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View Full Version : Why celebrities?

05-29-2011, 12:36 PM
By a huge margin, the most overwhelmingly popular topic on these boards is the posting of photos of celebrities and their feet. For years, one question about it has been nagging me: WHY?

I just don't understand the fascination with something that will never be reality.

Playing devil's advocate, I look at it like this....

You will never meet these people. If you do happen to meet these people, you will never see their feet. If you do happen to see their feet, you will never be allowed to touch them.

So why get all worked up over something that's only going to leave you high and dry? I see spending any time on celebrity photos as the ultimate exercise in frustration.

I know many of you must think differently; and I'd like to hear your take on this.

05-29-2011, 12:51 PM
I've never understood this fascination myself. I also don't understand the need to compare people with celebrities that may look similar.

05-29-2011, 01:10 PM
I'm not sure the fascination about celebrities either. Most of them are just so boring. Further, it's nothing special if everyone likes a certain celebrity.

For example, I'm not attracted to Megan Fox because everyone else in the world is attracted to Megan Fox. If I were to like her, there's nothing special.

But I must confess I fantasize about Oded Fehr's feet.

05-29-2011, 02:03 PM
Oh, I'm not interested in having any kind of relationship with celebrities. To be honest, I'm not generally bothered by them at all, since I don't really watch TV and I'm not into that celebrity culture, but I think what it is is that they are often attractive people in the public eye and when they go barefoot people can take pictures for us. It is good for fantasies. That is all.

05-29-2011, 02:32 PM
Because celebrities are attractive and their feet are nice to look at.

Does it NEED to be more complicated than that? It's called fantasy for a reason.

05-29-2011, 03:33 PM
I think for alot there is something of a "security-blanket" thing about it. Before the internet, the only way many of us were able to have our desire for feet satisfied was getting a chance to see Tom Selleck's soles on Magnum or a shot of John Ritter's toes on Three's Company, or flipping through PEOPLE magazine or any other publication for an actor or a model to give us a cheap thrill. I had a massive collection of pics from various publications; now I have loads of pics in a folder on my computer. The practice has carried on into adulthood for many of us. Celebrities/models' feet have become a fetish in itself.

Overall, however, it's an aesthetic thing - many of these celebrities are beautiful, and it doesn't take a scientist to figure out why their feet became part of the fascination. I don't find anything wrong with it.

05-29-2011, 03:48 PM
...than any of us, since, before they became celebrities, they were just everyday people.
They may have been chosen by the star-machine makers BECAUSE they were someone that person wanted to make famous, but their feet are no more or less attractive than some of the guys on this board.
I like the photos, but most of them are 40' away, the feet appear telescoped, and there's no detail to them. That's the part I find a waste of time, although for many guys, its just SEEING that they HAVE feet that seems to set some guys off (as though they didn't actually have feet).
But yes, it's just a fantasy. I find, for example, the geek thread much more appealing, because the guys are part of OUR galaxy, not stars in the sky that one cannot think (all that often, although it happens) of meeting.
I'd rather see a guys feet closeup. I understand others feel differently.

05-29-2011, 04:36 PM
I hope this won't turn into some kind of a bashing thread of those who like celebrity feet. It already is. Partly. :/ :p

First of all, I wanted to say the exact same thing like akeel, except that he phrased it much better. :)

Personally, I've never been very interested in those "posed" foot pics and vids, where you have some random guy displaying his feet in 10-minute vids, or 2 guys randomly licking each other's feet...just like that. No interaction of any other kind, if you get what I mean.

For me, I don't care about celebrity feet, just because they're celebrities. A guy doesn't have to be famous. I'm attracted to 'unintentional', every-day situations. So if we get a movie scene with some (preferably hot:D ) guy propping his bare feet on a table, full display, that will definitely turn me on much more than seeing 2 strangers licking each other's feet for 10 mins. Maybe it's the lack of context, dunno. Hope you get what I mean.

I guess it's because of the lack of such experience in real life. If I would have a boyfriend, I guess I wouldn't be looking for other guys' feet on the internet, famous or not. :D

05-29-2011, 07:53 PM
I fully agree, as celebrity feet are no different than anyone elses. Give that hot guy's body & feet who works at Pet Smart any day!!!

There's a guy which works at our local WalMart, and everytime I see him I drool, as he is hot as hell! He wears nice casual shoes, and he has the sexiest size & shape feet, (I would say his feet are about 9's). I would love to see his legs & feet naked, as I imagin they are awesome as hell, not forgetting his prick & bush, I love a thick manly bush, with a nice happy trail leading down from the belly button.

"Snowfanatic", you are totally correct in what you say, as it takes real erotic love making between the guys to turn me on. Not some staged scene, where there's no real sexual attraction between the guys, who are just going through some directed action. You can't fake sexualy attracted sparks between people!

05-29-2011, 10:38 PM
SnowFanatic and Alexandre are making a lot of sense when they talk about context and erotic lovemaking. Many of us are not stimulated much by the sight of a foot, pretty or ugly, bare or shod, if it's not attached to a face, a person, a somebody. If the foot is attached to a somebody and that somebody meets another somebody - ah! then the magic can start. The two interact, relate, move, drama begins, erotic movement continues, sparks begin to fly - and then sex becomes interesting. It's the context that does it. Making love means people doing something, not just lying there passively, and they'd better have faces and something distinguishing about them besides a big toe and a powerhouse dick if they're going to hold our interest. Just my opinion.

Celebrity or ordinary Joe who lives down the street? Well, if he's a celebrity, we already know something about him and can use him in our imagination more easily for a fantasy ideal. The guy down the street? Can't say. Don't know him. I kinda like celebrities. The guy down the street is so remote.

05-30-2011, 01:02 AM
For me, them being a celebrity doesn't have much of anything to do with it. If I see any cute guy, on the street, at the mall, or wherever, I'm gonna want to see their feet. But celebrities are often cute guys, so it makes sense I'd want to see their feet too.

There may also be something to the "want something you can't have" aspect of things.

05-30-2011, 02:28 AM
I'm more interested in pics and vids of average guys but in a way how is lusting after pics of those guys I'll never meet different than lusting after celebs? What's the point of sites like Jock Foot Fantasy, My Friends Feet etc (or even Bubbafeet, a site I love btw) then? None of us will ever experience time with those men except the webmasters.

05-30-2011, 03:11 AM
I'm attracted to 'unintentional', every-day situations. So if we get a movie scene with some (preferably hot:D ) guy propping his bare feet on a table, full display, that will definitely turn me on much more than seeing 2 strangers licking each other's feet for 10 mins. Maybe it's the lack of context, dunno. Hope you get what I mean.

Same thing here.

For example, when someone intentionally licks my feet, it's fun for the first 15 minutes of so, but afterwards it becomes boring. But I love the unintentional foot action I get. For example, I'm a Muslim and I was sitting on the floor in a mosque with a group of Muslims and one Somalian Muslim man commented on how I was sitting on the floor and he reached over and rubbed my sole for a few seconds. I instantly felt a sexual shock go through my body because I wasn't expecting it.

Another time, I was riding in a car with the same Somalian guy and he asked if I had enough room in the back seat and he reached down and touched my sandaled feet.

And yet another time, I was doing a sleepover at the mosque and the same Somalian guy wiggled my toes as I was sleeping to wake me up.

I just realized this but I think this guy might have a foot fetish.

05-30-2011, 11:07 AM
I disagree with you, Mr. McGraw, as someone said before, celebrities usually are hot. And for people like me, seeing hot feet in hot people it's a plus.
However, I agree partly with you, sometimes there are lots of non famous guy who have got nice feet, and is very productive thing showing pics of them or telling stories.
We have different tastes, MCgraw, but I love that! I do respect it. Not because we like male feet we ALL have to like the same things. Some, like me, prefer the typical "model type" guy, tall, defined body, cute face...but it's good to see other opinions, that's why this is a forum. :) That's what diversity is about!
For example: I admit I'm fascinated with big huge feet (like basketball players size), and some time ago, many forumers said they disagreed with me, that size was not important.
The fact that we all like different stuff about male feet makes this board entertaining! :) Again, that's diversity!

05-30-2011, 07:26 PM
It's good to read all these posts, for it's teaching me a thing or two about the rest of the membership. The more I understand you guys, the better a job I can do as a moderator.

Keep the words coming.

06-02-2011, 12:49 AM
It's just about fantasizing.

Just like guys lust over celebrities like Megan Fox. Obviously they would never have sex with her in real life, but that doesn't mean they can't fantasize about it or appreciate her sex appeal.

06-03-2011, 06:24 PM
I don't click on pictures of celebrities simply because they're celebrities. I don't give a shit who they sleep with, how they vote, where they purchased their children, what they're wearing, what they're driving, where they're living, or anything else. I seriously don't give a shit about any of that. I don't care who wore what and who walked on what color of carpet. They're just people and their shit stinks just like mine.

However, if someone posts a pic of a particular celebrity that I happen to think is hot (Jason Statham) then I will definitely look at the pic. Not because he's a celebrity (I don't give a shit) but because he's fucking hot and any pic (clothed, shirtless, feet, whatever) I'm likely to enjoy. The post would have to clearly call out Jason Statham, or whoever, in the subject. If it simply said "Celebrity Feet" or some other generic subject, I wouldn't click on it.

I'm not likely to meet any of the porn stars or other random people who post their feet pictures on the internet either, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying their pics. It's pretty simple for me.

06-03-2011, 09:25 PM
LOL, I love your post Powrhaus, you think a Lot like I do. ("where they purchased their children" had me LMAO!)

I agree, its all just fantasy...I will probably never meet any of the "regular" guys whose pics I see on here or on other sites..."celebrities" are just other guys to me too, they are just people, and their status of being "famous" has nothing to do with whether I find them hot or not.

Hey Powrhaus, when are we going to finally get together in person buddy? ...You handsome devil :D


06-03-2011, 09:31 PM
In large part I agree with you powrhaus. The thing about mass fascination with mass media celebs that has become so generalized in U.S. society today, in my view, is that this phenomenon is merely yet another prime example of the degree to which people--massaged constantly by mass media--live 'virtual-reality lives', and virtual reality is not existential reality, it's pretend reality. I personally think it is unfortunate that so many guys who are 'into' male feet prefer to and choose to live a pretrend (fantasy) life instead of getting off their duffs and actually enjoy real encounters/relationships with other real-life guys. Just my two cents worth.

06-04-2011, 10:40 AM
Hey Powrhaus, when are we going to finally get together in person buddy? ...You handsome devil :D

Trust me when I say that if I am EVER out your way, I'm looking you up!

06-04-2011, 10:43 AM
I personally think it is unfortunate that so many guys who are 'into' male feet prefer to and choose to live a pretrend (fantasy) life instead of getting off their duffs and actually enjoy real encounters/relationships with other real-life guys. Just my two cents worth.

I loved this part of your post. Too many people keep their male feet fantasies to themselves. I personally LOVE when I find another guy who is into feet as much as I am and can meet them for some real encounters. Unfortunately they are few and are between.

06-04-2011, 11:49 AM
I'm someone who's big into pop culture, so there are certain celebrities who's feet I'd love to see as well as some that I've seen pics of that I find attractive. But hey it's just fantasy! Doesn't matter if I'll ever meet them in person. What's the difference between looking at foot pics of just regular guys on this site? I'm really not into random foot hookups like so many of these guys are on here. And if someone on here lives in a far away state or another country who's a memeber here and posts pics.... it's just like the celeb thing. I can admire their feet and maybe make a comment on their thread, but what are the odds of me meeting them in person? Maybe slightly better if they happen to travel to Jersey or NYC where I live or the off chance I take a trip to them...but more thatn likely it will never be more than me looking at their pics and giving compliments and sometimes being snubbed like reg celebs do! LOL

06-04-2011, 03:05 PM
powrhaus, I read you loud and clear--and of course agree with your comments. I'll tell you a little "secret", though: It's been my experience that most guys (definitely including the guys who live in your area) with whom you can engender a man-to-man intimate relationship--and in my personal experience that would include at least one-out of-every-3 guys--will be wide open to letting you enjoy their feet; but, you do have to tell a man what you want from him, meaning, here, his feet.

06-04-2011, 03:10 PM
I don't mind the occasional "celebrities" post. I probably was more interested in that when I was younger. I really enjoy much more shots of members soles or their buddies.

06-04-2011, 03:12 PM
powrhaus (part 2): I've never had any guy react poorly to me wanting to enjoy and play with his feet, and that's the truth. If you candidly tell a man that you think his manly feet are sexy and hot, men don't go into "icks". They'll feel flattered (even if sometimes a bit surprised), and if you tell the guy, as you're playing with his feet, how hot and sexy they are to you, how good they smell to you, and how much you're enjoying playing with his feet, a man won't find that at all 'weird'. He'll be happy and glad that his feet have turned you on and flattered that you really want and enjoy them. Just don't act embarrassed or ashamed to state to him that you want his hot feet. Since it's HIS feet you're reacting to, he'll accept it and enjoy the attention.

06-04-2011, 07:23 PM
I agree with the posters who say that they´re not into the celebrity culture.
Neither am I, but since I´m gay and have a strong foot fetish it´s just logical
to be attracted to good looking dudes and wonder what their feet look like, and
being grateful for being able to see pics of them. Which reminds me, many, many
thanks to members like Footlover28 and others who have been posting all those wonderful
pics of celebrities feet over the past several weeks. It is much appreciated!! May that
thread last forever!

And by the way, thank god the warm weather is back! I went down to my city´s
arts festival, and as I was about to leave, saw a guy with the most incredible looking bare
feet! They had to at least a size 14, with very tanned tops and beautiful, long, well tapered
toes! I had to force myself to stop staring at them! I might take another trip down
there tommorrow too. Maybe I´ll get lucky again, and see some more feet as nice as
his were!