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View Full Version : Stop clicking on the spam!!

05-26-2009, 10:02 PM
Howdy, y'all.

While these message boards are far more secure than our prior host's, it is impossible to prevent spammers from manually joining the site and posting their bullshit here.

If you see someone post a message advertising for drugs, pussy, porn, ANYTHING inappropriate to the board, DO NOT OPEN THE POST.

These pieces of shit have added HTML to their submissions to record who you are and when you read the post. If the spam gets read, it gives them a signal that they can send more, and possibly justify recruiting other fuckheads to help them. It also targets you to receive spam from them, forevermore.

I repeat, emphatically, DO NOT OPEN SPAM POSTS. If no one opens the posts, no one will acknowledge them; they will eventually get bored and go away.

I was appalled that our latest spammer got almost twenty hits from y'all in the short time between when he posted and when I nuked him from the site. Do you really want to buy drugs, illegally?

05-31-2009, 02:28 PM
Hello.... Anyone listening?

I just deleted a dozen spam posts, which were read by almost ONE HUNDRED OF YOU!

I asked that no one open these spam posts. Now that almost 100 people have opened these posts, the spammers have a clear message that it is OKAY to send more. After all, YOU ARE READING THEIR SPAM!

Please stop, or the spam will just get worse.

06-02-2009, 05:36 AM
I am listening. And many others do as well.

I totally agree. I'm just ignoring those spams and hope that it will be deleted as soon as possible.
I think we have to accept that there are such creepy beings as it is a free forum.

But I'm sure we will NOT lose our fun that we all have in here.

06-03-2009, 01:10 AM
Boots, if others are like me, they go through a forum by clicking on "Previous Thread" or "Next Thread" until they've checked out each new message. So, of course, in this way I've opened spam. I don't like it any more than you do, but that's the way I -- and I'm sure others -- use these forums. We don't open spam on purpose, but by clicking through the forum, we don't have the opportunity to read the title of each thread before we see that it is spam. So, I'm sorry. Mea culpa!

10-31-2009, 08:17 PM
I'm in the same boat with Head2Foot - I peruse the forum by clicking on the next thread link at the bottom. I don't recall ever opening anything inappropriate to this site, so Boots - thanks, and keep up the good work! What can we do to help in this situation?

11-06-2009, 08:41 PM
Thanks Ron. I have a question though, generally speaking how do you guys get rid of spam like that? Block the sender and delete the posts?

11-06-2009, 09:46 PM
Thanks Ron. I have a question though, generally speaking how do you guys get rid of spam like that? Block the sender and delete the posts?

No, in this case... I am keeping your post (but I have deleted all your other stupid ones).

And yes, you are banned. Please stay away.