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View Full Version : FOOTbroadcast.com

11-04-2011, 02:41 AM
I have read several messages regarding the website footbroadcast.com and wanted to weigh in. I ran across this website quite some time ago and was very happy to find it. It seemed to be a place where all foot lovers could share their videos with the like minded. I downloaded a number of vids and also uploaded some that I have collected. After a while, the operators of the site began to ask for donations to improve their servers, even placing a restriction to view vids if you did not contribute. That restriction did disappear after a while although it did re-appear occasionally. Then, it was stated on the home page that the site was for sale. Obviously, the site did cahnge hands and the overall appearance of the site changed dramatically. After this change a message appeared that stated that improvements were being made to a better server and seemed to promise a better site overall. Well, as I am sure many of you have noticed, this was not the case and the site has taken a significant turn for the worse. The quality of the videos has been substantially diminished and often times when you log on to the site you recieve a message that the resource limit has been reached and you cannot acess the site at all. If you did contribute to this site it seems that it was not money well spent. This is a site for video sharing...content that is available for free if you search the web. I can understand charging a fee for site that produces original content but to pay for media that is just floating around in cyberspace seems ludicrous to me. After all, the site has advertisement on it and seems to be generating revenue from sponsors, so why should visitors be expected to pay??? I really do appreciate any site that allows my fellow foot lovers to share their stories, pics and vids, but don't let yourself be exploited. There are many other sites that don't want your money. If you need a listing of these sites, just send me a message. Cheers, and keep sniffing and licking!!!

11-04-2011, 08:50 PM
Is everyone else having problems with this site? I donated the first time on the promise they would not ask again, twice I got locked out and had to email them that I had paid. Now its asking for money again, or when I try to log in telling me I have exceeded my resource limit, by logging in?

No way I am giving them more money, feel this is a total rip off

11-12-2011, 12:07 AM
I was very happy to find this site as well... but now it sucks :(

why should I pay to share free videos? it does not make any sense...