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View Full Version : Happiness is a 4-letter word that begins with F: Feet!

05-13-2009, 08:10 AM
We've come a long way, dudes!

As we approach the month of partytime to celebrate Stonewall, I have to remember the reality of law and attitudes when I was born. It wasn't that long ago when sucking a guy's dick would land you in jail. Treasure-diving in his rearend could land you in a psychiatric ward where electric shock treatments might turn you into a vegetable, if they didn't kill you. And lusting for feet? Why, any desires you might have for a guy's nipples, belly button, balls or feet meant, according to priests, pastors and rabbis, that you were in the express lane to hell's fire and total perdition, you sick weirdo, you!

And just look at us today! Now that I have learned how to play with the computer as well as with myself, I am discovering signs of the times, new signs of our times, We have reason to celebrate.

If you go to the Theater link above, the FootBuddies Video on Demand will offer you a number of scenes that would have put you in the slammer a few decades ago. There is a clip from Germany that amazes me, a film from Luxure Filmproduktion with the title "'Sneaker Sex 2000."' In Scene 2, 4 ordinary-looking normal men do things with each other's body parts and especially their feet that is an inspiration to be wondered at and imitated. If they gave an Academy Award for foot-loving enthusiasm, this scene would grab it!

Another sign of foot lib comes from JockFootFantasy. Now that I've learned how to do that right-click, save as target, download and fill screen stuff, I have some of the most beautiful feet on the globe right in my face just a few clicks away. Seth and Lars and Dawson - those guys are animals! For a footlover, each video clip is a moment of truth.

The guy who really puts a face on feet is CatinHat over at MyFriendsFeet. His photography shares with Barefootguys.com the finest perspectives of guys' feet that you'lll see on the net. Cat often uses himself as a model for intense foot worship scenes, such as a scene in which he shrimps a guy named Peter. What enthusiasm! What drooling! What talented tongue-work between the toes! He's a goodlooking guy, doing what he does with a quiet self-assurance that lets me know, hey!, I can do that too! And I did! And I'm going to keep on doing it too. Thanks Cat! That's the push I needed!

And what about our own FootBuddies site right here? Where else can you be who you really are deep inside? It's sites like this that have taught me it's OK to be who I am and to enjoy what I REALLY enjoy! It's more than OK - it's wonderful! Let's celebrate!

05-13-2009, 09:56 AM
I agree
bravo!!! Bravo!!!

05-13-2009, 12:02 PM
Ftlaudft, I always find myself smiling when I read one of your messages. You express yourself so beautifully and you look at things from a glass-half-full perspective. And what I love most is that underneath it all you, I'm sure, are a truly talented pervert -- and I say that with the utmost awe and respect!


05-13-2009, 01:02 PM
Thank you, Stustustugo and Head2Foot, for your kind words of support! A new day has come for foot lib and it's a good time to look at some of our pioneers and heroes.

A "'talented pervert"", you say? Well, I was kinda hoping for May Queen, but I guess that crown's been taken. Maybe next year.

I hope you guys get to see that scene from "'Sneaker Sex 2000."' It's actually a double-feature of 2 films by Oliver Lueck (Aly lyck), ""Summer Times"' and "'All Day Stories."' Oliver's films usher in a new era of foot love freedom with a vitality and imagination that are liberating. In the second scene of "'Sneaker Sex 2000"' over at FootBuddies Video on Demand, four fellows at a camping site give themselves up to every kind of foot lust in the book. They are my kind of people!

Do drop by MyFriendsFeet as well and check out the performance of CatinHat with a guy called Lane. The hunk Lane is such a macho foul mouth, really arrogant and dirty. It is just amazing to see Cat let this rude stud wipe his bare feet all over Cat, stick his toes in Cat's mouth, and do all sorts of nasty things with his magnificent feet. Lane is so foul mouthed but he has such gorgeous feet! (I wonder what he charges for a discreet house call.)

Did someone say there's a half-full glass somewhere? Where? Let me at it! Let the good times roll!

05-17-2009, 08:43 PM
Your first post was wonderfully written, Ft. Laud, and I can't help but agree with a lot of what you said. It does seem like the times are changing in spite of the efforts of some to still try and control people's morality, and they're failing miserably.

I used to struggle with feeling "normal" about my fetish for guys' feet, and even though I still have twinges of guilt about enjoying the wealth of foot related sites on the internet, for the most part, I accept it, and just realize it's a part of who I am. Not a good part, certainly not a bad part, but just a part, and well within my control now.

05-18-2009, 08:20 AM
I appreciate your good words, flickfire. And I'm sure just about everybody reading these posts can relate to "'the struggle to be normal."' It's been a long journey, with many highs and many lows. There is always some backsliding and the journey never will be over.

When I was a little boy, I was taught a bunch of platitudes about morality. They turned out to be a pile of crap, but what could a little kid know? They did a lot of harm and it took a lifetime to undo them.

I learned as a child that sex was something grownups did with the doors closed, but not very often, and let's not talk about it, do you mind? Masturbation is evil. The angels weep when they see you playing with yourself. You can make a joke about stinky feet but if you don't let go of your cousin's foot I'm gonna hit you with a stick with a nail in it! You've always been a difficult child. Let's hope you don't turn out to be a pervert on top of it!

Is it any wonder that in my teen years I started to think of myself as a faggot with a dirty secret? Worst of all, I was the only one in the world! But some wonderful things happened in the 20th century that changed everything. First there was the Kinsey Report. I wasn't the only one. One third of all males had some sort of experience with another guy that led to orgasm. One third! One. Two. Oh, surely not you, Henry! Four. Five. Why, Jason! Who would have suspected? I was not alone.

So I was a healthy, normal homosexual. With a secret. I liked nipples, balls, dicks, asses - and feet! What to do about it? Well, let's try a furtive lick on the little toe here. Maybe a discreet suck on the guy's big toe there. Let's try a little sole chomping on this one. Ya know what? Nobody minded! Nobody thought it was strange! Some guys even seemed to like it. Some guys even joined in with an enthusiasm I wouldn't have suspected! I was not alone.

Then came Stonewall, the development of gay consciousness and self-acceptance. And finally, the Internet! We learned that we are not alone! We clicked onto sites like MyFriendsFeet, JockFootFantasy, BarefoorGuys and our own FootBuddies and discovered we were not only in plentiful footloving company, we were just drops in the bucket of a footloving ocean of desire

And here we are today in a wonderful country where the police may still walk in and find us indulging our crotch love and our foot love in many colorful ways. But they won't drag us off to the slammer anymore.. No, in fact they may even recommend a courthouse where we can complete the forms for a civil union or even a marriage. From the slammer for being a dirty cocksucker to a courthouse for a ceremony to make it legal! Now, that's what I call progress.

No, I am not a faggot with a dirty secret anymore! I'm a grownup adult gay guy with a wonderful blessing. Sex without foot play was always fun, like a good black and white movie of the 30s. But throw in the bare feet and the lights come on to a vivid technicolor experience! Out of the closet! Out of the shoebox! The journey goes on!

What does it all mean? Well, it's like this, dudes. I think it means hell has frozen over! So don't just sit there! Grab your iceskates and join your fellow players! A little homo hockey never hurt anyone!