that he got help from by joining the show Celebrity Rehab. There was even a sex tape incident with a (female) porn star that he claimed he was physically forced into making or something like that. He's one of those useless armchair celebrities who are waiting for a reality show to give him a call. The Jewish remark is classless.

He did some nude shots a while back - yes, nice feet and a rockin' bod, but that's all you can really say about him.

07-16-2012, 04:04 PM
yea, and he was selling some of his stuff at a swap meet so figured he's looking for some cash. But do like that his curiousity was piqued enough to send a direct message. If I had the dough I still would buy his used socks, he's hot.

07-16-2012, 04:20 PM
He is hot, but his face is not what it was. Top notch personality, though... ha.