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View Full Version : barefoot in Brazil: a Carioca cock-pleaser...

07-08-2011, 05:33 PM
From Rio de Janeiro comes a film that should definitely make your homo hormones happy. The title is "From Beginning to End"' (Do começo ao fim) and it is now available on DVD. The photography is brilliant and the men in the picture are gorgeous. It's the story of two half-brothers, Francisco and Thomas, who have the same mother but different fathers. They are very close from birth, remain intimate during adolescence and become lovers when adults.

So what's the problem? That's the point. There IS no problem! Although the parents do express concern about the brothers' intimacy, their concern is not whether the brothers are developing hetero or homo. The concern of the parents is a desire that however the boys develop they may find their relationship natural and good and beautiful.

Now, that's what I call progressive. Do you remember not long ago, in the days of "'Finistere"' and "'Quatrefoil"' when anyone with same-sex feelings in a novel or film was allowed to feel horny for a day but then had to explode in a plane, jump off a cliff or walk resolutely into the ocean? No more! No more!

A gay picture with a happy beginning AND a happy end! Wonderful! But why are we talking about it here? I'll tell you why. The gorgeous half-brothers have gorgeous feet, are barefoot in a number of scenes in the picture and show full-frontal nudity. Yes, full-frontal! Well, the pecker people need a little love too, ya know!

There are two scenes that stand out. One is a scene in a tango palace in Buenos Aires where Francisco and Thomas have gone on vacation. While Thomas dances with a woman, Francisco fantasizes about the two of them dancing a tango completely naked together, in mists and vapors. It's quite erotic. Both guys have great asses. I mean, if you like that sort of thing.

In another scene, Thomas is barefoot on the couch with his bare foot playing on the shoulder of Francisco, who is also barefoot on the floor, reading erotica to Thomas. It is in this scene that the two exchange rings and actually make a commitment to each other. The word incest isn't used at all in the film. Their situation is what it is and nowhere is there any judgmental element to impede the development of their relationship.

The picture has subtitles in English. It also has subtitles in Portuguese for those who speak Spanish and have a basic grasp of Portuguese. I love the sound of Brazilian Portuguese but need the titles to follow the dialogue.

I must admit that I'm a movie weeper. I cry during sad endings. I'm even worse during a really happy ending. That's why I'm so glad pictures like this are now on DVD.

07-10-2011, 12:46 AM
I've seen this and it is a wonderful film. There are many clips from the movie and of the trailers on YT to have an idea of the story.

http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=OV8DHU2cscM&feature=fvwrel