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View Full Version : David Hanak at www.malefeet4u.com

08-12-2011, 04:55 PM

The set includes 91 images and a video total running time: 19 min 11 secs
Feet-back is very welcome.

David Hanak is back for yet another amazing foot set. Starting out with feet wrapped in some close fitting socks he soon peels them back and reveals some delicate feet below. Rubbing them back and forth they shine bright under the hot studio lights and make this one set worth coming back to.

08-12-2011, 09:54 PM
these feet are real hot but how come the nails are kinda yellowish?

08-13-2011, 03:00 AM
Honestly, MF4U, used to screen the guys they photographed, or at least send them for pedicure before their close-ups...but lately, the specimens they're posting aren't very interesting. I'm sure they are nice fellows, but MF4U should upgrade a little. Eewww!

08-13-2011, 08:13 AM
Thank you! I know there are some guys who like rotten feet...but I mean if you're gonna model feet, they should'nt look like they have a serious fungal infection, like this guy has!

Honestly, MF4U, used to screen the guys they photographed, or at least send them for pedicure before their close-ups...but lately, the specimens they're posting aren't very interesting. I'm sure they are nice fellows, but MF4U should upgrade a little. Eewww!

08-13-2011, 09:44 AM
What if the model is looking at this? Would you walk up to a guy and say, "Nice feet, but you should do something about that fungus!" And how do you think he would feel if he happened to look at this page and saw those comments
I see the same thing, but they still great looking feet. Besides, the baby toe seems to have it the most, which leads me to believe some of it is the lighting. Notice that furthur up his leg has a slight yellow cast as well and I doubt that would happen unless he has jaundice (which isn't usually on the legs). It's pretty mild and I wouldn't turn him away, assuming he's a sweetheart of a guy ( but that's jut MY type).
Sometimes, I wonder about some of us. It's like our parents didn't teach us the old axiom, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." I mean, I realize it's a foot site and we have the right to say whatever we want, but that doesn't mean we have to say something just because we're behind a computer screen and can get away with it. What if someone came up to you and said, you're really cute but you should do something about that acne, or you have such a nice face, if only you'd lose some weight. Jeezus!
PLAY NICE HERE. People have feelings, you know. Do you? (And I'm not including footboi's comments in this, just to be very pointed about it. He's just asking why it looks that way). The other comments are bordering on just plain mean.
Most of these guys are from Europe, where they might not have access to treatment for foot fungus, and this guy's toes look pretty mild to me, in any case.
Don't be such a bunch of girls (no insult intended to the female sex here, either!).

08-13-2011, 11:06 AM
these feet are real hot but how come the nails are kinda yellowish?
I don't see them as particularly yellow and definitely they do not look like they have a fungal infection. I have seen nail fungus and it is quite striking, even in mild form.

The little toe has one of those common thick nails that seem to come from wearing shoes and that often gives a color that is not fungus related.

08-13-2011, 01:00 PM
I've been noticing the young guys shown on this site seem to have very beat-up feet for such youth. I guess the idea of basic foot care is unmasculine.

08-13-2011, 02:16 PM
...not arguing with you at all, but I've found, in general, that younger guys have better-looking feet than guys of my generation and the generation before me. I think that's because they go barefoot more often and don't have the misshapen feet that so many of our parents had. (I don't know about grandparents, because, men, in the older generation -- at least in the north -- didn't sit around without shoes on. The south? An entirely different matter.) I generally see, more often that not, that it's the older generation that didn't know -- or care -- about the condition of their feet.
Australian men, for example, seem to have the most striking legs and beautiful feet of any country I've visited. Even back in 1990, the last time I was in Australia, EVERYone wore "thongs" (which look exactly like flip-flops). Guys in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. I was struck by the fact that it was more common to see in a guy in thongs than not. And they had, in sheer numbers, the hottest, sexiest feet I've EVER seen. I was lucky my neck didn't fall off from turning around so much and checking out a guy's feet. And they seemed not be "merely" pretty, but also the archetype of masculine-looking feet: wide, well- proportioned, ultra-clear toenails (and flat-out knockout toes), and tapered towards the heel. Super shapely. I really was astounded how common it was that their feet were not just nice, but aesthetically beautiful, person for person! (And keep in mind that Australia's population is only around 22 million, so to have 80 out of any 100 guys I saw (this was mostly in Sydney so I'll qualify that) with toes most of us would kill for, is an unusually high percentage of goodlooking feet. I met a guy staying in the same guesthouse I was staying in, and the first time I saw him, I could see, peripherally, that he was barefoot, so I look down, naturally. Gary had gorgeous toes. I had to force myself not to look down, but it was almost, literally, impossible. So, you KNOW I introduced myself to him (not just because of his toes, but I'd be a liar if I didn't say I was pretty turned on to him because of them), and, fortunately, since Australia has very few American Blacks (and they think Black men - but not Black women, interestingly enough - are utterly hot, hot, hot, it was easy for me to spend time with him. And, of course he was gay, since the guesthouse was gay. I still remember the cab driver looking me over (and I'd swear he was straight) and saying -- and I still remember EXACTLY what he said - "Oh, the women are gonna luv you, mate. I don't know what it is you guys have got that we haven't got, but the women are wild for you." I just smiled, knowing that THAT wasn't gonna happen. I didn't even care if I met guys there or not: I was just there for a vacation, not for men. But I knew Australia's reputation for being wild for American Black men. Interestingly enough, they didn't have the same attitude towards the Aboriginals, something I got quite hot with Gary about when he would talk about them as though they were sub-human. Reminded me too much of the attitude of America towards Black men until around the mid-80s, when rap became hot, and so did the rappers. This isn't the forum for it, but for my tastes, that attitude's still there, it's just politically "incorrect" to say it out loud.

Anyyyyyway, I read something posted on this site a few years ago, about 'parents for good feet', an actual organization dedicated to making sure the children grew up free of any problems with their feet! It said that Australians, for the most part, had such good feet because everyone walked around barefoot from the time they were very young, to the time they were older. Kids even went to school barefoot (they must have VERY clean roads!), so their feet always got air and consequently had very well-shaped foot because they weren't squeezed into shoes that pinched or constricted the feet in any way. (Is anyone thinking of moving to Sydney by this point? I sure considered it!)
When I see younger guys -- and I live near Yale University -- I see a good 50% of the guys wearing flip-flops most of the time, and I notice that they have the clearest nails I've ever seen on a generation of males.

I think Shale's deduction is pretty right-on.

And, I can't say for sure whether or not younger guys think foot care isn't masculine, but it's not my experience that they ignore the condition of their feet. I've never seen so many barefoot guys in my life these days.

08-14-2011, 12:35 AM
Do you really think the models of mf4m even know or care that their pics are posted here? I am 99.9% certain, they could care less! They got paid and that is the end of the story for them. We, on the other hand, afficianados of male feet, have the pleasure (or displeasure) of analyzing, gawking, ooo'ing, ahhh'ing all we want with no recriminations. It is what it is. Nothing personal, mind you, it's all about the feet, right? Not the person. I don't know these guys who model and do not judge them as individuals, however, their feet, that's another matter. Again, if the purveyors of the site want business, they should know what ALL of the potential customers in their market would like to see.

08-14-2011, 01:21 AM
but it costs nothing to exercise good manners, either.
If we don't make overly critical comments when members post photos of non-commercial feet, why make them when a commercial site posts feet?

Exactly what is the point in that? You mean, simply because we CAN say rude things, that we SHOULD say them? If you wouldn't do it in person (and most people don't have the 'fortitude' (guts)) to say to somebody's face what they all too often say behind their backs, why do it on the 'net? Simply because nobody can trace our comments???

We are what we continually do, so if we let ourselves be nasty, we will BECOME nasty. One can't separate a person's words from their character:words are the outward expression of our inward character and attitude towards others.

08-15-2011, 03:36 AM
Are we still talkin' about the MF4M pic? I do not think that my comment was rude, or any of that stuff. From my perspective, it is more about the purveyors of the site, than any kind of personal, critique of a particular model, which is how you seem to be interpreting it. If YOU were offended, then that is another matter altogether. For that, all I can say is, in public forums, the risk of being offended...a lot, does exist and the probability that participants may not like or agree with various, diverse opinions, comments and observations is 100% guaranteed.