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View Full Version : Tricks to get a guy to bare his soles for your camera

06-07-2012, 06:21 PM
Anybody ever got the urge to get a guy to bare his soles for your camera? If so, what are some of the creative ways you've devised? Wanna share some success stories?:)

06-07-2012, 07:16 PM
Anybody ever got the urge to get a guy to bare his soles...? ...what are some of the creative ways you've devised?
Any way involving deception is just plain wrong. If your subject catches on to what you're trying to do, you will lose your credibility; and you will never get to see his feet.

There are two above-board ways to approach a quest for sole and toe. The most obvious, of course, is simply to ask. The old proverb states "ask, and ye shall receive". You'll never know how well that works, if you don't try.

The other method is to offer cash. Say that you are starting a photo web site (or better yet, actually start one!) and let your prospect know you are looking for models. Show him examples of successful sites if he's not aware there is a want for this kind of medium.

If you balk at these ideas ("I can't let anyone think I'm a freak!"), then perhaps you're not yet ready for some real-time foot action.

06-07-2012, 10:25 PM
Scooter is spot-on correct: The best approach is to just ask a man. Each one of us is individual and his own 'ways and means' of course. Nevertheless, unless for some (to me) odd reason you aren't interested in enjoying all of a man, from head to TOES, it's been my lifelong experience that not one single man I've enjoyed a sexual encounter with or had an affair with showed any reluctance or ever objected to letting me enjoy his hot feet right along with all the rest of his body--not one. A man is usually flattered and happy that you think his feet are hot and sexy and want to enjoy them (my experience, anyway). Men are typically so gratified and so happy that you find them hot, attractive, and sexy that they willingly will go along with anything you want to do with them sexually (as long as you don't want to physically abuse them). And most of the men I've known and enjoyed actually got into me stimulating and playing with their feet when we enjoyed sex together.

06-08-2012, 01:16 AM
I'm considering photographing people's feet by telling them I'm doing a project called "Feet Around the World" (or something like that) and I'm taking pictures of different ethnicity of feet.

06-10-2012, 06:00 PM
Franz, your words are always so wise, but I have to ask "what is a tickler to do?" It's one think for a guy to get into worship of his feet, but how does one broach the topic of tickling? Enough guys have told me they consider it torture that I sometimes get discouraged.

Scooter is spot-on correct: The best approach is to just ask a man. Each one of us is individual and his own 'ways and means' of course. Nevertheless, unless for some (to me) odd reason you aren't interested in enjoying all of a man, from head to TOES, it's been my lifelong experience that not one single man I've enjoyed a sexual encounter with or had an affair with showed any reluctance or ever objected to letting me enjoy his hot feet right along with all the rest of his body--not one. A man is usually flattered and happy that you think his feet are hot and sexy and want to enjoy them (my experience, anyway). Men are typically so gratified and so happy that you find them hot, attractive, and sexy that they willingly will go along with anything you want to do with them sexually (as long as you don't want to physically abuse them). And most of the men I've known and enjoyed actually got into me stimulating and playing with their feet when we enjoyed sex together.

06-10-2012, 10:47 PM
Guytickler: Well, my friend, I have myself enjoyed tickling male feet all my life, and you're right that truly ticklish men don't always welcome being tickled. A few do, but not many. The way I dealt with this back while in my early twenties was to figure out a way to seek out other men who would welcome it (or at least accept it), and I figured out that such men could be men who for whatever reason individually craved to be subjected to bondage while one sexually stimulated and played with them. This was back before the Internet age began in the early 90s. I found an 'alternative publication' that specialized in helping bondage bottoms and bondage tops connect with one another....

06-10-2012, 10:55 PM
I placed my own personal ad in the pub, and the relative avalance of positive responses from all kinds of men surprised the heck out of me at the time. My first ad resulted in about four dozen replies all told. Many of the respondants were guys who thought of themselves as hetero but who nonetheless craved and dreamed of being restrained and then sexually teased and played with to orgasm! And the majority were married guys and fathers, to my great surprise at the time. I wasted no time contacting a number of them, and soon a veritable stream of them were coming for weekend visits with me--indeed so many were so eager to finally experience their bondage sex fantasy, with me, that I found I could start being highly selective ("choosey") and still host more individual men than I had time to devote to them....

06-10-2012, 11:01 PM
Eventually, I found about six to eight different men that I particularly enjoyed being with and I concentrated on those particular men. Age-wise they tended to be men in their 30s to mid-40s (which has always been my favorite type of man and still is). I always listened to what a man told me very carefully about what particular action he dreamed of and craved experiencing, and I made it my business to give a man the action and experience he desired to have with me. The thing about men who enjoy being bondage bottoms, I learned, was that they accepted me subjecting them to being tickled during the scene and showed no reluctance or problem in accepting that action. More than a few men turned out to actually enjoy the combination of being erotically tickled during a hot scene with me....

06-10-2012, 11:08 PM
Key to that, I found by experience, was being very sure that I gave a man all of the non-tickling bondage action that he craved and wanted to experience. The sole exception was that I would never agree to cause a man pain or damaage him in a scene. While I met a few men who simply HAD to be subjected to pain and humilitation, I would cull them out and not see such a man again. Most of the men who came to visit me (repeatedly) were quite masculine in appearance and affect and men who simply LOVED being subjected to bondage and endless, tantalizing sexual excitement and pleasure. From hot men such as those I would learn the art of endlessly cum-delaying a man until he would be going out of his mind with over-the-top sexual excitement and pleasure--usually ending with him begging me to please, please let him cum. Eventually I always did make a man cum--cum his brains out...

06-10-2012, 11:13 PM
Given that my role was that of the dominant "top man" and the other man's that of the submissive bottom stud, my subjecting such a stud to be tickled half-out of his mind during a session the guy just accepted as part of the scene with me. What fascinated me especially about that was that so many 'manly men' (who individually were indeed quite ticklish, especially on their bare feet) more or less quickly came to experience and regard the inclusion of tickling of them during the scene as something they enjoyed and liked very much. Who knew? But that's what happened with many of these men....

06-10-2012, 11:20 PM
For instance, there was a man family from Ohio, we'll call him Mike, who was 36 years old when I first met him, who stood six-feet-four, weighed a muscular 220 pounds, with absolutely to-die-for big masculine size 12 feet that he would get very ripe and smelly for me. Mike quickly learned to enjoy the hell out of being tickled to distraction. He would always end up shrieking with laughter and begging for mercy--but in fact he enjoyed it and didn't want the tickling to stop. Mike was something else. He eventually liked being tickled mercilessly and enjoyed it so much that I could literally tickle him to a mind-blowing orgasm by tickling stimulation of his feet, armpits, belly, and genitals. He called himself my "bondage tickle slave" and simply could never get enough of it. I enjoyed hosting Mike for nearly ten years (before I moved to another section of the country).

06-10-2012, 11:26 PM
A very important key to developing an enduring relationship of this kind with a man would lie in first showing him that he could repose 100% trust in me. Once the stud truly understand that I would not subject him to painful abuse or physical damage but, rather, was intent solely on giving him the most intensely exciting and enjoyable sexual experience possible for him to thrill to, from that point forward he would happily put himself completely under my physical control. And, needless to say, I learned "by doing" how to give a man such intense sexual exciement, pleasure, and mind-blowing orgasms that he willingly accepted and learned to enjoy being tickled silly in the process.

06-10-2012, 11:33 PM
So, bottom line, guytickler, that was the process I figured out and learned that enabled me to find a large number of individual men who learned to love being tickled silly as part of the incredibly exciting sexual scenes we played together. It helps if you are naturally a dominant Alpha-type man with an Alpha personality, to be sure. Based on my own experience and personal observation, I happen to think that a true "top" is born and not made. But if you are up for and into this type of encounters with the right type of man, you really can find yourself as many ticklish tickle-enjoying bottoms as you have time in your life to make room for. And if you happen to really enjoy smelly feet on a man, this type of man will happily and willingly prepare himself in any way you tell him to--including making sure to get his feet ripe and smelly for you.