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View Full Version : telenovela alert!!!

03-15-2012, 04:44 PM
There was a great scene last nght in the novela "'Dangerous Relations"' (Relaciones peligrosas) showing the bare feet of Gonzalo García Vivanco. If you have the technical know-how to make a capture, and if you like to go South of the Border with hunks from South of the Border, this may be a golden footsie opportunity. Gonzalo plays the part of Juan Pablo, or J.P., and is a prof of gym and theater. He is lying in bed with his sole facing the public and his foot is truly excellent.

As drama coach, J.P. will be putting on a musical at the Cervantes Academy, "Tristan and Isolde."" A musical? Isn't the great work by Wagner a little ambitious for a high school? How will they do the great duet from Act II? With puppets and mariachi?

In another scene last night Gabriel Coronel (Mauricio) had a good barefoot shot after a romantic frolic with Miranda. This novela has everything: feet, nipples, rear ends.... (sigh!)

03-15-2012, 07:01 PM
I think there's only one person who can solve this case by finding videos of those scenes.
And I confide in fructis as he's a real expert in unkennelling all this telenovela stuff.

03-15-2012, 08:07 PM
I found it on You tube, it's episode 37, it's just that it's not the best quality. So I'm waiting for Telemundo to upload the HQ version, as they usually do.
Fructis has been posting videos from this particular telenovela on his you tube channel, so I'm sure this one will be there soon.

03-15-2012, 09:38 PM
You guys are the best! If it can be done, you do it or show how and where it can be done.

¡Gracias! Muito obrigado! Kiitoksia oikein paljon! And I really mean it!

03-16-2012, 09:54 AM
Take a look at the Video captures thread, ftlaudft. :) :)

And thank *you* for the alert. It's impossible to keep track of so many telenovelas and all the possible foot-scenes so it's always a lovely surprise when someone alerts us. ;)