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06-27-2011, 07:22 AM
A couple months ago I was wrestling my best friend Eric in my basement just like we've done for years when we get bored. I've had a foot fetish ever since I can remember and I've always had a total crush on Eric's perfect feet, but he has no idea i'm into feet. I had been in holds before where his feet were kinda close to my face and I'd touched his feet pleny of times when we would wrestle but I just blocked it out and pretty much ignored his feet since he's my best friend and I didn't want things to feel weird.

Anwyay, last month we were wrestling and he had my head trapped between his legs. When I tapped out he unlocked his ankles and put his feet in my face as his victory pose and was like "smell my feet bitch!" Sometimes we both rub in our victories a little but he's never done anything like that before! I acted all grossed out and was like that's sick man but secretly I was like omg the hottest feet ever were in my face and they smelled amazing! So, the next round I had him in an armbar and when he submitted I dished out my payback. I held my feet in his face and told him to lick my feet! He actually took it pretty well and just licked my feet really quick as was like aight dude I'm gonna make u pay for that one. I was suprised it was almost just as hot having him lick my feet as it was having his feet in my face. And he didn't fight it at all so then I'm wondering does he have a secret foot fetish too?

What happend next was the hottest and most humiliating thing thats ever happend to me. We're about the same size and usually pretty equal fighters so alot of times one of us just barely wins our matches. But, this round, he completely had his way with me. I think it was partly because I was still a little schocked/turned on by the whole foot thing that just happend, but he totally dominated me. He had me trapped in a head lock and just as I was about to tap out he let go and turned me on my stomach. Then, he sat down on my back facing my feet so his feet were on the floor right under my face. I had to lift my head to keep my face from resting on his soles.

Then, he reached out and grabbed my feet and pulled them back as far as they could go. He crossed my ankles and held my feet up with one hand and pushed my face down into his perfect bare soles with the other. I had no choice but to tap out but he held my face down in his feet and made me smell and lick his feet and say "I'm your bitch" before he let me out. I felt SOOO humiliated not only for getting beaten so bad, but for being forced to worship his feet and alI IN MY OWN HOUSE! So I laid on my stomach and played dead while I caught my breath and waited for my boner to go away.

When I got up I had to hang out with him the rest of the day and act like nothing had happend. Of course he stayed barefoot most of the day, but as hard as I tried, I couldn't stop staring at his perfect feet and thinking about how awesome they smelled and tasted. I know a couple times he caught me looking at his feet but didn't say anything. His arches are seriously so high and i mean seriously PERFECT! It was kinda like a sexual tension the rest of the day. He kept teasing & taunting me about it and told all our friends how bad he whooped me. Now he wants to take video of our next match and put it on youtube.

My only problem is things are different now. I've become almost obsessed with him and his feet - it's all i think about. The other night he slept over at my house and while he was showering I started smelling his dirty socks & shoes. I have no choice but to explore this fetish now & I'm glad to see so many other ppl have the same type fetish. So the big question to you guys: Do I tell my best friend about my crush or hide it and secretly enjoy it?

06-27-2011, 09:59 AM
Ryan, you want to think with your head here and not with your dick, if you see what I mean. Your 'best friend' has already shot his mouth off to all your friends about that little scene and how he 'whooped' you--and now he wants to do it all again, take a video of himself humiliating you, and post it on Youtube for everyone you know (including your family?) to see??? Ryan, my lad, best friends don't do shit like that. Wake up. This guy has got an ego problem and wants to use-and-abuse you and video it and exhibit your humiliation and his "triumph" to all your friends. If you let him sucker you into that, you need your head examined. Chances are he has recognized your "interest" in his feet and intends to video tape you worshipping his feet (to make himself feel important at your expense). You need to find a new best friend, pal--ASAP, if you want to keep your foot fetish your private business (which, as you already know yourself, you should).

06-27-2011, 06:51 PM

Listen to what "Franz" has just told you, as he is 100% spot on! The guy is on to you, and he wants to humilate you.

Please find a new best friend, who doesn't want to humilate & dominate you, but like you, for who you are.

You apparently like & are into guys. So, find a guy like yourself. Remember this old saying....."Birds of a feather flock together".

06-27-2011, 07:39 PM
Thanks for the comments guys! It's tough b/c even though i'm not really into being humiliated, it was soo hot being forced to worship his feet after he overpowered me and i can't help but want to do it again. What if he's into feet too? What can I do to find out?

06-27-2011, 08:31 PM
The old Jesuit injunction comes to mind here, Ryan: "Trade a doubt against a certainty". The guy has already demonstrated to you that he wants to dominate and humiliate you--and, further, that he wants to embarass and humiliate you in front of all your mutual friends and acquaintances. That is the "certainty". The "doubt" is the notional proposition on your part that maybe, just maybe, he's into feet, too. Weigh the probablity of your notional hope he's into feet himself against the certainty that he's definitely already shown he's into humiliating you publicly--and that should "tell you something". If you're prepared to let this guy "out" you to your family, all your friends, and your acquaintainces, then fine--go ahead and let him. But c'mon, Ryan, you don't want that. And this guy is your "best friend"? I seriously suggest (a) you find a new best friend, and (b) that you not allow this jerk to take shameless advantage of you, as he's made clear to you he intends to.

06-27-2011, 10:42 PM
Or you could just come out about your foot fetish. I did that a few years ago and most of my friends know. I suppose I can understand people's weird feelings about letting non foot fetish people know they have a thing for feet. That said, it doesn't even faze me anymore. So it's a quirky thing about you that makes you unique amongst your friends - whatevs.

Anyway, it is a good story. Exciting, certainly. I've had interesting experiences. Never anything involving humiliation like that, but I'd be into that anyway.

06-28-2011, 08:52 AM
You say he's your best friend? How old were you when you met? Aside from this, has he been kind to you or has it always been an "alpha-male" - type relationship? I'm curious as to what he's like to you otherwise (meaning, outside the wrestling arena) -- and to others in general. Nice? Mean? Moody? Sarcastic?
Franz' advice is good advice, but I'm wondering if you're a younger guy (sounds like you are) or an older, more experienced guy. This all sounds so new to you that you could be wishin' and hopin' instead of being wary of an experience that could turn out bad for you. Experience really IS the best teacher, but one doesn't have a lot of it when one is young.

If the guy is really a jerk the rest of the time, trust Franz' statement: he'll be that way to you, too. Human nature is really that --- one's NATURE. You'll be who you are, no matter what. And so will he.

06-28-2011, 07:42 PM
Thanks for the suggestions! Aside from that one time, he's never dominant at all...he doesn't try to be alpha or act like a jerk or anything. He's actually really laid back and cool. We've been friends since middle school. When we wrestle we're both trying to be as dominant as possible but not in a bad way we just both wrestle to win. So when that whole thing happened he wasn't even really "mean" about it...it was more him teasing me like we always do but it was so humiliating b/c i have a huge crush on his feet. But, now i almost feel like the next time we wrestle I'll be more submissive just b/c of the crush and I won't put up as much of a fight cuz i'm still hung up on what happend before.

06-29-2011, 02:47 PM
I may be blind but I dont see anything wrong with this.

A lot of str8 guys do this. They fight each other in a friendly way.Some will even fart on each other face while putting their ass ( not always bare) directly on your face. Some will even record it and put it on youtube.

We ALL seen the famous " I bet " for a beer or money you wont lick my feet OR the "sleeping guy" and the friend having their feet or dirty socks over their face and in some cases they put their balls out and take a pic of it hanging near their sleeping FRIEND face.

Because YES friends do enjoy to tease each other.

I just think because THEY are str8 they dont see it as a sexual thing. As oppose to the gay condition. Anything in between guys always has to turn or be gay.

You know your friend better then we do.IF you dont want this to be recorded and put on youtube then dont do it. But if u dont mind and if this is part of what turns you on ( being humiliated) then do it.

As long as everything is friendly at the end of it.

This is one of the reason I do not work out with my friends. They enjoy wrestling (ufc style) on the ground.
I COULD NEVER keep a str8 face with their hot feet near my face let alone NOT have a boner. LOL

06-29-2011, 05:35 PM
I hope we soon get to see the video you said you would upload to youtube!

06-30-2011, 05:38 PM
Yeah, you know your friend alot better than any of us, but your story didn't sound like a story about an ass or someone trying to overly-embarrass you.

Although you and I may have different motives for doing a video. I'd be trying to turn the tables on him and get one of his ankles in an arm-lock and tickle his trapped foot! To show him laughing uncontrolled on video.

Do you know if he's ticklish?

07-01-2011, 10:13 PM
Thanks for the comments! I will def post a video if one gets made...He'll be here all weekend for the 4th of July so I'm sure we'll wrestle at some point. I'll def. try to beat him and film my feet in his face but if his hot feet are near my face again i might go totally powerless...i wish i could post a pic of his feet here...mine are nice and they put mine to shame.

07-02-2011, 02:18 PM
omg his feet are too hot to describe...he threw his sock on my face last night!!!

07-02-2011, 04:23 PM
I think he knows about your fetish, but it's hard to tell whether he's teasing you because he also has a foot fetish or if he's just trying to embarrass you. :confused:

07-03-2011, 04:28 PM
here's a pic of his awesome feet! he keeps thowing his socks on me and being like "smell familiar?" I think he likes my feet too b/c he keeps looking at them and playing with them alot when we wrestled today...