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View Full Version : Blast from the Past Foot Shots sought..

07-10-2011, 01:53 PM
Greetings all from the BoyWonder in Chicago..oddly enough, was chattin to a friend the past few days and remembered a few foot pics/commercials/shows that I think really intrigued the foot interest, perhaps you guys can shed some light on them if they exist anywhere, here it goes...
*Degree commercial-guy breaks into museum, has to remove his shoes and socks and put speed stick on his feet to get in...
*Adventures of Biscoe County-Bruce Campbell has boots removed and forced to walk barefoot on coals and also other episode, boots taken off, him and his sidekick, believe they get their feet sniffed or tickled, cant remember....
*Angel-episode he gets told to remove shoes, socks, walk barefoot thru a maze and then gets chained up..yummy clip i remember...
*...and those damn PBS Zoboomafoo shows, those hottie Brothers were always barefoot, talkin about feet, sniffin their feet, wigglin their feet..was an absolute maddening thing indeed to see on public television but ever so hot!

Thanks all, maybe I sparked your own interests..still looking for footplay in Chicago if anyone reading this is close by! Happy Summer and may your sole searching be decent..

07-10-2011, 11:43 PM
...Adventures of Biscoe County-Bruce Campbell has boots removed and forced to walk barefoot on coals....
I found that episode of The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. at


The scene where his boots are pulled off and he's almost forced to fight over hot coals starts at 39:45. Enjoy.

...and also other episode, boots taken off, him and his sidekick, believe they get their feet sniffed or tickled....
I thought I'd seen every foot or tickling scene in a western, but this one is news to me. I'm going to search videobb.com for the rest of the episodes.