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View Full Version : Pic Request for Jerry Seinfeld

03-08-2009, 10:09 PM
There's been a lot of pic requests going around, and a lot of them have seemed to pay off, so I thought I'd give it a try.

I seem to recall a publicity or magazine shot of Jerry in a bathtub, with his soles prominently displayed (although maybe a bit out of focus). Anyone got it? I've tried to google it, but if it came up, I missed it.

Thanks in advance!

04-04-2009, 05:47 PM
Why would you want to see Jerry's feet? Just had to ask.

04-05-2009, 04:20 PM
Why would you want to see Jerry's feet? Just had to ask.

Hey Twinkletoes, totally understand why you're asking (personally, I don't find Seinfeld that attractive) but keep in mind that everyone has their own tastes and we shouldn't be making someone feel weird or wrong for wanting to like what they like. That's why I ended up staying at Footbuddies for all these years - society always made us feel weird about our foot fetish, so why would we want to make our brothers feel awkward and start playing school playground games?

Not lecturing, just pointing that out ... food for thought for a fellow foot friend.

Peace and Ciao!