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View Full Version : SNL - Lady Gaga "Born this way"'

05-23-2011, 09:49 AM
Did anybody get any capts of Lady Gaga's magnificent rendition of her "'Born this way"' number Saturday night? And those wonderful dancers? Did you notice they were dancing (ahem! ahem!) very barefoot...???

05-23-2011, 07:03 PM
Did anybody get any capts of Lady Gaga's magnificent rendition of her "'Born this way"' number Saturday night? And those wonderful dancers? Did you notice they were dancing (ahem! ahem!) very barefoot...???

wow i didnt think anyone would bring up this topic :D i love Gaga and I did notice her dancers . I have been dying to see pics of her backup dancers Mike Silas and Jeremy Hudson , they look like they have incredibly hot feet :P


http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110323013524/ladygaga/images/d/dc/58761_432906231434_230244091434_4818586_7125537_n. jpg

05-24-2011, 05:57 PM
I saw her for the first time on SNL, and I was impressed! She not only plays the piano, but she can really sing! (not just talk her way thru a song like some rapper. Anyone could do that!). And she can dance with the best of them...she even handled the skits with aplomb.
I'm 55 y.o., and I didn't think I'd ever like someone new again.
A friend of mine who's a professional dancer said that dancers usually have ugly feet due to all the abuse they're subjected to, but I'd like to decide that for myself....

05-25-2011, 05:52 PM
(not just talk her way thru a song like some rapper. Anyone could do that!).

There is so much WRONG with that statement I don't know where to begin.

05-27-2011, 10:58 AM
Lady Ga Ga is a very talented artist and I'm studying very seriously her CD album released just this week. The title of her album is "'Born This Way"' which was one of the numbers she and her barefoot dancers did on Saturday Nite Live. I have just one itsy bitsy complaint. The booklet with the lyrics. I can't read it. Not even with a magnifying glass! The print is so small and I can't understand why. I LOVE Lady Ga Ga! I love her songs. I love her lyrics. I can hear the songs. But I can't read the lyrics!

Why do they do that? To make it worse, the title of each song is printed in bold red letters that obscure half a line throughout the booklet. I am just so upset.

But I will always forgive Lady Ga Ga. Even if she sends her dancers to my house and has them beat me up for badmouthing the booklet - provided of course she has them beat me with their bare feet! OOOOOHHHH! Just thinking about it gave me an orgasm!